Credits include "Langly" from The X-Files. More about Dean. Read about Dean's Friday night Improv show here!
"Chiana" from Farscape. More about Gigi.
Painter of faery and myth. More about Beth.
Author of The Dark Wing, The Dark Path, The Dark Ascent, and The Dark Crusade. More about Walter.
Film & television director. More about Paul.
World's fastest filker. More about Tom.
Soviet space expert. More about Hugh.
Ruth Berman has published fiction and poetry in many sf magazines and anthologies, small-press sf magazines and anthologies, literary magazines, etc. Recent work appears in Asimov's, Tales of the Unanticipated. Books: edited: The Kerlan Awards in Children's Literature (speeches by the award winners plus commentary on their work), Sissajig (short fantasy-fiction by Ruth Plumly Thompson), Dear Poppa (WWII family letters). Forthcoming from Prime Press: translations of 19th-century French author Charles Nodier's The Crumb Fairy and Trilby and other tales.
While he just recently published his first novel, The Shadow Chaser, he is no stranger to writing and the fantasy world. He has been an extensive reader for many years and almost always carries a book with him. He has been writing for as long as he can remember, having learned the art from his mother, Janina Birtolo, one of the most successful freelance writers in Southwest Florida.
A graduate of the Clarion workshop, Paula L. Fleming has seen her speculative fiction published in many venues, including, Tales of the Unanticipated, and the Such a Pretty Face anthology. She's also the author of the long-running Imagination's Edge column at and maintains a market list at her website. Paula lives in Minneapolis with three large dogs, two cats, one husband, and many fish.
Catherine Holm has been writing short and novel-length fiction for the past ten years and attended Clarion East in 2002. She is also a freelance writer, editor, and life coach. Her speculative fiction has been published in Electric Velocipede, Strange Horizons, and Fantastic Companions (edited by Julie E. Czerneda).
Doug Hulick has been reading, writing and watching fantasy and science fiction for almost as long as he can remember. Past stints have included free-lance writing for the role playing game industry, contract technical writing, and PhD work in medieval history. He has published short fiction in Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Magazine and Shadis, and is currently shopping his first novel about. Doug is also a member of the Wyrdsmiths, a Twin Cities-based sf/f writer's group. When not sitting at a computer, Doug studies Western Martial Arts (currently focusing on 16th century Italian rapier), which, ironically, comes in useful from time to time at his day job: stay-at-home dad.
P.M.F. Johnson and Sandra Rector have co-written many stories such as And All I See Are Dark Eyes, A Dwelling in the Evening Air, Desert Angel, Color Me Dead, and Till Death Do Us Part. Their stories have been featured in various anthologies and fantasy story collections, such as Witch Fantastic, Amazing, Whatdunits, and Xanadu 2. Johnson is an Associate Editor of Tales of the Unanticipated.
Naomi Kritzer lives in South Minneapolis with her husband, their two daughters (ages five and two), and three cats. Freedom's Sisters, the third book in her current trilogy, will come out in the summer of 2006. When not writing, she likes to cook, garden, and do elaborate art projects with her kids.
Catherine Lundoff's short stories have appeared (or will appear soon) in numerous anthologies and collections, including So Fey, Lust for Life, Amazons, Stirring Up a Storm, Such a Pretty Face, Taste of Midnight, Blood Surrender, Simulacrum, Kenoma, The Mammoth Book of Best New Erotica 4 and Best Lesbian Erotica 2006. Her story "At the Roots of the World Tree" made the 2005 Spectrum Award short list and Torquere Press recently released an ebook collection of her erotic fiction, Night's Kiss.
Rebecca Marjesdatter is a past winner of the Rhysling Award for Speculative Poetry, and the current Poetry Editor of Tales of the Unanticipated (TOTU). Her work has appeared in TOTU, The Magazine of Speculative Poetry, the anthology Women of Other Worlds, and a future issue of Asimov's Science Fiction. She lives in Minneapolis.
Kelly McCullough's first novel WebMage will be available from ACE in July '06 with a sequel following in '07. An illustrated collection of Kelly's SF shorts entitled The Chronicles of the Wandering Star is out as part of InterActions in Physical Science, a National Science Foundation-funded middle school science curriculum with an SF context. His first published story appeared in Weird Tales #317 and was soon followed by an appearance in Writers of the Future XVII. This year his poems and shorts can also be found in magazines including Weird Tales, Absolute Magnitude, Cosmic Speculative Fiction, Tales of the Unanticipated, and the anthologies The DNA Helix, Home At Last, and Tales From the Black Dog.
Lyda Morehouse writes about what gets most people in trouble: religion and politics. Her first novel Archangel Protocol, a cyberpunk hard-boiled detective novel with a romantic twist, won the 2001 Shamus for best paperback original (a mystery award given by the Private Eye Writers of America), the Barnes & Noble Maiden Voyage Award for best debut science fiction, and was nominated for the Romantic Times Critic's Choice Award. She followed up Archangel Protocol with three more books in the AngeLINK universe: Fallen Host (Roc, 2002), Messiah Node (Roc, 2003), and Apocalypse Array (Roc, 2004). Fallen Host made the preliminary Nebula ballot, and Apocalypse Array was awarded the Special Citation of Excellence (aka 2nd place) for the Philip K. Dick award. Lyda is currently working on a chick-lit vampire series writing as Tate Hallaway. The first book Tall, Dark & Dead is due from Berkley Trade in May 2006. She is a member of Wyrdsmiths and lives in Saint Paul with her partner of twenty years and their amazingly adorable son, Mason.
Ruth Souther is author of the Immortal Journey series, mythic fantasy based on Greek mythology with a new slant on the creation of our mortal world. "Tarot, tattoos, belly-dancing, kayaking, sailing, writing that first novel and having it published – all that and more after I turned forty. That’s my fantasy and I’m sticking to it."
Kathryn Sullivan writes young adult fantasy and science fiction. Her first book, The Crystal Throne, won the 2002 EPPIE for best Fantasy, and her second, Agents & Adepts, won the 2003 Dream Realm Award for Best Anthology. The sequel, Talking To Trees, was released January 2006, also by Amber Quill Press. Her short stories have appeared in magazines and anthologies. The Monster and the Archaeologists appeared in Big Finish’s Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Dead Men Diaries, The Oracle of Cilens is in Beyond the Mundane: Flights of Mind from Mundania Press, and The Diplomat’s Tale appeared in Short Trips: Repercussions,published by Big Finish. She also has a children’s picture book, Michael & the Elf, published by Writers Exchange E-Publishing. Kathryn lives in Winona, MN, where the river bluffs along the Mississippi River double as cliffsides on alien planets or the deep mysterious forests in a magical world. She is well used to dealing with alien lifeforms, as she’s owned by two birds (a cockatoo and a jenday). who graciously allow her to write about other animals, as well as birdlike aliens.
Joan Marie Verba earned a bachelor of physics degree from the University of Minnesota Institute of Technology and attended the graduate school of astronomy at Indiana University, where she was an associate instructor of astronomy for one year. An experienced writer, she is the author of Voyager: Exploring the Outer Planets (Lerner Books, 1991), as well as numerous short stories and articles. Her fan history Boldly Writing (1996), has been used as a reference work in the field of popular culture. She is one of the authors of the novel, Autumn World (Stone Dragon Press, 2000), which she wrote in collaboration with Tess Meara, Deborah K. Jones, Margaret Howes, and Ruth Berman. She is a member of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, and the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators. Her small press, FTL Publications, is a member of the Midwest Independent Publishers Association. She is the producer of a public access TV show, TV Bookshelf, which has filmed interviews with a number of genre authors.
Straight outta Iowa, Eric Coleman does some folk, some filk, most of which for the purpose of comedy. He's a middle age rocker looking to 'bang his bald spot', and entertain convention crowds with his wit and style. Come see him kick off the Saturday afternoon MarsCon 2005 Dementia Concert Series.
Darker than darkwave. Colder than coldwave. So cold, it's frozen on a stick. The Gothsicles. Also known as "...the best gothic-industrial-nerdcore-comedy band in the multiverse..."
The greatest band ever to come out of Cypress California, formed as an emissary of comedy rock to the world. On television, they have appeared on EXTRA and G4's Attack of the Show. They have played in local clubs in and around Los Angeles and Orange County such as The Hard Rock Cafe, B.B. Kings, Chain Reaction, The Queen Mary, The Cat Club and The Carpenter Performing Arts Center.. Hot Waffles has also performed live with Dr. Demento and has appeared on his nationally syndicated radio show.
Making his 4th appearance at MarsCon, "the great Luke Ski" was proclaimed by Dr. Demento (at Dragon*Con no less) to be his most requested artist of the 21st Century! Come see him perform his greatest sci-fi & fandom related parody hits like "Stealing Like A Hobbit" and "Star Wars Trilogy Homesick Blues," as well as some new tunes on the subjects of SpongeBob, Firefly, and Star Wars! The guys on TechTV's The Screen Savers loved him, and so will you!
Hear the band that supersedes all boundaries of Musical Thought. A band that has embraced and catapulted all sonic frequency aspects of emotion, from happy to whimsical, from pensive to aggressive. Sadness and Bitterness and every other trait of human being emotion has been absorbed into the Psyche of the Gods of Possum Willy.
From out of the west they came (heading east on a jet of some kind), Jeff and Matt are neither 'raymond' nor 'scum' per say, but a hard rockin' duo who will serenade you about such celebrities as Demi Moore and Jeff Goldblum, the difficulty of creating a comedy CD, waking up in bed with unexpected guests, obsessed fans of theirs, and the suave sophistication of a certain Mr. Calrissian.
One of the top two rap artists of the dementia scene, Devo Spice of Sudden Death has had several hits including "Dead Rappers," "South Park Junkie," "OzzMan," and his newest hit "Inner Voice." You'll dig this New Jersey Battle of the Bands contender's full multimedia performance, so come hear his new tunes about business jargon-babble, unwanted internet advertising, and American idols.
A fan favorite on the long-running, nationally syndicated Dr. Demento show, award-winning songwriter and Professional Smart Aleck Carla Ulbrich has been compared to the likes of Weird Al, Chet Atkins and a bologna sandwich. A better guitar player than most bologna sandwiches, the South Carolina native and former school band geek has a BA in Music which she currently uses to cover a hole in the wall. She made her singing debut at a pig pickin' on Spring Break in college and has released 3 CDs: Her Fabulous Debut (1999), Professional Smart Aleck (2003) and Sick Humor (2004).
When you think of comedy based synth punk acts, you think of Worm Quartet. ShoeBox, the only member of the band, was recently featured on VH-1's Totally Obsessed, in which he discussed the life blessing virtues of Pac-Man. He also grabbed the #1 spot on Dr. Demento's Funny 25 of 2004 with his ex-girfriend anthem "Great Idea For A Song." Come get your brain twisted into a balloon poodle by this amazingly bemulleted wonder of the frozen tundra of Rochester, NY.
David Christenson is a journalist, photographer, dealer in used and rare books, ex-beekeeper and movie buff who lives in Minneapolis.
Robert Dante is an internationally recognized bullwhip expert who has presented performances, workshops and demonstrations in San Francisco, Las Vegas, Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Los Angeles, Portland, Phoenix, Chicago, Columbus, New York City, Boston, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Dallas and Houston. Dante is a member of the Wild West Arts Club, and he writes a monthly column for Wild West Performers Magazine Online. He is founder and coordinator of L.A. Whip Enthusiasts, and he was the bullwhip coach at the Dream Circus in Hollywood before he moved to San Francisco. Dante has cracked the whip on numerous TV shows, including Blind Date, Playboy TV's Night Calls, KTLA's Morning News, The Eclectic Mind, Blitz, Envy TV, HBO's Real Sex, Sin City, and others. Dante also has spoken about whip cracking on many radio programs, from Texas to Australia. Dante set the first Guinness World Record for "World's Fastest Whip" at Dream Circus in September, 2003. On September 20, 2004, Robert Dante cracked a 6-foot bullwhip 214 times in 60 seconds at the Spirit of the West Festival in Sioux Falls, SD, beating his old record by 11 cracks. With his performing partner Tina Nagy, Dante travels the US to present bullwhip shows, including blacklight bullwhips. Dante and Nagy are members of the Wild West Arts Club, the Western Arena Arts Club, and the Guild of Oriental Dance.
Born with an inquisitive mind and believing that all things are possible, Joe Julian began his expedition into the unknown when he was only about a year old when he tried adjusting the reel-to-reel tape recorder. When he was 16 years old, he ran a business for a local entrepreneur who turned over the day-to-day activities of building, configuring, troubleshooting, setting up, and maintaining business computers throughout the Greater Puget Sound area. Then he added software analysis and program writing to his resume at the age of 17. As the computer industry exploded into the future, so did Mr. Julian. He built and maintains his own computer business, operating throughout the Pacific Northwest, and owns and operates several web-based businesses.
Meanwhile, not content to watch from the wings and having been interested in space science since he was little, he has had his eye on the exciting LiftPort venture. He is so sure that they are the future, that he has spent considerable time and energy promoting them. In fact, he is so sure about where they are headed, that he has begun the process of selling his computer business and has accepted the position of Executive Vice President of Media at LiftPort.
Our 2002 Featured Guest, Craig Lang is the coordinator of field investigation for Minnesota MUFON, the local chapter of the Mutual UFO Network. He investigates sighting and close encounter reports in the Twin Cities and surrounding areas. Craig is a Certified Hypnotherapist, with the National Guild of Hypnotists. His "day job" is as a computer engineer, working with an electronics firm in the Twin Cities. Mr. Lang has been interested in astronomy, ET life and UFOs since childhood. He is an amateur radio operator (KCØZH), and also dabbles in writing science fiction.
"Rocket Woman" & "Rocket Man"
For the past ten years, Jodi Michaelson has been involved in the world of rocket powered vehicles. In 1995 she launched her home made rocket into the record books with an altitude of over 31,185 feet. In 2004 Jodi and Ky were members of the C.S.X.T., the first amateurs in the world to officially launch a rocket into space, with an altitude of 72 miles and a speed of 3,420 mph. Jodi has also set records on her rocket powered sled and rocket powered bike. She soon will be taking on a new challenge and that is to be the first woman to fly a Rocketbelt. Her husband since 1951, Ky Michaelson, 'The Rocketman', is currently building a belt for himself and is taking his experience from that project and others to re-design the whole rocketbelt concept, and to build a belt that will not only will be easier to fly, but will have a flight time of over a minute. This will revolutionize the whole concept of one person rocket flight, and will obsolete the current rocketbelt design. Ky has worked on over 200 films, television programs and commercials, as well as the majority of stunt specials that have been seen on TV over the past 30 years.
As a world traveller and technologist, Ken Moses has lived with and studied the transit systems of many cities -- including New York, London, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, Hamburg, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Oslo, Sydney, Auckland, Toronto, Montreal, Washington -- as well as regional transportation systems. As you might expect, in his high-school years he was a model-railroad enthusiast and a frequent participant in science fairs. He has a technology degree from Carnegie Institute of Technology (now Carnegie Mellon University), where he was one of an early generation of computer geeks as well as Chief Engineer of the radio station, and where they are developing automatic-driving cars; and he's spent much of the past twenty years working with and advocating for people with disabilities, and served two years on the Stillwater Human Rights Commission.
Kent Nebergall is the son of a former test pilot and an artist. He has been an avid follower of space technology since Apollo-Soyuz, when he was seven years old. In 2004, Kent won the Kepler Prize for Mars Mission Design from the Mars Society, and was later part of Mars Desert Research Station Crew 32. He has done space technology presentations for Mensa,The Mars Society, Toastmasters, and several science fiction conventions in the Midwest. His Mars Society papers is included in On To Mars, Volume 2 from Apogee Press. He has recently become a NASA/JPL Solar System Ambassador (NASA-trained volunteer lecturer). Kent is a knowledge management consultant in the Chicago area.
Brian K. Perry is an aspiring fiction writer, a scholarly horror aficionado, an old-time radio buff, a Toastmaster, and a member of the Board of Directors of the "dark-fantastic" convention, Arcana, and its Sponsoring Organization, Minn-Con. He lives in Anoka.
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MarsCon 2006
March 3-5, 2006
Holiday Inn Select, Bloomington, MN
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