Whether you want to participate, or just come to see all the amazing creations, Masquerade is definitely one of the highlights at MarsCon!

Be you a novice, journeyman, master costumer, or just want to exhibit and show off, all are welcome!
Masquerade starts at 8:00 pm Saturday on our Main Stage!

Entering Masquerade is easy! Here’s how:
  • Sign up in person during con in our Masquerade Lounge (2nd floor) OR print out the registration form below and turn it in to the Masquerade Lounge when you come to con.

  • Come to the mandatory Masquerade orientation on the Saturday of the con and give us your registration form. If you’re entering a judged category, you will pick a judging time during orientation.

    That’s it! Easy!

Participating in Masquerade Rules and Info (all rules and info are subject to change up until the Masquerade)

Masquerade is divided into two categories: Judged Entries and Exhibition Only (non-judged).

Judged Entries:

  • There are 5 categories for judged entries: Novice, Journeyman, Master, Performance/Skits and Youth.
  • There are 6 award categories: Best Novice, Best Journeyman, Best Master, Best Youth, Best Performance, and Best in Show. Additionally there may be up to 3 Judge’s Choice awards. 
  • Judging for Novice, Journeyman & Master will be based on workmanship and stage presence (poised, confident, have attitude, and engaging with the judges and audience).
  • Judging for Performance only will be based only on your skit/dance, not your costume. 
  • Solo entries will have up to 30 seconds on stage and groups will have up to 1 minute. 
  • For Performance/Skit you can do a skit or short dance to act out your character. Any dialogue or music must be pre-recorded.
  • For whatever kind of performance you choose to do, you’ll want to have stage presence and be as engaging as possible with the audience and the judges!
  • In order to be eligible to win Novice, Journeyman, Masters, or Best In Show, your costume must be 75% made by you from raw materials using any number of techniques. Your costume may also be constructed by significant modification of existing garments, objects, materials, etc. The remaining 25% allows for support garments or hard to construct components that are included in your cosplay (footwear, belts, socks, gloves, crinoline hoop, etc).
  • For Performance/Skits your costume can be made by you, store bought, or commissioned, since you will only be judged on your skit or dance, and not your costume. 

Exhibition Only Entries:

  • Exhibition only (or “Runway”) costumes are non-judged, just for fun to show off! They can be store bought, commissioned, made by you, etc. 
  • Individuals will have 30 seconds to walk on, strike some poses, and walk off. Groups will have up to 1 minute.

All Entries (Judged and Non-Judged Exhibition Only):

  • Minimum age for Masquerade entry is 6 years old, and MUST be accompanied by an adult at all times. 
  • Ages 6 – 14 will be in the youth category for judging, and will be judged separately from all other entrants. Youth category is not eligible for Novice, Journeyman, Master, or Best in Show awards. ALL entrants 14 and under MUST have a parent/guardian present at all times during all portions of Masquerade.
  • For youth entrants ages 6-14, a parent/guardian/someone else can assist with your costume design & construction.
  • For all other (judged) entrants ages 15+, you must have made your costume without assistance to be eligible for a Best Novice, Best Journeyman, Best Master or Best in Show award.
  • Group entries are limited to 6 members.
  • ALL Masquerade participants including parents/guardians must be registered for MarsCon, and must adhere to all MarsCon Policies.
  • Your MAX presentation time on stage is up to 30 seconds for individuals and up to 1 minute for groups. You don’t have to take all that time if you don’t need it. 
  • Exhibition-only costumes are not eligible for any of the judged awards
  • Retail store bought costumes or costumes that are commissioned are exhibit only or Performance only. They are not eligible for Best Novice, Journeyman, Master or Best in Show.
  • If you’ve won Best In Show at MarsCon for a specific costume, you cannot compete in Masquerade with that same costume, but we’d love to have you do Exhibition only to show off your winning costume! Costumes that won at other costume contests are fully eligible to compete at MarsCon Masquerade.
  • No live dialogue on stage. Your entire stage presentation (dialogue, music, etc.) must be pre-recorded.
  • Props and costumes that are oversized or present mobility issues should be discussed with the Masquerade director during orientation, since you need to be able to get on and off stage without injury to yourself, others, or destruction to your surroundings. All props must follow MarsCon Props Policies.
  • Stage fighting may be approved, but must be run past the Masquerade director in advance.
  • No smoking or smoke effects whatsoever on stage.
  • Handler: each entrant may have ONE handler to assist them in the green room. They may walk you up to the stage entrance, but NOT go on stage with you. 
  • Masquerade is rated PG-13 (parental guidance advised). No nudity, and if your costume is tight, overly revealing, etc, you must have proper support/modesty garments underneath.
  • Food in the green room: be mindful of any food or drink you have with you- you don’t want to spill on someone else’s costume or bring something in that could cause a food allergy to someone else. NO open drink containers, everything must have a lid or cap! 
  • Liability Waiver Form: EVERYONE will need to sign the Liability Waiver Form at the mandatory Masquerade orientation on Saturday. 

Masquerade Participation Schedule:

  • Saturday 11amOrientation – There is a mandatory orientation for everyone who is participating in Masquerade (judged and exhibition).  We’ll talk about the Masquerade schedule, judging, (and exhibition only), have you sign up for a judging time for judged entries, and answer any questions you have. Your registration form and Liability Waiver need to be completed and turned in to the Masquerade directors at orientation. Any pre-recorded sound/music you have will be handed in at that time (bring in a copy of your soundtrack on a USB thumb drive – .mp3 preferred, but .wav will also work).  After orientation, all are welcome to stay for a presentation on how to enter a costume contest. 
  • Saturday 5pm – Workmanship Judging begins- all contestants being judged for workmanship were assigned a time during orientation. Please come to judging in full costume, including any props, full makeup, etc.. 
  • Saturday 7pm – Rehearsal for EVERYONE. This will be a quick walkthrough for everyone (Judged costumes AND Exhibit). You do not have to perform your full skit/routine on stage if you have one, but rather, this is a rehearsal walk on and off stage, and a double check on your tech (music or voiceover) to make sure we have the right audio cues, and that everything is working correctly.
  • Saturday 8pm – The Masquerade show begins! 
     -Just before the contest, all Masquerade entrants will be lined up in order of their appearance on stage, and then they will be led back stage, where they will be called onto the stage one at a time by the emcee.
     -When your time is done on stage, contestants will exit through the backstage and go to the back of the audience where they can watch the rest of the contest. After all entrants have been on stage, there will be a short 15 to 20 minute intermission while the judges tally the scores. During this intermission, all contestants will return to the Masquerade Lounge green room.
     -After intermission when the judging concludes, the winners will be called out from the green room and escorted back stage, where they will wait to be called up for the awards. All other entrants may go to the back of the audience to watch the awards. 
     -After awards are over, winners will be asked to go to the photo backdrop in the hallway, where their pictures will be taken. Photos will be posted on the MarsCon website along with a list of the winners. 

Hallway Costume Contest:

  • Throughout MarsCon weekend, our secret judges will be roaming the halls, looking to award Hallway Costume Winners!  We’ll be looking for interesting, fun, and exciting costumes.  Winners will receive a special button, bragging rights, and your picture posted on our website and social media pages!  We might even try to persuade you to enter in our Masquerade!

Check out these great costumes from Masquerade and Hallway at MarsCon.

Picture of Delenn costume from Babylon 5
Group picture of Star Trek "red shirts" who have met their demise.
Picture of professor McGonagall from Harry Potter
Group picture of Lock, Shock and Barrel and Oogie Boogie characters
Cosplayers at Marscon
The Grinch and Santa at Marscon
Picture of Cain and chestburster costume from Alien
Picture of cosplayers using lightsabers
Picture of a Borg costume from Star Trek
Picture of 18th century Star Trek cosplay

For all things cosplay and costuming, check out our Masquerade Lounge. It will be PACKED with costume related panels and presentations.