MarsCon 2003 is over! Please visit our MarsCon 2004 pages.
At-the-door rates are now in effect:
Adults (13 and over) -- $50
Children (6 - 12) -- $25
Persons with supporting memberships may convert them to full adult memberships by paying an additional $25 at any time up to and including at the door.
Single-day rates are also available: $20 Friday only, $25 Saturday only, $20 Sunday only. Remember, we will not be able to accept credit cards at the Con.
February 28 - March 2, 2003
Bloomington, MN
MarsCon 2003 contacts: - General questions - Pre-registration - Webmaster
MarsCon 2003 home page
Historic pages: 2002 --
2001 --
2000 --
Words from the Pres of FenSF
© 2002-2003 FenSF
This page last revised January 12, 2006 at 01:47 PM