1600 Friday, May 11th -- 1800 Friday, May 11th | |||
Time | Room | Event | Presenters |
Description | |||
1600 | E. Ballroom A | Future Cops | Mod. Erik Pakieser Lyda Morehouse |
What sort of police will we have in the future? What sort of criminals? | |||
1600 | Krushenko's | The Impact of White Heterosexual Males on SF or Vice Versa | Mod. Harry LeBlanc Paula Fleming Eleanor Arnason |
That often disregarded source of SF. A tongue-in-cheek discussion. | |||
1700 | Atrium 1 | Drum Jam Class | Tod O'Donoghue |
Prepare for the Drum Jam & learn a bit about how to drum. | |||
1700 | Atrium 7 | Anime 101 | Mod. M. Taylor Kent TCAAMS |
Discovering anime. Superb japanese animation and so much more! | |||
1700 | Krushenko's | Print-on-Demand | Mod. C.J. Stone FG Joan Marie Verba Bruce Bethke Pam Keesey C.J. Stone |
What this means for you and your project. |
1800 Friday, May 11th -- 0000 Saturday, May 12th | |||
Time | Room | Event | Presenters |
Description | |||
1800 | E. Ballroom A | Farscape | WhiteStar Phoenix Jessie Berg Nina Berg Tom Erickson |
Chat about the fun, the flash... the flavor of this fine show. | |||
1800 | Atrium 1 | Home Grown Props: Blasters, Light Sabers & Phasers | Mod. Bob Poate |
How to make your own. | |||
1800 | Atrium 7 | Anatomy of a Battle | Mod. Erik Pakieser |
A detailed explanation as to what happens when two opposing forces collide. Useful for authors. | |||
1800 | Krushenko's | How Technology Changes & Defines the Arts | Patricia Wrede Bruce Bethke Pam Keesey C.J. Stone |
The effect of the computer on music, writing, visual arts, etc... | |||
1900 | Mainstage | Opening Ceremonies & SF Radio Show | MC: Steve McKillen ConCom Guests |
A fine old convention tradition. Meet the convention committee and the guests of honor, and start the convention off with a bang. | |||
1945 aprox time |
Mainstage | SF Radio Show | SOUNDSTORIES: Jerry Stearns GOH Jane Yolen GOH Michael Liebmann |
SF Radio Show to be broadcast on KFAI (90.3 FM Minneapolis; 106.7 FM St. Paul; or via internet in Real Audio at http://www.kfai.org), beginning immediately after Opening Ceremonies. "Goblin Tax", by Allen Varney --- Four young fans are enjoying their usual role playing game, when the gamesmaster unrolls a fancy parchment scroll to carry on the story. From this invocation onward, nothing about the game is usual any more. Rollicking fantasy fun, written by a master of role-playing and computer game design himself, Allen Varney, and performed by the Twin Cities' own SOUNDSTORIES: audio theater troupe. |
2000 | Atrium 7 | Designer Kids | Mod. Paula Fleming Catherine Lundoff Robert Subiaga, Jr. |
If our parents had had genetic engineering available to them, would they have had us? | |||
2000 - 2200 |
Cabana 202 | Silent Auction | ConCom |
Start putting in bids for Charity Auction items. | |||
2000 - 2200 |
Blue Mars | Music Videos | Xenaversity of Minnesota |
"Music Videos: Xena to Buffy to Farscape" | |||
2100 | Mainstage | Media Guests Take the Stage | GOH Bill Blair GOH Carl Talliaferro RG Lisa Getto RG Debbie David |
MarsCon Guests, past and present, share behind-the-scenes stories about their experiences with show business, in Hollywood, and on the sets of SF shows such as Star Trek, Babylon 5, Alien Nation, Buffy, Sliders, X-Files, & Crusade! | |||
2100 | Martian Music Room - Cabana 115 | Karaoke | Ben Lessinger |
Nightly Karaoke | |||
2100 | Atrium 1 | Filk 101 | GOH Michael Liebmann |
Introduction to filk. It has been described as "science fiction folk music, but a whole lot more." Now's your chance to learn all about it. | |||
2100 - 2300 |
Atrium 7 | UFOs and Investigation of UFOs | Mod. Joel Henry Craig Lang MUFON |
A discussion about what we MUFON Investigators do, how we do it, our records, methods, manual, and some of the more interesting things we have found. | |||
2200 - 0000 |
Mainstage | Dance | DJ: John Allen |
Science fiction & fantasy themes in the music this year. Stop in and tap your toes for awhile. | |||
2200 | E. Ballroom A | Men in Tights | Mod. Anna Everling |
Be afraid... Adults only, please. | |||
2200 | Atrium 1 | Mars Exploration | Mod. Ben Huset MN Space Frontier Society |
Mars missions, past & present. | |||
2200 | Phobos Filk Annex - Cabana 203 | Filking | Rich Brown |
Nightly filking begins. | |||
2200 | Poolside Party Cabanas | Party Judging | Malasondra, Mistress of Mischief |
Party judging begins. | |||
2300 | Atrium 1 | Sci-fi Gizmos A-Z: Fiction or Reality? | Mod. Brinn Hemmingson Bruce Bethke Erik Pakieser |
In keeping with the 2001 theme (i.e. all the things that coulda or shoulda or were predicted to be here), let's look at many of the sci-fi inventions that are now common place. Example - Star Trek's Tricorder (now exists); the doctor's life monitor (now exists) and those lovely little communicators so like our cell phones. | |||
2300 | Atrium 7 | Wheel of Sci-fi | U.S.S. Czar'ak |
Fan trivia game show. | |||
0000 | Mainstage | Drum Jam | Tod O'Donoghue |
Bring your drum and thrum, thrum, thrum... | |||
0000 | Atrium 7 | Aliens: the Erotic Possibilities & Why We Explore Them | Mod. Paula Fleming Catherine Lundoff |
From kemmering in the "Left Hand of Darkness," to Octavia Butler's Oankali, the possibilities are endless. |
1000 Saturday, May 12th -- 1500 Saturday, May 12th | |||
Time | Room | Event | Presenters |
Description | |||
1000 - 1200 |
Mainstage | Masquerade Rehearsal | Masq. Director: Anna Everling MC: Steve McKillen |
Masquerade participants get ready for the big event. | |||
1000 - 1200 |
Garden Court | Fan Faire | MarsCon various sf/fantasy clubs |
Mingle with representatives from local fan clubs and other fannish organizations | |||
1000 | Atrium 1 | Model-building Techniques, Tips & Chit-chat | Mod: Roger Sorenson |
Some examples of Roger's work may be found here | |||
1000 | Atrium 7 | Comic Art Discussion and Demonstration | GOH Christopher Jones |
Discussion of the comics industry, the process of creating a comic, and Christopher's work in particular with a visual presentation. | |||
1100 | Atrium 1 | Science Fiction as a Vehicle for Self Transformation | Mod. Jane Dusek Mary Loving |
A 3-year MarsCon tradition. | |||
1100 | Atrium 7 | Reboot Reborn | WhiteStar Phoenix Jennifer Steadman Mickie Erickson |
Cool computer animation: Animation of Mainframe Entertainment | |||
1100 - 1800 |
Cabana 202 | Silent Auction | ConCom |
Continue bidding on Charity Auction items. Some items available for pay & pickup starting at 5pm. | |||
1200 | E. Ballroom A | Robot Sumo | The Twin Cities Robotics Club Erik Shetney Richard Caylor Rand Whillock |
A hard science demo involving autonomous robots. You can see more about this on the web here or here | |||
1200 | Atrium 7 | Babylon 5: to be continued? | WhiteStar Phoenix Nina Berg Kevin Borchers Jennifer Steadman Jessie Berg Mickie Erickson |
Who are you? What do you want? These and other burning questions for fans of the show to ponder, plus the latest news. |
1200 | Krushenko's | How Fantasy Has Changed over the Years | Mod. P.M.F. Johnson GOH Jane Yolen Eleanor Arnason |
A discussion about the evolution of the fantasy genre. | |||
1300 | Mainstage | Kahless in Wonderland | IKV RakeHell Laura Thurston |
Klingon mainstage performance. | |||
1300 | Dealers Room | Autographs | FG Joan Marie Verba Ruth Berman Margaret Howes Deborah K. Jones |
Featured Guest Joan Marie Verba, Ruth Berman, Margaret Howes, and Deborah K. Jones will be autographing their new novel "Autumn World" | |||
1300 | Atrium 1 | The Secret is in the Accessories | Gordon Smuder Jennifer Menken |
Come on in and we will show just how important and easy adding accessories to your costume can be. Everyone coming to this panel will get a free mystery accessory and we will dress-up two people using the the dreaded "bathrobe" as a base. Good sources and techniques for everything from jewelry to weaponry will be demonstrated and discussed. | |||
1300 | Atrium 7 | Toys in Space | Mod. Ben Huset MN Space Frontier Society |
How do your favorite toys work in outer space? What would a Nerf basketball do? Or, how about magnetic marbles? A hands on A/V demonstration for grade school kids and people of all ages. | |||
1300 | Krushenko's | Literary Reading | Lyda Morehouse |
Lyda Morehouse reads a sample of her written work aloud. | |||
1300 | Blue Mars | Witchcraft in Science Fiction: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly | Mod. Katze Ludeke |
A showing of films with discussions between each showing of paganism as shown in science fiction / fantasy movies, from warlocks to fairy godmothers to the old deities. | |||
1300 - 1530 |
Garden Court | Dungeons & Dragons for Girls and Boys | Mod. Michael Kauper |
A brand new Dungeons and Dragons adventure for girls and boys, ages 6-12. No experience necessary, advanced players welcome. Must be able to read some. Characters will be provided. A parent must be present to register the child into the game. | |||
1400 - 1600 |
Mainstage | Sci-Fi Makeup Demonstration | GOH Carl Talliaferro GOH Bill Blair |
Guests of Honor Carl Talliaferro and Bill Blair demonstrate & discuss techniques in applying sf character makeup. | |||
1400 - 1600 |
Parking Lot | Computer Smash | U.S.S. Nokomis |
Strike any key when ready. | |||
1400 - 1600 |
Blue Mars | Music Videos | Xenaversity of Minnesota |
"Music Videos: Xena to Buffy to Farscape" | |||
1400 | Atrium 7 | Peter Pan Complex | Brinn Hemmingson GOH Jane Yolen Harry LeBlanc C.J. Stone |
WHY are so many men into being Peter Pan? What sci-fi characters reflect the Pan in their roles and what do women in real life And in Sci-Fi do when they find they are partners with Peter Pan (ie., be his Mother?) The idea springs from an increasingly large number of men coming forward (or being shoved into the light) who reveal their inability to admit having decided somewhere never to grow up. In Sci-Fi, is Q a version of Pan? Is Data looking for him? Is Peter Pan fantasy or Sci-Fi and how common is this theme. |
1400 | Krushenko's | The Clarion Workshops | Mod. Paula Fleming, Peg Kerr |
Six weeks of heaven, or six weeks of hell? And then what happens? | |||
1500 | Mainstage | Sci-Fi Makeup Demonstration Continues | GOH Carl Talliaferro GOH Bill Blair |
Guests of Honor Carl Talliaferro and Bill Blair demonstrate & discuss techniques in applying sf character makeup. | |||
1300 | Dealers Room | Autographs | Mary Monica Pulver |
Mary Monica Pulver will be autographing her novel "Murder at the War" | |||
1500 | Atrium 7 | Golden Moldies: Filking | GOH Michael Liebmann |
Those filksongs always asked for at conventions that most people don't want to hear anymore. This would include the famous / infamous "Banned from Argo," telling of the escapades of the Enterprise (original) once upon a shore leave. | |||
1500 | Atrium 7 | Humor in SF / Fantasy | Mod. Patrick Fisher Harry LeBlanc George Richard C.J. Stone |
TV shows, movies, and novels that have taken a humorous bent toward stories and characters. Examples such as Mel Brooks' 'Space Balls,' Monty Python's 'The Search for the Holy Grail,' and the recent 'Galaxy Quest.' Also such items as Mark Hamil appearing on "The Muppet Show" as himself and Luke Skywalker, the Donny and Marie Show doing a 'Star Wars' themed song and dance number, and the 1978 'Star Wars' special. | |||
1500 | Krushenko's | Research on the Web | Mod. Sandra Rector |
Discussion about this great resource for writers. |
1600 Saturday, May 12th -- 1800 Saturday, May 12th | |||
Time | Room | Event | Presenters |
Description | |||
1600 | E. Ballroom A | Storytelling Improvisation | GOH Jane Yolen Paula Fleming Peg Kerr Robert Subiaga, Jr. |
Audience participates by calling out suggestions as storymakers weave a tale. SF / Fantasy situations only. | |||
1600 | Martian Music Room - Cabana 115 | Concert: The Nick Atoms | The Nick Atoms |
A music force beyond all comprehension! Doctor Ted Nelson, renegade scientist, has stumbled across an awesome energy source: The 'Nick' Atom! Taking a chance, he harness this new, strange power within two robots that he has built. Their names, Coburn and Wyngarde! Together, this musical trio will divulge into the Science Fiction universe like no one ever has! Together, They be lost in space ending up in the 25th century hoping that Doctor Who can send them a six million dollar man to defeat Bigfoot and Wildboy to escape from New York and leave the land of the lost behind. This is no ordinary band. This is no ordinary show. Don't miss your chance to be atomized! |
1600 | Atrium 1 | Guns of Hollywood | Mod. Erik Pakieser Bruce Bethke |
A look at some of the most prolific weapon seen in media. Why were these weapons choosen? Would they be used in real life? | |||
1600 | Atrium 7 | International Space Station News | Mod. Ben Huset MN Space Frontier Society |
The International Space Station, the largest cooperative program in history, combines the resources of 16 nations in scientific research. Get the latest information on the program. | |||
1600 | Krushenko's | Literary Reading | Catherine Lundoff |
Catherine Lundoff reads a sample of her written work aloud. | |||
1700 | E. Ballroom A | How to Keep Going When it Seems So Hopeless that You Want to Give Up | Mod. Sandra Rector Eleanor Arnason Lyda Morehouse FG Joan Marie Verba |
Hope for writers. | |||
1700 | Atrium 1 | The Mother Goddess (the Trinity) in Cultural SF | Mod. Katze Ludeke C.J. Stone |
An overview on the triple goddess in science fiction, reflecting different cultures and times. Panel discussion. | |||
1700 | Krushenko's | The Haunting: The Anatomy of a Classic Horror Film | Mod. Pam Keesey |
In 1999, Steven Spielberg and Jan de Bont embarked on a remake of Robert Wise's 1963 classic horror film The Haunting, convinced that the film would be better if we could all see the "monster" of Hill House. By all accounts, the Spielberg / de Bont effort was a miserable failure. By concentrating all of their efforts on CGI (computer-generated imagery) special effects, they failed to notice what made Wise's film so memorable - a careful attention to storytelling, character development, and presentation. Join Pam Keesey, author of "The Power of Suggestion: Why Robert Wise's 'The Haunting' Continues to Deliver the Goods to Modern Audiences" for an in-depth discussion of Wise's masterfully disconcerting tale of haunted houses, haunted psyches, and the paranormal. | |||
1700 | Atrium 7 | Where is Doctor Who Heading to? | The Celestial Affiliation of Time Lords The Doctor Who Viewing Society |
Hear the latest news about everyone's favorite time traveler. | |||
1800 | E. Ballroom A | Regional Conventions & Fandom | Mod. Eric Heideman GOH Chris Jones GOH Michael Liebmann Jim Beecher Rick Gellman Art Johnson others TBD |
A roundtable discussion featuring representatives from many local volunteer-run conventions. Subjects discussed will include the nuts & bolts of convention organizing, goals of various conventions, and the similarities & differences between conventions and organizers. | |||
1800 | Atrium 7 | Open Mic Poetry Reading | Host: Laurel Winter |
Bring poetry to share. | |||
1800 - 2000 |
Atrium 1 | Close Encounters: Reality in the Present Day | Mod. Craig R. Lang |
This talk is intended for believers and skeptics alike. No claim is presented as to the explanation for the phenomenon, but will assume that sightings and encounters occur - not all of them explained. This talk presents an overview of the close encounter phenomenon, as it is reported by experiencers in the present day. It describes Close Encounter events of the 4th kind (CE4s, a.k.a. UFO abductions), some of the dynamics of the CE4 phenomenon, indicators of the presence of this phenomenon, and the effect that it has on the reality of the experiencer. |
1900 Saturday, May 12th -- 0000 Sunday, May 13th | |||
Time | Room | Event | Presenters |
Description | |||
1900 | Atrium 7 | Literary Reading | Robert Subiaga, Jr. |
Robert Subiaga, Jr., reads a sample of his written work aloud | |||
1930 | Mainstage | Masquerade | Masq. Director: Anna Everling; MC: Steve McKillen |
Costume contest. | |||
2000 | Mainstage | Masquerade & Half-time Show | Masq. Director: Anna Everling MC: Steve McKillen Half-time Show: GOH Michael Liebmann |
Costume contest, half-time entertainment, then prizes to the winners. | |||
2100 | Mainstage | Vessel Celtic Rock Concert (immediately after Masquerade) | Vessel Celtic Rock |
A concert & dance. | |||
2100 | Martian Music Room - Cabana 115 | Karaoke | Ben Lessinger |
Nightly Karaoke | |||
2100 | Atrium 7 | Love Bites | WhiteStar Phoenix Mickie Erickson Christine LaBounty Michael Lee Lyda Morehouse |
A Buffy / Angel discussion. | |||
2200 | Mainstage | Vessel Celtic Rock Concert | Vessel Celtic Rock |
A concert & dance. | |||
2200 | Atrium 1 | The Good, the Bad & the Ugly of Alien Biology | Gordon Smuder Jennifer Menken |
Using Earth biology as a template, which aliens hold up the best and which are just plain dumb? We will briefly visit ten of best and worst media aliens and talk about some of the best alien concepts from the Earth's world of biology. Bring along your own opinions. | |||
2200 | Atrium 7 | Military Technology Update | Mod. Erik Pakieser Bruce Bethke |
What's new with military technology? What's coming? Has any of this been predicted (or missed) in sci-fi? How will the environment of other planets affect warfare? What will combat in space be like? | |||
2200 | Phobos Filk Annex - Cabana 203 | Filking | Rich Brown |
Nightly filking. | |||
2200 | Poolside Party Cabanas | Party Judging | Malasondra, Mistress of Mischief |
Party judging begins. | |||
2300 | Mainstage | Drum Jam | Tod O'Donoghue |
Bring your drum and thrum, thrum, thrum... | |||
0000 | Mainstage | Drum Jam | Tod O'Donoghue |
Bring your drum and thrum, thrum, thrum... | |||
0000 | Atrium 7 | Punnel | Brian LaBounty |
Phun with puns. |
1000 Sunday, May 13th -- 1300 Sunday, May 13th | |||
Time | Room | Event | Presenters |
Description | |||
1000 | Mainstage | Charity Auction | ConCom |
Raise money for Camp Heartland. | |||
1000 | Atrium 7 | Owls as Magic | Mod. Ruth Berman GOH Jane Yolen Loui Pieper |
Discussion will touch upon Jane's book "Owl Moon." | |||
1100 | Mainstage | Charity Auction concludes | ConCom |
Raise money for Camp Heartland. | |||
1100 | Atrium 7 | Harry Potter | Mod. P.M.F. Johnson GOH Jane Yolen |
What makes the books so special? | |||
1100 | Atrium 1 | Literary Reading | Laurel Winter |
Laurel winter reads a sample of her written work aloud. | |||
1200 | Mainstage | Concert for Children | GOH Michael Liebmann |
A very special concert. | |||
1200 | Mainstage | Prop Building for Film | Gordon Smuder Jennifer Menken Bob Poate |
What you can and cannot hide. Cheap things can often be substitutes for the real thing on film, but for some items it's the real thing or nothing at all. In other words, vinyl may be a good replacement for leather, but sweatshirt fleece always looks like sweatshirt fleece. Also bring along your best example of spot the prop. (Is that really an "abdominizer" behind G'Kar?) | |||
1200 | Atrium 1 | Literary Reading | FG Joan Marie Verba |
Joan Marie Verba reads a sample of her written work aloud. | |||
1200 | Krushenko's | Fat Cats vs. The Beautiful People | Mod. Harry LeBlanc Paula Fleming Catherine Lundoff Lyda Morehouse |
How body image, class, sex, and race are related in literature and real life. | |||
1300 | E. Ballroom A | Low Cost Special Effects | Mod. Ernest Meyer Laura Thurston George Richard KV RakeHell |
IKV RakeHell members are often asked how they do the special effects in each "klingon" show. Here is a live demo with computers and gear, crowd involvement, and tapes for volunteers starring in their own show. | |||
1300 | Atrium 1 | Finding the Tao in Science Fiction | Mod. Katze Ludeke C.J. Stone Robert Subiaga, Jr. |
A panel discussion on the lessons of the Tao as they appear throughout science fiction books, movies, and other mediums (with a focus on the Matrix and Star Wars). | |||
1300 | Atrium 7 | Potential Scenarios of ET Discovery and Contact | Mod. Craig R. Lang |
What would the ramifications be of the discovery of, or contact with, extraterrestrial life. We can imagine that the reaction of humanity would be far different to the discovery of a meteorite in Antarctica with 4-billion year old nano-fossils from Mars, than if the aliens landed on the white house lawn. This talk will explore some scenarios of possible ET life discovery and ET contact based upon work by a number of science writers and futurists. With each scenario, we will look at the strangeness of the idea, and social resistance to it. | |||
1300 | Krushenko's | Literary Reading | GOH Jane Yolen |
Jane Yolen reads a sample of her written work aloud. | |||
1400 | Mainstage | Inside the Alien | GOH Bill Blair |
Bill Blair has worked as an alien on such shows as Alien Nation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Babylon 5, and Sliders. Now's your chance to hear all about it and ask questions. | |||
1400 | Atrium 1 | Meet the Exec for MarsCon 2002: The Magic of Fantasy | 2002 Exec Committee |
In with the new! Hear the latest on next year's MarsCon. Who is on the committee? What is being planned? Where will it be? When will it be? Why do it again? | |||
1400 | Atrium 7 | Toys in Space | Mod. Ben Huset MN Space Frontier Society |
How do your favorite toys work in outer space? What would a Nerf basketball do? Or, how about magnetic marbles? A hands on A/V demonstration for grade school kids and people of all ages. | |||
1400 | Krushenko's | The Care and Feeding of a Writers' Group | Mod. Harry LeBlanc Lyda Morehouse Patricia Wrede |
The pros and cons of joining a writers' group, and how to keep it strong. | |||
1500 | Mainstage | The Fan Show | Steve McKillen Brian LaBounty |
Klingons on trampolines? Well..maybe. | |||
1500 | Atrium 1 | A Robot in Every Home | The Twin Cities Robotics Club Bryan Andersen Richard Caylor William Crolley Bob Odegard |
What is need for home robots to become a standard consumer electronics product, and what will their impact on society be? | |||
1500 | Atrium 7 | Infinite Diversity through Infinite Combinations | Mod. Anthony Armor RG Debbie David |
In the third season of classic Star Trek, there is an episode entitled "Is there No Truth in Beauty?" In the episode, Mr. Spock discusses the Vulcan philosophy of I.D.I.C. (Infinite Diversity through Infinite Combinations). In the 30+ years since that episode aired there have been many examples of diversity exhibited on Star Trek. We will be discussing the many examples of I.D.I.C. that have been shown on Star Trek from classic to Voyager. | |||
1500 | Krushenko's | Comics to the Big Screen | Mod. Eric Heideman Bruce Bethke Brinn Hemmingson GOH Christopher Jones Robert Subiaga, Jr. |
A discussion of the movement of comics to big screen (X-men being a prime example). Batman and Superman are other older examples. | |||
1600 | Mainstage | Closing Ceremonies | ConCom MC: Steve McKille Guests |
Bid a fond adieu to MarsCon 2001, with many thanks to volunteers! |
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This page last revised January 12, 2006 at 01:50 PM