Blue Mars
The MarsCon film room will be located in the Executive Conference room - on the second floor near the Art Show and Main Stage. Blue Mars will once again feature its mix of SF films, Anime, and quirky fan films.
Preliminary Blue Mars Schedule and Descriptions
4 pm - Fan Films
Back by popular demand, Blue Mars brings you a
selection of some of the best short films created by
fans, including an amusing spoof of a certain Joss
Whedon show named after a nocturnal insect.
5 pm - MarsCon Retrospective Slideshow
Now that we’re all at the eighth MarsCon, it’s time to
look back at the fun we’ve had over the years. Here’s
your chance to reminisce on the fun of previous years
or to find out what went on the years that you were
unable to attend. Pictures of all seven prior
conventions will be shown.
8 pm - Anime
(Titles TBA)
10 pm - Night of the Living Dead
Widely considered to be one of the best horror films
ever created, George Romero’s 1968 classic is finely
crafted, despite its low budget. The film centers on
the conflicts amongst a group of people trapped in a
farmhouse that has been surrounded by zombies. Not for
the young or squeamish. Not rated, 96 minutes
10 am - Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning
Ever wonder what would happen if the universes of Gene
Roddenberry’s Star Trek and J. Michael Straczynski’s
Babylon 5 were to collide? Well, a group of fans in
Finland has come up with one possible answer in this
spectacular feature length film that has to be seen to
be believed. Full of humor, action, and
knock-your-socks-off special effects, Star Wreck is
both homage and spoof. Not rated, 1 hour, 45 minutes,
in Finnish with English subtitles.
12 pm - Anime
(Titles TBA)
2 pm - Paul Lawrence on Film
Guest of Honor Paul Lawrence presents films he
created, including the following:
Questionableinfo: A 30 minute UFO movie. Is the US
Government building secret flying saucers? Is the
Bible really about Venusians' activity here on earth?
Are beautiful women trying to steal our men? Are bug
eyed aliens trying to steal our women? Did a Chinese
explorer really dig through the earth just to see if
you do come out in America? Well, maybe not in this
case, but these are all real UFO theories and
Questionableinfo is the 30 minute comedy made to send
them up!
What people are saying about Questionableinfo
"Now finally I know the truth, I think." -- Rene Auberjonois
"Mind Bending" -- Avery Brooks
"More fun than a room full of humans." -- Alexander Siddig
"And I thought all aliens were from Earth." -- Nana Visitor
Journey to a Dream: Poet Doc Martin Jacques lives in
three cultures, the Navajo, that of America outside
the reservation and Hollywood. His poem, "Dream"
explores the interrelationship of those cultures. The
film, Journey to a Dream is a visual interpretation of
that exploration. Running Time: 18 minutes
Dreamer: Do you ever wonder about what could have
been? Wonder about a lost love or a road not taken.
This multi-award-winning film explores how different
generations experience these issues in a concise and
wonderfully poignant story.
Street Part B: This film was presented as part of the
Museum of Modern Art's "Information" show in 1970 and
remains in their collection.
4 pm - Soviet Space Disasters
Guest of Honor Hugh S. Gregory presents a look back at
the early era of Space Exploration by the former
Soviet Union, including some of their more notable
successes, and their previously secret and hidden
space disasters.
10 pm - To Be Announced
Check your program book when you arrive at MarsCon
??? - Anime
times and titles to be determined
MarsCon Contact Information (or email info--2006 mail addresses disabled
© 2005 FenSF, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This page last revised April 09 2015 22:22:58.
MarsCon 2006
March 3-5, 2006
Holiday Inn Select, Bloomington, MN
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