MarsCon Movie Night
Fri./Sat. Feb 22/23, 11:30 pm
Plaza Maplewood Theater
All Seats: $4.00
Charity Auction for Camp Heartland
This will be the fourth time our Charity Auction will benefit Camp Heartland, the world's largest camping and outreach program for kids affected by HIV or AIDS. Thanks to your generosity in the past this has been one of our most successful events at MarsCon, and the 2002 auction should be the best ever!
We're happy to announce that Guest of Honor John Levene has generously offered to serve as auctioneer for the first half of the Charity Auction! Thank you, John!!
"But," you're probably asking, "what sorts of things will I be able to bid on at the auction?"
Well (deep breath)
- Assorted items & collectibles
- A "100 Cats" hat
- Friendship bracelets
- Gold Pokemon cards
- Wallet
- Baby sunshade boat
- Umbrella
- 2 Santa Bear plates
- Boys shirt with Dino on it
- Super art set
- CONvergence t-shirt (size L/autographed by Michael Sheard & Peter Mayhew)
- Ghosts of Mars cards
- Books
- Little Golden Book - A Collection of Stories
- Jackie book (very collectible)
- Short Cuts to Better Living book
- The Wubbulous World of Dr. Seuss
- Decorations
- Indoor/outdoor lights
- Blue Bird lights
- Tree ornaments from Poland
- Harry Potter
- Harry Potter lights
- Harry Potter Christmas Stocking
- Harry Potter ornament
- Sports
- Vikings t-shirt
- Boys Vikings vest (size XL)
- Mens Vikings sweat shirt (size L)
- Vikings Beanie
- Twins shirt
- Star Trek
- Toys
- 2 wooden animal puzzles
- 2 Rat Fink die cast with figure
- Little owl stuffed animal
- 2 small stuffed owls
- 3 race cars
- 2 small stuffed owls
- Millennium bear
- 8 Beanie Babies
- Snowman Beanie
- Angel bear
- White bear with outfit
- Twin Peaks
- "Diane..." The Twin Peaks Tapes of Agent Cooper (audio tape)
- Videos
- Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea: The Collector’s Edition (5 tapes)
- A Dangerous Man: Lawrence After Arabia (features Ralph Fiennes)
- Autographed photo of DeForest Kelly (Dr. McCoy in Star Trek - The Original Series), with certificate of authenticity (minimum bid $75)
- Autographed photo of Ted Raimi (Joxer on Xena: Warrior Princess) (minimum bid $15)
- Life Book "America Revealed: Tracing Our History Beneath the Surface and Behind the Scenes"
- Rolling Stones magazine with X-Files Under Cover on the cover (May 16, 1996)
- Autographed audio tape: Lorie Line Open House / Intimate Piano Arrangements
- Art of Shen Ku - "The Ultimate Traveler's Guide Of This Planet" (copyright 1999 by Zeek)
- DVD of "Michael" starring John Travolta, Andie MacDowell & William Hurt
- Bearwear pin
- Looney Tune dangler of Michigan J. Frog
- Muffy VanderBear (teddy bear with stand)
- Handcrafted metal purse
- Glamour Chik 2-piece lavendar outfit, size L
- "Old Friends" matted Celtic watercolor painting
- "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" 2002 Calendar
- Navy blue t-shirt featuring blue glitter dragon, size 4XL
- Black t-shirt for Quark's Bar Promenade, size L
- Book, "How to Draw Celtic Knotwork: A Practical Handbook"
- Book, "A Chakra & Kundalini Workbook" by Dr. Jonn Mumford (Swami
Anandakapila Saraswati)
- Book, "The Complete Book of Essential Oils & Aromatherapy" by Valerie Ann
- Book, "Meditations for Healing" by Larry Moen
- Book, "Celtic Myths and Legends" by T.W. Rolleston
- Book, "Spiritual Growth: Being Your Higher Self" by Sanaya Roman
- Book, "The Foundation Trilogy" by Isaac Asimov
- Book, "SF-Lite" by Isaac Asimov
- Book, "In Honor of Isaac Asimov/Foundation's Friends" edited by Martin H.
- Book, "Star Wars: Dark Apprentice" by Kevin J. Anderson
- Book, "Star Wars: Dark Force Rising" by Timothy Zahn
- Book, "Star Wars: The Last Command" by Timothy Zahn (2 copies)
- Book, "Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squadron" by Michael A Stackpole
- Book, "Star Wars: The Han Solo Adventures" by Brian Daley
- Autographed group photo with such celebrities as John Anthony Blake,
Peter Davison, and Lis Sladen
- 7 issues of DWB, a Doctor Who fanzine
- 2 issues of Fantasy Empire, featuring Doctor Who season guides
- 2 issues of Doctor Who Monthy magazine
- TV Zone magazine, features Patrick Troughton as Doctor Who
- Program Book for Visions 1996 Chicago, autographed by almost ALL the
Guests (Colin Baker, Ben Bass, Richard Biggs, Claudia Christian, Stephen
Greif, Michael Keating, Mark Ryan, Yee Jee Tso, Philip Segal, Sarah
Sutton, Lalla Ward, Deborah Watling, Jessica Kindzierski, Chesca Potter,
and Gary Russell)
- 12 issues of Whovian Times, a publication by the Doctor Who Fan Club of
- 1987 Doctor Who and Science Fiction Fan Club News Letter, produced by the
Minnesota Dr. Who fan clubs
- Knee high, vinyl black boots with lots of buckles (about a size 9 1/2
Women's) with black leggings
- Studded, black leather belt
- Drinking horn
- LP: Leonard Nimoy Presents Mr. Spock's Music from Outer Space
- LP: Leonard Nimoy Outer Space/Inner Mind
- LP: Inside Star Trek
- LP: Ray Bradbury The Martian Chronicles, Read by Leonard Nimoy
- LP: Music from the 21st Century
- LP: Henry Kuttner Mimsy Were the Borogoves, Read by William Shatner
- Action Figure: Abomination, from the Incredible Hulk
- Action Figure: Astro City Samaritan
- Action Figure: Rob Liefeld's Prophet
- Action Figure: Squeaky, from the Virus Collector Series
- 2 Action Figures: Sinthia, Princess of Hell
- 4 Action Figures: Hari Kari
- 5 Action Figures: Hellina
- Doctor Who Book "The Unfolding Text" by John Tulloch and Manuel Alvarado
- Doctor Who Book "The Tardis Inside Out" by John Nathan-Turner
- Doctor Who Book "The Companions" by John Nathan-Turner
- Doctor Who Book "Collected Comics"
- Doctor Who Book "25 Glorious Years XXV" by Peter Haining
- The Doctor Who Technical Manual by Mark Harris
- Doctor Who Book "The Early Years" by Jeremy Bentham
- Doctor Who Book "A Celebration: Two Decades Through Time and Space" by
Peter Haining
- Autographed Photo of Robert Picardo as the doctor from Star Trek: Voyager
- "Sgt. Benton's Lonely Hearts Club Band" sketch
- other miscellaneous autographed photos...
Thanks to all of you who have donated items for the Charity Auction!
March 1-3, 2002
This page last revised
January 12, 2006 at 01:46 PM