Program Schedule

MarsCon 2025 Program Schedule - updated March 04, 2025 02:16 CST

10:00am Friday

The Bridge opens - 1st floor, Meadows
This is the place to go for any problems during MarsCon weekend. It is a communications hub with the ability to help in most situations—lost child, last minute programming schedule change, AV needs, problem attendee, hotel issue, weapons peace bonding, after hours registration, volunteers dispatch, or drop off for food shelf and charity auction donations. This is the place to go. Located at the bottom of the grand staircase by the main entrance. ... Everyone

12:00pm Friday

Registration opens - 2nd floor booth
Pick up badges & programs, purchase swag, and start checking out the spaces, volunteer to help out if able. After-hours, you may register at the Bridge (1st floor, near Hotel front desk).

Food Drive: MarsCon will be accepting food donations for the Food Group, a network of food shelves, during the convention.

If you are registering at the door for MarsCon 2025, you can get $5 off your registration by donating 5 cans of food, limited to one discount per person. (Please note, the $5 discount cannot be applied to Day Passes.)

If you are a party host and would like to help out, we encourage you to collect donations and bring them to the donation area at the Bridge by Sunday.

If you are attending and would like to donate, please drop off your donation at Registration, the Bridge, or a participating party room. Thank you for your donations and generosity!
... Everyone

01:00pm Friday

Art Show opens! - 1st floor
Art Show
Bid on a masterpiece! Open for Bidding, Art Market, and Quick Sales ... Everyone

03:00pm Friday

Book Exchange - 2nd floor
Re(a)d Mars
(Eagle’s Nest)
Do you have a book you’ve read and want to share? Bring it to the book exchange! Bring a book or get a book. There are no limits on books and we only ask that you enjoy your read.

Book Exchange will be found in the Re(a)d Mars — for novels, miscellaneous literature, and other SF/Fantasy/Speculative Fiction.

Please bring one or more books you would like to donate, and feel free to take a book for reading later. Any unclaimed books will be donated to the Charity Auction which takes place on Sunday morning on the Mainstage.
... Everyone

03:00pm Friday

Prop-A-Torium 18 opens - 2nd floor
(White Pelican Bay)
Located in White Pelican Bay, at the far end of the hall

The Prop-A-Torium has an extraordinary display of some of the most unusual and fabulous handmade and collected props. From popular movies, television shows, and other media events over the past 60 years! Not only that, the room is staffed by the people who made and collected them! It’s great to see the impressive skill and care that went into some of these magnificent pieces.

Enjoy props related to Indiana Jones, Wizarding World, Star Trek, Star Wars, Stargate, Middle Earth Saga, James Bond, Marvel Cinematic Universe, and so much more from movies and television shows. We have Fan-Made Props, “Officially Licensed” Props, and a few actual screen-used props; even those high-end collectibles we all covet from Sideshow, Master Replicas, Warner Brothers, and more!

If you like swords or lightsabers, bullwhips, or blasters, come by the Prop-A-Torium! Photos will be allowed in the Prop-A-Torium, but please ask us if you can touch or take videos of the props you see.
... Everyone

03:00pm Friday

Dealers Room & Makers Market open - 2nd floor
Ballroom I/II - Buy something fun!

There are new Dealers & some older Dealers with new merchandise. Many are offering “Con Theme” oriented merch at Great Prices: jewelry, tote bags, plushies, costumes, accessories, articulated dragons, figurines, books, toys & more. Many local authors that like to talk. Some Dealers are in the hall/foyer area. All hours are posted by the Dealer Room door, in the program book & pocket program…

... Everyone

04:00pm Friday

Setup, Sound Check & Rehearsal
(Ballroom III/IV)
Getting ready for Opening Ceremonies, etc… ... Chairs, ConCom

04:00pm Friday

Speed Friending!
(Executive Boardroom)
Speed Friending is one of MNeurodivergent's signature events. Similar in idea to speed dating, but for friendship! Two rows of people sit across from each other. They then talk to that person across from them for 5 minutes. In order to help the conversation going, we have sheets of Ice-Breaker questions available. Important note about speed friending: It is not separated by gender, age, race, sexual identity, etc. Everyone will have an opportunity to talk to everyone, time permitting! ... Mitchell P Schaps

04:00pm Friday

Arming Your Costume: Prop guns and other weapons on a budget
Masquerade Lounge
(Blue Heron Colony)
Want to "accessorize" your costume with weapons, but aren't sure where to start? Erik Pakieser of Scifirepower will demonstrate tips and tricks for acquiring and building prop weapons on a budget, and keeping your weapons con-friendly. ... Erik D Pakieser

04:00pm Friday

Trailer Park 2025: Movies
Free Mars
(Cardinal Perch)
Check out trailers for the movies coming out this year. Be on your top game when conversing with other folks here at MarsCon! Be ready for that panel! Plan what you are going to see next weekend? Don’t miss THE TRAILER PARK! Titles TBA. ... Everyone

04:00pm Friday

The Outer Limits Fan Panel
Re(a)d Mars
(Eagle’s Nest)
More than just Twilight Zone’s geeky younger sibling, the Outer Limits gave us decades of intriguing, thought-provoking, suspenseful, and of course entertaining sci-fi stories. Join panel of fans as they discuss their faves from the often overlooked anthology. ... T. Aaron Cisco, mod.

04:00pm Friday

Teen Training - 14+
Creative Planet
(Mallard Point)
Are you a teen who is frustrated with having to let the adults use the glue gun? Can you use the glue gun at home or school? Well, come to this training to learn our room rules and the safety guidelines, earn a button that shows you are allowed to use the glue guns. Volunteer for at least one other craft to show off your newfound privilege. ... Jen

04:00pm Friday

Anime by request
(Owl Overlook)
... Anime/YA

04:00pm Friday

Science Room opens - 1st floor
Science Room
Located in Woodlands, between the Front Desk & Restaurant

Come see how we are transforming science fiction into science fact! Visit the Science Room to view and interact with science exhibits.
... Everyone

05:00pm Friday

Elon Musk in Context
(Executive Boardroom)
Panel Discussion
Elon Musk is not the first wealthy technologist to get involved with politics. Ben Franklin, Paul Revere, Eli Whitney (for a while), Cornelius Vanderbilt, John Ericsson, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Herbert Hoover, Charles Lindberg, Howard Hughes, William Shockley, David Packard, William Gates, Jeff Bezos and others through history have combined technological business success with sometimes questionable political involvement. How different is Musk? Is there a good Elon and a bad Elon, or are they somehow one and the same person?
... G. David Nordley

05:00pm Friday

Sewing Tips and Tricks for Newbies
Masquerade Lounge
(Blue Heron Colony)
... Rae Lundquist

05:00pm Friday

Trailer Park 2025: TV Series
Free Mars
(Cardinal Perch)
Check out trailers for the TV series coming out this year. Be on your top game when conversing with other folks here at MarsCon! Be ready for that panel! Plan what you are going to see/stream next weekend or next month. Don’t miss THE TRAILER PARK! Titles TBA. ... Everyone

05:00pm Friday

Children's Fantasy & SF
Re(a)d Mars
(Eagle’s Nest)
Discussion about recent books and trends, as well as the books you loved as a kid. “Sometimes, writing for children focuses a writer into some of her/his finest work” —Terry Pratchett ... David Lenander, Kathryn Sullivan

05:00pm Friday

Bookmarks and Buttons - AA
Creative Planet
(Mallard Point)
Make a bookmark or a button, or both! Both is good! This will run three times and will be for all ages every time. ... Cindy, Brittany

06:00pm Friday

Propmaking 101
Masquerade Lounge
(Blue Heron Colony)
Erik Pakieser of Scifirepower shares nearly 40 years of experience in prop building. We'll do a deep dive into the process of prop making, including design, selecting materials, assembly, painting, weathering and display. If you've got a project in mind and no idea how to start, this presentation is for you! ... Erik Pakieser (Scifirepower)

07:00pm Friday

Opening Ceremonies
(Ballroom III/IV)
Thank you for joining us for the 27th annual MarsCon Sci Fi/Fantasy/Gaming Convention! We will open MarsCon with live sketch comedy, welcome and introduce our wonderful Guests of Honor, and learn important stuff that will help you get the most out of MarsCon 2025. ... Chairs, ConCom and Guests of Honor Jason Carter, Brandie Hanson, Ozgur K. Sahin, John S. Hall, Stephen Tunney/Dogbowl, Susan Hwang

07:00pm Friday

Chain Maille
Masquerade Lounge
(Blue Heron Colony)
... Gerald Dagle

07:00pm Friday

Faeries - 14+
Creative Planet
(Mallard Point)
Did you just complete your teen training? Itching to use the glue guns?? Use your new permissions and create a faerie friend for your weekend adventures, and then you will have a friend for life. Just don't take any trinkets it offers you... Those pesky Fae! ... Jen

07:00pm Friday

Prop-A-Torium Closes
(White Pelican Bay)
Thank you for visiting! Come back tomorrow! ... All

07:00pm Friday

Art Show Closes
Art Show
There is an art, it says, or rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. … Clearly, it is this second part, the missing, which presents the difficulties.

Please come again tomorrow and place another bid on that piece you love. Support local artists!
... Artists & Fans of Art

07:00pm Friday

Science Room Closes
Science Room
"The universe is under no obligation to make sense to you." - Neil deGrasse Tyson ... All

07:45pm Friday

How Rogue Can You go?
(Ballroom III/IV)
A full-length Comedy Improv story to fill in the details of what occurred during the Opening Ceremonies by having the Audience answer the question "What if"
What if...the audience dictated plot-twists, script direction, cast changes, and character development from interaction throughout the show.
What if indeed
... Variety Exhumed

08:00pm Friday

Life on Set: Guest of Honor Jason Carter
(Executive Boardroom)
Perhaps best remembered for his portrayal of Marcus Cole in Babylon 5, Jason began his career in London. Since he landed in America, Jason has had roles in many TV productions including Viper, Beverly Hills 90210, Roar, 3rd Rock from the Sun, Charmed, Lois and Clark and Angel . Film work includes Georgia, The Mesmerist, Wild Obsession, Dakota Road, The Emperor’s New Clothes and King David. Most recently, Jason appeared alongside Woody Harrelson and Liam Hemsworth in the 2016 western drama, The Duel. ... Jason Carter, GoH

08:00pm Friday

Working With Leather
Masquerade Lounge
(Blue Heron Colony)
... Todd Murray

08:00pm Friday

New at Disney Parks
Free Mars
(Cardinal Perch)
Join us for an exciting and magical journey as we explore the latest and greatest updates coming to Disney Parks in 2025! Whether you're a seasoned Disney fan or a first-time visitor, this program is your ultimate guide to all the new attractions, shows, dining experiences, and magical moments awaiting you at Disney Parks worldwide. Stay up-to-date with what's new and discover how Disney continues to innovate and enchant visitors of all ages. ... Tony Artym, Seykahr Amrod

08:00pm Friday

Fun Free Writing tips (you can actually use)
Re(a)d Mars
(Eagle’s Nest)
Tired of advice like "just write"? JOin this panel of authors and writers who sharing their weird, wild, and totally stealable tips that’ll make your word count soar faster than your coffee intake. ... T. Aaron Cisco, C. M. Alongi, Patrick W. Marsh

08:00pm Friday

Masks - 14+
Creative Planet
(Mallard Point)
Have you gone rogue? Need a disguise? Use your new glue gun permissions to create just such a look as befitting a proper rogue. Sorry kids, tonight is just for the teens to practice what they learned in training. ... Jen

08:00pm Friday

Movie TBA
(Owl Overlook)
... A/V Room with GPS

09:00pm Friday

(Ballroom III/IV)
MeowMeme is the comedy music alter ego of Alexann, daughter of comedy musician Carrie Dahlby, and has attended the MarsCon Comedy Music Track every year following her birth year. She has performed during the FuMP Jukebox and at the Comedy Music Smackdown in years past, and last year she and her new persona performed a 15 minute comedy music concert of her own to kick off our Sunday concert block, and this year she’s doing it again with some brand new songs! Her first song, done with Carrie Dahlby and darkNES of the Gothsicles, “Woodland Creatures”, can be heard at the FuMP dot com. ... MeowMeme

09:00pm Friday

Star Trek Prosthetics: Dos and Don’ts
Masquerade Lounge
(Blue Heron Colony)
Bill Hedrick will discuss the various types of prosthetics and techniques while transforming a model into Dr. Phlox from Star Trek Enterprise . Questions encouraged. ... Bill Hedrick

09:00pm Friday

My experience with the 60 in 3 & 20 and back USAF space programs.
Free Mars
(Cardinal Perch)
In 1972 I was in the USAF. I did a 60 years in 3 earth days program based with Caucasian Aliens. When I returned I was tested and read into a 20 and back program. My 50 year Non-diclosure agreement (NDA) has expired and I can talk about some of what these programs are about. To keep me on track, I use a power point presentation. Q&A after if time permits. ... Joe Swenson

09:00pm Friday

Re(a)d Mars
(Eagle’s Nest)
Flying cars, bending space and time, telepathy, life on Mars, genetic engineering, rogue robots, dystopian governments, etc... Which overused tropes should be avoided? What tropes have changes? Can your favorite trope be redeemed or refreshed? ... Kathryn Sullivan, Ozgur K. Sahin, C. M. Alongi, M. R. Moraine

09:00pm Friday

Room Closed for the night
Creative Planet
(Mallard Point)

09:15pm Friday

Worm Quartet
(Ballroom III/IV)
Worm Quartet is a comedy music project created by Timothy F. Crist who uses the stage moniker ShoEboX and performs fast, synth-driven, pseudo-metal punk/pop. The band was formed in 1991 and its name is a reference to cartoons Crist used to draw.

Worm Quartet's I Bit William Shatner was featured as a Top 5 song on the Dr. Demento Show in 2001, Frank's Not In The Band Anymore was Dr. Demento's 2nd most requested song of the year in 2002, Great Idea For A Song was the most requested song in 2004, You Were Wrong Cabinet Sanchez reached #15 in 2006, and Fueled By Angst reached #7 in 2014. The Ballad of Doctor Stopp was nominated for a Logan Award in 2013 after having previously won the Outstanding Original Comedy Song award in 2011, Fueled by Angst, and Math is Bulls**t (featuring Insane Ian) were both nominated in 2015, and I Don't Matter (featuring Chris Mezzolesta) was nominated in 2017.
... Worm Quartet

09:30pm Friday

Friday Night Karaoke
(Executive Boardroom)
Sing and sing along. ... MusicBox Entertainment & Singers

09:30pm Friday

Movie TBA
(Owl Overlook)
... A/V Room with GPS

09:45pm Friday

The Odd Ditties
(Ballroom III/IV)
Austin Aeschliman has been performing for years, both solo and as a part of bands under many different names, including Odd Austin, Smashy Claw, Rycehat, Killer Calamari, Soul Phage, not to mention a number of collaborations with other bands. This year at MarsCon, Austin is here as “The Odd Ditties”. Austin is also one of the founders of Needlejuice Records, an independent record label specializing in the physical release of alternative music. Formed in September 2017 by Austin, Jace McClain of Nuclear Bubble Wrap, and Brandon Brown, the label is dedicated to the tangible, with a goal to create high quality vinyl records, cassette tapes, and compact discs with ambitious aesthetic value. You’ll be able to find a lot of Needlejuice Records vinyl and other merch at their table in the dealer room. ... The Odd Ditties

10:00pm Friday

Masquerade Lounge After Hours
Masquerade Lounge
(Blue Heron Colony)
An invitation for all costumers to gather and "talk shop" about all things costuming! ... Everyone

10:00pm Friday

Last Fan Standing
Free Mars
(Cardinal Perch)
Pop culture trivia! Test your knowledge as you compete against other fans to be the Last Fan Standing.

Based on the trivia show of the same name! Come win some fun prizes or just play along from the crowd.
... Khori

10:00pm Friday

A Writers’ Conversation
Re(a)d Mars
(Eagle’s Nest)
Informal conversation amongst authors. ... Ozgur K. Sahin, T. Aaron Cisco, C. M. Alongi, M. R. Moraine & other authors

10:15pm Friday

Nuclear Bubble Wrap
(Ballroom III/IV)
Nuclear Bubble Wrap is a psychedelic/alternative rock band from Nashville, TN. While their early work was devoted to creating humorous internet content, the band’s style evolved into whimsical art-rock influenced by Ween and The Flaming Lips. Their music is known for containing lush, multi-layered psychedelic arrangements, with catchy melodies and witty lyrics. Their live show features a bevy of masks and costumes. Founded by keyboardist Jace McLain and guitarist Kyle Thorne, Nuclear Bubble Wrap began recording home-made demo albums in 2005 before switching to fully-produced studio recordings in 2010. Some of this material was played on the Dr. Demento Show. Using the momentum from several popular viral music videos, the band built a cult following and has played in several cities across the United States. The current iteration of the group is filled out by bassist Stephen Smith and drummer Julia Larson. ... Nuclear Bubble Wrap

11:00pm Friday

Comedy Music Guests of Honor Concert
(Ballroom III/IV)
John S. Hall is an American poet, author, singer and lawyer perhaps best known for his work with King Missile, an avant-garde band that he co-founded in 1986 and has since led in various incarnations.

Stephen Tunney, also known as Dogbowl, is an American artist, musician and novelist. He is a founding member of the avant-garde band King Missile (Dog Fly Religion), and has recorded many albums as a solo act.
... Comedy Music Guests of Honor John S. Hall, Stephen Tunney/Dogbowl and Susan Hwang of KING MISSILE (Dog Fly Religion)

11:00pm Friday

2024 Movies You (didn't) Miss
Free Mars
(Cardinal Perch)
So many movies, so little time. Lots of content is being produced and released, and it's hard to catch everything. Well, this panel discussion will cure your FOMO. Join this batch of cinephiles as they dive into last year's overlooked films....that  were overlooked for a reason. ... T. Aaron Cisco, Ashley Jirak, Jim Soos, Scott Wenker

10:00am Saturday

I'll be Home for Kahless: The Hallmark Parody the Season!
(Ballroom III/IV)
A staged reading of a Klingon Hallmark Christmas Movie mashup! Samantha yearns for something more than her life on the battlefield. Could planet Earth be her answer and will she find even more than her Klingon hearts could have imagined? Put on your favorite holiday sweater, grab a bat'leth and find out! ... Just Us Theater

10:00am Saturday

How to Throw a Party (Room)
(Executive Boardroom)
... Rae Lundquist, John Garner

10:00am Saturday

3D Printing: Twin Cities Maker
Masquerade Lounge
(Blue Heron Colony)
Twin Cities Maker is a 501(c)3 educational non-profit that runs a Maker space in Seward, Minneapolis, at 3119 East 26th Street. We have over 10,000 square feet of space, and over 500 members, and all the tools needed for the Making of Things, including a full wood shop, metal shop, machine shop, blacksmithing shop, 2 large laser cutters, a bevy of 3d printers, screen printing, textile work, and more! Come learn about our org, our space, and the Maker scene! Our site: TCMaker .org ... TC Maker

10:00am Saturday

What are Furries and Why are they at my con?
Free Mars
(Cardinal Perch)
You’ve heard the term “furry” spoken among the con more within the last few years, but have no idea what they are and more importantly, why would they invade Marscon of all places? Turka Wuky is here to explain what a furry is, but why they too, would be wanting to take part in a sci-fi convention. All ages welcome panel. ... Turka Wusky

10:00am Saturday

Best of Classic Who: A Doctor Who Retrospective Celebrating the First 26+ Years
Re(a)d Mars
(Eagle’s Nest)
Doctor Who is a British science fiction television series broadcast by the BBC since 1963. The main character, the Doctor travels in the universe and in time using a time travelling spaceship called the TARDIS, which externally appears as a British police box. As the Doctor periodically needs to regenerate into a new body, the character has been recast numerous times. This discussion of “classic” Who will cover portrayals by William Hartnell, Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee, Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, as well as Paul McGann’s attempted revival of the franchise, and the movies which featured Peter Cushing as the Doctor. ... GOH Ozgur K. Sahin, Kathryn Sullivan

10:00am Saturday

Journals and Pens - all ages
Creative Planet
(Mallard Point)
Decorate a small blank book for your notes or sketches, whatever it is you put in a book. Make it yours. And then decorate a pen, lots of beads to choose from. ... Jen, Brittany

10:00am Saturday

Anime by request
(Owl Overlook)
... Anime/YA

10:00am Saturday

Prop-A-Torium 18 opens - 2nd floor
(White Pelican Bay)
Located in White Pelican Bay, at the far end of the hall

The Prop-A-Torium has an extraordinary display of some of the most unusual and fabulous handmade and collected props staffed by the people who made and collected them! Swing by and enjoy the view.
... Everyone

10:00am Saturday

Art Show opens! - 1st floor
Art Show
Come one, come all and bid on a masterpiece! Open for Bidding, Art Market, and Quick Sales ... Everyone

10:00am Saturday

Science Room opens! - 1st floor
Science Room
Located in Woodlands on the 1st floor, between the Front Desk & Restaurant

Come see how we are transforming science fiction into science fact! Visit the Science Room to view and interact with science exhibits.
... Everyone

10:00am Saturday

Blood Drive - 10 am to 4 pm - Signup in Main Lobby
This year is the 20th Annual American Red Cross blood drive at MarsCon. The USS Nokomis is inviting everyone to come save up to three lives with one donation on Saturday the 8th between 10am and 4pm. MarsCon donors have touched over 2,000 lives with their donations over the last 19 years, and this year we’ll touch even more! Please help during this extreme winter blood shortage!

Come and donate to get the most coveted, hardest to get, absolute coolest ribbon at the Con! Plus, we have a special gift for all donors! Four ways to sign up: Register online at redcrossblood.org using sponsor code MarsCon or surf to here: https://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html/drive-results?zipSponsor=MarsCon or email Captain@ussnokomis.org, visit us in our Party Room on Friday night and choose a time, or come to the registration table on Saturday to sign up with USS Nokomis crew members.
... USS Nokomis
American Red Cross

10:00am Saturday

Dealers Room & Makers Market open - 2nd floor
Ballroom I/II - Buy something fun!

There are new Dealers & some older Dealers with new merchandise. Many are offering “Con Theme” oriented merch at Great Prices: jewelry, tote bags, plushies, costumes, accessories, articulated dragons, figurines, books, toys & more. Many local authors that like to talk. Some Dealers are in the hall/foyer area. All hours are posted by the Dealer Room door, in the program book & pocket program…

... Everyone

11:00am Saturday

The Saber Legion Demo
(Ballroom III/IV)
The Saber Legion is a worldwide saber club, with a focus on saber combat and sparring. Our Mission Statement: Love and always represent your charters and who you are. We’re here to teach all the ways of the force. With sabers, all will be united! http://www.saberlegion.org ... The Saber Legion

11:00am Saturday

Beyond Babylon 5
(Executive Boardroom)
In 1981, after a three­ month tour of Holland and Belgium playing Romeo in Romeo and Juliet, Jason Carter graduated from The London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art. Much British theatre followed, with plays throughout Britain including playing Macbeth at Chichester Festival Theatre. Long runs in the London West End: The Sleeping Prince with Omar Sharrif; Simon Gray’s Melon with Alan Bates and Simon Gray’s The Common Pursuit. At the Royal National Theatre he played Naraboth in Steven Berkoff’s innovative production of Oscar Wilde’s Salome. After landing in America, Jason had roles in many Films and TV productions including his memorable portrayal of Marcus Cole in Babylon 5. ... Jason Carter, GoH

11:00am Saturday

Masquerade Orientation
Masquerade Lounge
(Blue Heron Colony)
This will be 15 minutes of Masquerade orientation for those who are entered in the contest. ... Rae Lundquist, Masquerade Director

11:00am Saturday

Free Mars
(Cardinal Perch)
Before Star Trek, William Shatner starred in Incubus which was filmed entirely in Esperanto, the most successful constructed international auxiliary language. Starting with Attack of the Moon Zombies, filmmaker and former guest of honor Christopher Mihm has dubbed eight of his self-described "new old good bad" films into Esperanto:
The Monster of Phantom Lake
Attack of the Moon Zombies
House of Ghosts
The Giant Spider
The Late Night Double Feature
Danny Johnson Saves The World
Demon with the Atomic Brain
Queen of Snakes
Learn about the language from local fans and Esperantists, and maybe pick up a phrase or two.
... Art Johnson, Alexander Johnson, Minnesota Esperanto Club

11:00am Saturday

Blurred Between the Lines
Re(a)d Mars
(Eagle’s Nest)
A discussion on some of the Unique, Weird, and Controversial interpretations of classic novels, shows, scenes, and passages (for example, in Animal Farm Napoleon was right, Clockwork Orange is pro-religion, Jay Gatsby was black and/or a ghost). ... T. Aaron Cisco

11:00am Saturday

Bookmarks and Buttons - AA
Creative Planet
(Mallard Point)
Make a bookmark or a button, or both! Both is good! This will run three times and will be for all ages every time. ... Cindy, Brittany

11:00am Saturday

Movie TBA
(Owl Overlook)
... A/V Room with GPS

11:15am Saturday

How NOT to Look Like a Deer in Headlights
Masquerade Lounge
(Blue Heron Colony)
Advice on how to be relaxed on stage and have a good presentation for the judges, and also look good for the audience. ... Rae Lundquist, Elizabeth Sloan

12:00pm Saturday

Haedong Kumdo Demonstration
(Ballroom III/IV)
Haedong Kumdo is a Korean Sword Art form using one or two swords. Many action, fantasy, and anime depictions have different sword work. Come join us as we demonstrate basic movements, sword cutting, and new two handed sword forms. There will be a follow up panel to come and play. ... Steve Erickson

12:00pm Saturday

Costumers Gone “Rogue” Photo Op
(Executive Boardroom)
Are you bringing the “Rogue” to Marscon this year? Get together with a gang of Rogues and take some photos! ... All rogues invited!

12:00pm Saturday

Trauma Makeup
Masquerade Lounge
(Blue Heron Colony)
Cuts and bruises and gashes, oh my! Have you ever wanted to up your cosplay makeup game and create realistic looking wounds and trauma looks? This FX makeup panel will show you step by step how to create bruising, cuts, and gashes, for beginners to intermediate ... Kevin Doheny

12:00pm Saturday

Author GOH Ozgur K. Sahin Readings
Re(a)d Mars
(Eagle’s Nest)
Ozgur K. Sahin is an internationally award-winning author of the Brethren of the Spanish Main series of historical privateer novels. His first book, The Wrath of Brotherhood won an international Editor’s Choice award from the Historical Novel Society in 2015. More recently, his second book, True Colors, won second place in the Fall 2023 BookFest awards for Historical Nautical Fiction. He is currently working on the final book in his historical pirate series as well as The Narcissism to English Dictionary, with more non-fiction, sci-fi, fantasy and other projects queued up to explore in the future.

Join us and listen in as our Author Guest of Honor reads from his works.
... Ozgur K. Sahin

01:00pm Saturday

School of Shaolin Kung-Fu Demo
(Ballroom III/IV)
Join us at the Mainstage for an exciting demonstration performed by the Shaolin school of kung fu! Come and see the students, under the training of Sifu Michael Voss perform the traditional Lion dance. Complete with drums, bells and the traditional chinese flair.

Stay for the demonstrations of our circular styles of northern shaolin, seven star praying mantis and so much more! Sifu Voss continues a long and rich lineage of teachers who have dedicated their lives to training the next generation of martial artists!
... Sifu Michael Voss, School of Shaolin Kung-Fu

01:00pm Saturday

(Executive Boardroom)
For fun and fitness ... Rachel Beise, host

01:00pm Saturday

Care and Feeding of Wigs & Hair
Masquerade Lounge
(Blue Heron Colony)
... Elizabeth Sloan

01:00pm Saturday

A Year in Trek
Free Mars
(Cardinal Perch)
Join us as we take a comprehensive look back at the remarkable events and milestones that have shaped the Star Trek universe over the past year. With the diamond anniversary of this iconic franchise approaching, we’ll reflect on the journeys we've embarked upon across various series, films, and the exciting new projects on the horizon. Get ready for spoilers as we delve into:
The Fen events, including Universal Studios Hollywood's Universal Fan Fest Nights: Star Trek Nights, the To the Journey documentary, and Khan!!! The Musical! The conclusion of Discovery, Prodigy, and Lower Decks. The highly anticipated movie event Section 31, along with upcoming seasons of Strange New Worlds and Starfleet Academy. A glimpse into the future with thrilling projects like a live-action comedy, an origin movie, Star Trek 4, and a musical Broadway show.
... Tony Artym, Jay Sterling, T. Aaron Cisco, Peter Gawtry, Jim McMahon, Jim Soos

01:00pm Saturday

Creating an Inclusive Mythology
Re(a)d Mars
(Eagle’s Nest)
Mythology is more than fantasy or historical fiction. It takes what defines us as cultures and drives us as individuals. Mythology is every bit as powerful as any true story because you never really know how much truth there is in a legend. Join me in a discussion about crafting my own inclusive mythology for stories and learn how I took my historical and intelligence background to craft a modern mythology with ancient stories. ... Faith MacGregor, host

01:00pm Saturday

First Aid Kit and Class 14+
Creative Planet
(Mallard Point)
Lara, our resident safety expert, will be here to teach us about first aid. Once you've heard the class, make your own kit to take home.
Due to the contents of the kit, this craft is for 14+ only.
... Lara, Jen, Brittany

01:00pm Saturday

Everything You Wanted to Know about Filmmaking (but were afraid to ask)
(Owl Overlook)
Join us for the 7th year of this fun and informative panel on how you, yes you, can make your own film! This panel combines a wide variety of artisans who have hands-on experience making both short and feature films. We love talking about filmmaking and we can't wait to talk to YOU! ... Nathan Block, Laura Runge-Hunt, Trey Bell, Malik Peer, Vanessa M.H. Powers, Kari Layland, Samantha Hinkemeyer

02:00pm Saturday

Blue Lotus Belly Dance
(Ballroom III/IV)
The Blue Lotus dance company was established in 2004. They are a troupe of professional and semi-professional dancers based in Minneapolis and Rochester, MN. They perform together in community events, professional performances, and their own original stage productions. To learn more, find them on Instagram @bluelotusbellydancers and on Facebook at "The Blue Lotus Middle Eastern Dancers." ... Blue Lotus Dancers

02:00pm Saturday

Haedong Kumdo Basic cuts and paper cutting
(Executive Boardroom)
You watched our demonstration, now come and participate with some hands on basics and paper cutting. ...

02:00pm Saturday

Creating… Lady Death from Agatha All Along
Masquerade Lounge
(Blue Heron Colony)
Live costume & makeup demo ... Bill Hedrick, Rae Lundquist

02:00pm Saturday

NASA in 2025
Free Mars
(Cardinal Perch)
NASA's leadership will be changing in a huge way in 2025, with a Space Entrepreneur becoming the new administrator of NASA in the form of Polaris Dawn and Inspiration 4 Commander, Jared Isaacman. What programs will be ongoing, which will be changing, and what programs might be cancelled? Join Mike Urvand, space educator and NASA Solar System Ambassador as he goes over the changes to the program and what they might mean for your favorite mission! ... Mike Urvand

02:00pm Saturday

A Pirate's Life For Me
Re(a)d Mars
(Eagle’s Nest)
Pirates have been around since five minutes after boats first floated, but why did people choose that life, and why do some still choose it? Join the discussion of why people of many different time periods and cultures (and fandom characters) reached the end of their rope and became pirates...even when the end of a rope is exactly what awaited them afterwards. ... GOH Ozgur K. Sahin, Patrick W. Marsh

02:00pm Saturday

Paracord Keychain Lanyard - 14+
Creative Planet
(Mallard Point)
Pick your color and join us to make a cool keychain to clip your badge to. Due to the difficulty of the knots, this craft is 14+ ... Jen, Morgan

02:45pm Saturday

Regdar and the Fighters
(Ballroom III/IV)
Regdar and the Fighters is a glitch punk band out of Nashville, TN. Since 2007, who have been making weird, energetic music for nerds and music lovers. The core lineup is Steve “Fighter #1” Smith on bass/guitar and vocals, and Regdar “Why Did We Give the Computer Free Will?” on drums and synthesizers. Other musicians are frequently featured in recordings and live performances. They have existed in some form or another since 2007 and have played live with this lineup since 2009. They’re on all the major streaming platforms. If you’re looking for that, you know how to find it. ... Regdar and the Fighters

03:00pm Saturday

Primordial Pouch
(Ballroom III/IV)
Jace McClain and Kendra Shepherd are “Primordial Pouch”. Having no further information beyond that, here are the lyrics to the “Weird Al” Yankovic song “Bob” as a placeholder: I, man, am Regal, a German am I. Never odd or even. If I had a Hi-Fi. Madam, I’m Adam. Too hot to hoot. No lemons, no melon. Too bad I hid a boot. Lisa Bonet ate no basil. Warsaw was raw. Was it a car or a cat I saw? Rise to vote, sir. Do geese see God? Do nine men interpret? Nine men I nod. Rats live on no evil star. Won’t lovers revolt now? Race fast safe car. Pa’s a sap. Ma is as selfless as I am. May a moody baby doom a yam. Ah Satan sees Natasha. No devil lived on. Lonely Tylenol. Not a banana baton. No X in Nixon. O stone, be not so. O Geronimo, no minor ego. “Naomi” I moan. A Toyota’s a Toyota. A dog, a panic, in a pagoda. Oh no, Don Ho. Nurse, I spy gypsies, run! Senile felines. Now I see bees, I won. UFO tofu. We panic in a pew. Oozy rat in a sanitary zoo. God, a red nugget, a fat egg under a dog. Go hang a salami, I’m a lasagna hog. ... Primordial Pouch

03:00pm Saturday

Bellydance For Every Body
(Executive Boardroom)
The dance forms from Southwest Asia and North Africa that fall under the English term "bellydance" are a fun way to get moving and enjoy beautiful music. We will learn a little bit about these dances, warm up, play with veils, learn a few basic movements that are building blocks of these dances, and put these moves together into a simple combination. No dance experience required. Bring a hip scarf and/or veil if you have them, otherwise Anjela will have some available to borrow during the class. All genders, sizes, and ability levels are invited. Variations will be offered for various levels of mobility. The instructor places an emphasis on how the movements feel over how they look. Sensory advisory: coin scarves produce ringing sounds that may cause discomfort for some with noise sensitivity or hearing aids. ... Blue Lotus Dancers

03:00pm Saturday

Space Exploration: Year in Review
Free Mars
(Cardinal Perch)
Highlights will include CSS, ISS and Starship…Oh, myyy! ... Ben Huset, MN Space Frontier Society

03:00pm Saturday

Fantasy + Mysteries = 2 Great Tastes that Taste Great Together
Re(a)d Mars
(Eagle’s Nest)
Panel discussion on mysteries with fantasy elements and the reverse. Let’s talk about some of our favorites, what we’d like to see and more! Michael Merriam requested, if available. ... Catherine Lundoff, Michael Merriam

03:00pm Saturday

Faeries - all ages
Creative Planet
(Mallard Point)
Create a faerie friend to take home. Just don't give them your real name, those sneaky Fae. ... Jen

03:00pm Saturday

Distant Calling Pictures
(Owl Overlook)
Distant Calling Pictures returns to MarsCon for 45 minutes of short film screenings followed by a Q&A. Join us on Saturday, March 8, 2025, at 3:00 PM, as the Minnesota film-making team presents selected works for your viewing enjoyment. This program will consist of short films ranging from drama, horror, dark comedy, and action. A Q&A with the filmmakers will follow. ... Distant Calling Pictures

03:30pm Saturday

Holy Bongwater
(Ballroom III/IV)
Holy Bongwater is the musical project of adorable couple Jace McLain (of Nuclear Bubble Wrap) and Julia Larson. They do psychedelic comedy and parody music. Their EP “Mock The Vote” is a series of parodies made about each main candidate during the 2016 presidential election: Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Jill Stein, Gary Johnson, and Bernie Sanders. Although the election was intense and stressful, this little parody EP hopefully serves as a nice little time capsule that showcases how a lot of people felt at the time. Many of their songs can be heard at the Funny Music Project, aka The FuMP dot com. FFI: https://holybongwater.bandcamp.com/ ... Holy Bongwater

04:00pm Saturday

Steve Goodie
(Ballroom III/IV)
Steve Goodie is, in all modesty and candor, the genius of our age. Comedian, writer, singer, director and producer, Steve was a founding member of Monty Python and has written scripts for Sid Caesar, Woody Allen, Mahatma Gandhi, Matt Groening, and Queen Elizabeth (for which he was knighted in 1972 at the unprecedented age of six). The Beatles credit much of their fame to his early studio work, during which he developed their recording sound with his apprentice, George Martin. His film scores and theatre work need no introduction, and he became a household word with his ground-breaking recording of The Biggest Belch In The History Of Man. It is a tribute to his humility that, on the suggestion of his long-time fan and sometime paramour Liz Taylor, he entered the Federal Witness Protection Program and began a new career, “to level the playing field,” as he put it, “for the other idiots trying to make it in Show Business.” ... Steve Goodie

04:00pm Saturday

501st Legion+Rebel Legion+Mando Mercs - Who We Are, What We Do and How to Join
Masquerade Lounge
(Blue Heron Colony)
501st Legion+Rebel Legion+Mando Mercs, we are international non-profit charity groups who make and wear screen accurate Star Wars costumes to bring joy and raise money for those in need. We routinely partner with Make-A-Wish, children’s Hospitals and more to accomplish these goals! ... 501st Legion+Rebel Legion+Mando Mercs

04:00pm Saturday

Get on the Radio: Amateur Radio for Pleasure & Public Service
Free Mars
(Cardinal Perch)
When all other lines of communication are down, it is nice to know a Ham. Amateur radio is a wonderful hobby and a public service. Bounce your signal off the moon, spot tornadoes, chat with people all over the world and contact astronauts in space. Help your community reestablish communications when hit by natural disasters. Join us. ... Art Johnson, Tron & other Hams

04:00pm Saturday

Indie Author Buffet
Re(a)d Mars
(Eagle’s Nest)
A round-robin reading where local authors will take turns reading from their works. ... GOH Ozgur K. Sahin, T. Aaron Cisco, Michael Merriam, Sherry Merriam, M. R. Moraine & more authors

04:00pm Saturday

Bead Lizards and Hair Ties - AA
Creative Planet
(Mallard Point)
It's the bead lizards you know and love, but this year, you can also make a hair tie. It's an elastic, it's fabric strips, it's knots! Yay! Use it in your hair, or to keep your things together! This is for everyone! ... Brittany, Jen

04:00pm Saturday

Anime by request
(Owl Overlook)
... Anime/YA

04:30pm Saturday

Devo Spice
(Ballroom III/IV)
2019 Guest of Honor
Devo Spice is a nerdcore and comedy rapper from New Jersey who calls himself “the red-headed stepson of Weird Al Yankovic and Eminem” and is one of the most popular artists on “The Dr. Demento Show”, having had the #1 most requested song of the year three times, and is also a FOUR-TIME Logan Award winner spanning all 3 categories. He is the webmaster of the comedy music collective website “The Funny Music Project”, aka The FuMP .com. Of his many albums, one of note would be his Doctor Who concept album “I Am The Doctor”, which has has 11 tracks about each of the first 11 Doctors (there’s a new Capaldi song on his latest album, Whittaker song coming in the future, fam).
... Devo Spice

04:30pm Saturday

Weapons That Don’t Go BOOM!
(Executive Boardroom)
Learn about the history of how a variety of weapons were used. ... Gizmo Peterson

05:00pm Saturday

Ross Childs
(Ballroom III/IV)
A Seriously Funny Chicago Based Triple Threat! Ross Childs is an Actor, Comedian, and Musician. He has been performing for over 15+ years and has amassed a following of over 500K + subscribers on his TikTok handle alone (@crabman732). Ross is Chicago-based and is represented by Dream Team Talent. His work has been featured in National, and local commercials. Ross has played at various comedy festivals nationwide. Having received his BA in Theater at Louisiana State University, Ross is open to working for both the film and the stage.Ross was chosen “Best of the Fest” in the 2023 Rubber City Comedy Fest for his musical comedy performances. His song “Air Fryer Blues” was nominated for the 2022 Logan Whitehurst Award for Best Original Comedy song. ... Ross Childs

05:00pm Saturday

Masquerade Workmanship Judging
Masquerade Lounge
(Blue Heron Colony)
Masquerade Workmanship Judging ... Masquerade Director Rae Lundquist

05:00pm Saturday

Epic Universe
Free Mars
(Cardinal Perch)
Universal Orlando Studios' new Epic Universe is set to redefine theme park experiences with its five new lands: Celestial Park, Super Nintendo World, Dark Universe, The Wizarding World of Harry Potter – Ministry of Magic, and How to Train Your Dragon – Isle of Berk. Join us for an in-depth chat about these lands, the incredible details, and the unique ways they tell their stories. Plus, get insights into possible expansions and future developments. Note: There will be spoilers, so come prepared for an immersive discussion into the magic of Epic Universe! ... Tony Artym

05:00pm Saturday

SF Writing Groups: The 2025 Scene
Re(a)d Mars
(Eagle’s Nest)
Since 1986, the Minnesota Imaginative Fiction Writers' Alliance has held an annual meeting—currently at MarsCon—at which science fiction and fantasy writers who are looking for a writing group get a chance to connect with SF writing groups that are looking for new members. ... Eric M Heideman, mod.

05:00pm Saturday

Masks - AA
Creative Planet
(Mallard Point)
Okay, kiddos, this is your time. Ready yourselves and come complete your disguise. Create the perfect mask to compliment your roguish looks and fool all those who pursue you for nefarious reasons. ... Jen

05:30pm Saturday

The 15th Annual LOGAN AWARDS
(Ballroom III/IV)
The Logan Whitehurst Memorial Award for Excellence in Comedy Music (Logan Awards) is a set of awards presented by The Funny Music Project. The awards are presented annually, in three categories:

Outstanding Original Comedy Song
Outstanding Parody Song
Outstanding Comedy Music Video

FFI: https://www.loganawards.com/about-awards/
... Comedy Music Track

06:00pm Saturday

I'll Show Them! I'll Show Them All!
Free Mars
(Cardinal Perch)
Sympathetic villains, insane heroes, and mad science. Enter our "name the mad scientist" scavenger hunt, win a prize for the most mad scientists identified. ... Tom Erickson, Mickie Erickson, Jessie Berg, Christine LaBounty, Nina Boenish, Jennifer Steadman, Kevin Borchers, Ben Huset, Whitestar Phoenix

06:00pm Saturday

Why Are Rogues In Vogue?
Re(a)d Mars
(Eagle’s Nest)
From fantasy to sci-fi, anime to romance, and Jack Sparrow of Pirates of the Caribbean to Marcus Cole of Babylon 5, the appeal of rogues is omnipresent. What is it that we find so fundamentally appealing about them, and why do people genuinely look to the rule-breakers for heroism in fiction? ... GOH Ozgur K. Sahin, Sherry Merriam, M. R. Moraine

06:00pm Saturday

Tour inside Prop-A-Torium (2nd floor, end of hallway)
(White Pelican Bay)
Visit the Prop-A-Torium and learn about the props currently on display. ... Prop-A-Torium Curators

07:00pm Saturday

Masquerade Rehearsal & Judging
(Ballroom III/IV)
... Masquerade participants

07:00pm Saturday

What to Do When Players Go Left
(Executive Boardroom)
Some tips from experienced game masters in preparing adventures and what to do when your players decide not to play it. ... Matthew Hellendrung, Gizmo Peterson

07:00pm Saturday

Masquerade Rehearsal
Masquerade Lounge
(Blue Heron Colony)
... Masquerade Director Rae Lundquist

07:00pm Saturday

Rogue One & Andor: The Star Wars Prequels We Actually Needed
Free Mars
(Cardinal Perch)
Of all the Star Wars shows on Disney Plus, Andor has consistently been the most critically acclaimed. It's also proven incredibly popular with viewers and was nominated for multiple Emmy Awards. Andor is in fact a prequel to Rogue One, the Star Wars prequel which chronicles the immediate lead up to Star Wars: A New Hope and lays the groundwork for the Rebellion's first major victory in the battle against the Empire, the destruction of the Death Star. Rogue One is a stand-alone cinematic triumph that breaks a few Disney/Star Wars rules on its own. Andor's Season 2 production was delayed, but is highly anticipated for 2025. Meet, discuss, Squee! ... Christine LaBounty, Kevin Berg, Brian LaBounty

07:00pm Saturday

Bookish Trivia
Re(a)d Mars
(Eagle’s Nest)
Test your knowledge of sci-fi/fantasy books in Bookish Trivia! The questions get more difficult every round, and the team (or individual, if you shun teams) with the most points gets to take home a basket of bookish goodies! ... C. M. Alongi

07:00pm Saturday

Bird Houses - 14+
Creative Planet
(Mallard Point)
Come and decorate a small wooden bird house. Paint, color, glue doodads on it. Too small for an actual bird but may be nice for a jumping spider. ... Jen, Brittany

07:00pm Saturday

Prop-A-Torium Closes
(White Pelican Bay)
Thank you for visiting! Come back tomorrow! ... All

07:00pm Saturday

Science Room Closes
Science Room
"The pursuit of science is a never-ending journey into the unknown, fueled by curiosity and guided by reason." - Neil Armstrong ... All

07:00pm Saturday

Dealers Room & Makers Market Close
Visit before closing time for your last minute purchases! Supporting Dealers supports the convention. ... Everyone

07:30pm Saturday

Art Show Closes
Art Show
“So while our art cannot, as we wish it could, save us from wars, privation, envy, greed, old age, or death, it can revitalize us amidst it all.” —Ray Bradbury

Please come back tomorrow! Support local artists!
... Art & Fans of Art

08:00pm Saturday

Masquerade/ Cosplay
(Ballroom III/IV)
A grand costume contest with prizes and half-time entertainment! ... Masquerade Director Rae Lundquist, MC, Judges, Masquerade participants

08:00pm Saturday

Masquerade Green Room
Masquerade Lounge
(Blue Heron Colony)
... Masquerade Director Rae Lundquist

08:00pm Saturday

Magic Wands - AA
Creative Planet
(Mallard Point)
Need a wand for your character? Then come on down to the Creative Planet and create to your heart's content. Glue guns to be handled by the Crafternauts and Trainees only, but this craft is for all ages. Something to work your brain energy out before going to bed. ... Brittany, Jen

09:00pm Saturday

Total Eclipses
Free Mars
(Cardinal Perch)
We'll discuss Eclipses of the Sun, Moon, and all sorts of other objects. First we'll highlight (or low light?) upcoming solar eclipses on Earth, and some lunar eclipses. We'll also describe how eclipses of stars by asteroids reveal their shapes, how eclipses of the Sun by Jupiter helped determine the speed of light, how eclipses of the Sun by Earth affect communications satellites and spurred the development of batteries. Eclipses have affected the culture on Earth, so they might affect cultures on other worlds as well. ... G. David Nordley, Ben Huset, Michael Kauper

09:00pm Saturday

Fic-able Moments
Re(a)d Mars
(Eagle’s Nest)
What makes a book or show open to fan fiction. There is a theory that there are moments of ambiguity in the original shows or books that seem to be common launch points for fan fantasy. These may be places where deeper relationships between characters are hinted at but not actually explored. Letâ s call them â ficable moments.â What are these moments like? Which shows/books have them? Are there good shows/books that are lacking in these moments? ... Lisa Freitag, M. R. Moraine,Ozgur K. Sahin, Kathryn Sullivan

09:00pm Saturday

Room Closed for the night
Creative Planet
(Mallard Point)

09:00pm Saturday

Movie TBA
(Owl Overlook)
... A/V Room with GPS

09:30pm Saturday

Saturday Night Karaoke
(Executive Boardroom)
Sing and sing along. ... MusicBox Entertainment & Singers

10:00pm Saturday

Hentai Game Show!
(Ballroom III/IV)
Join us for an adult (18+) game show where contestants compete for prizes. Volunteers from the audience competeand play adult-themed games. These fun naughty games are for aliens and humans alike. Come show us your bawdy side, or just be a voyeur!
Prizes donated by Fantasy Gifts
... Kevin Doheny, Host

10:00pm Saturday

Masquerade Lounge After Hours
Masquerade Lounge
(Blue Heron Colony)
An open invitation to all costumers/cosplayers to come and talk about all things costuming. ... Everyone

10:00pm Saturday

Best of New WHO: A 20 Year Revival and Celebration of Doctor Who
Free Mars
(Cardinal Perch)
There is so much to talk about! Since the British SF tv series’ re-launch in 2005, the time and space-traveling Doctor has been portrayed by Christopher Eccelston, David Tennant, Matt Smith, Peter Capaldi, Jodie Whittaker, and now Ncuti Gatwa. Share your squee moments, celebrate with fellow fans, and introduce new fans to Doctor Who. ... Kathryn Sullivan, T. Aaron Cisco, Peter Gawtry, Jim McMahon, Jim Soos

10:00pm Saturday

Learning to Write from Fan Fiction
Re(a)d Mars
(Eagle’s Nest)
Putting words on a page--any page--is pretty much required for writing. How can writing fan fiction help with this process? What tropes or writing styles are being adapted from fan fiction into published works? Is there anything that should be avoided? ... Lisa Freitag, C. M. Alongi

11:00pm Saturday

Burlesque - 18+
(Ballroom III/IV)
Back for their 12th appearance…the performers of the Twin Cities burlesque scene. Meet them, hear a history, learn where the shows are, and maybe a performance.

Open to those 18+ ONLY, you will be carded at the door.
... Twin Cities Burlesque

11:00pm Saturday

Elevated Horror: High Class, Low Scares
Free Mars
(Cardinal Perch)
An in-depth discussion on horror that trades jump scares for existential dread—and leaves you wondering if the real terror was the film budget all along. Bring your monocle and your nightmares; we're getting fancy with our frights! ... T. Aaron Cisco, mod., Ashley Jirak, Jim Soos, Scott Wenker

10:00am Sunday

Silent Bids - Charity Auction
(Ballroom III/IV)
We will be accepting silent bids for Charity Auction items prior to the live auction. If you are unable to attend the live auction, but wish to bid on particular items, see one of the volunteers during setup. Additional auction donations will also be accepted during setup. ... Everyone

10:00am Sunday

Art Show opens! - 1st floor
Art Show
Open for Art Market and Sunday Sales, Artist Pick up and check out,
All artwork must be picked up no later than 1:00 pm on Sunday.
... Everyone

11:00am Sunday

Charity Auction
(Ballroom III/IV)
Come, bid on donated items, and raise money for worthwhile causes! Charity Auction proceeds will be split between the Gordy Dickson Memorial Scholarship Fund which benefits aspiring SF authors and Oasis for Youth, a local organization that helps youth who are at risk of homelessness. This YouTube video says it all:

Please consider contributing to the Charity Auction any way you can--by bidding, by donating, by volunteering. We are able to take donations up until an hour before the auction. Donations may be brought to the Bridge which is located on first floor, across from the hotel’s front desk. Thank you for your generosity!
... Everyone

11:00am Sunday

Prop-A-Torium 18 opens - 2nd floor
(White Pelican Bay)
Located in White Pelican Bay, at the far end of the hall

The Prop-A-Torium has an extraordinary display of some of the most unusual and fabulous handmade and collected props staffed by the people who made and collected them! Swing by and enjoy the view.
... Everyone

11:00am Sunday

Science Room opens! - 1st floor
Science Room
Located in Woodlands on the 1st floor, between the Front Desk & Restaurant

Come see how we are transforming science fiction into science fact! Visit the Science Room to view and interact with science exhibits.
... Everyone

11:00am Sunday

Dealers Room & Makers Market open - 2nd floor
Ballroom I/II - Buy something fun!

There are new Dealers & some older Dealers with new merchandise. Many are offering “Con Theme” oriented merch at Great Prices: jewelry, tote bags, plushies, costumes, accessories, articulated dragons, figurines, books, toys & more. Many local authors that like to talk. Some Dealers are in the hall/foyer area. All hours are posted by the Dealer Room door, in the program book & pocket program…

... Everyone

12:00pm Sunday

Scenes From A Hat : Family Friendly
(Ballroom III/IV)
Improv comedy from a local long running improv troupe, TV, online, and stage show. SFAH has been making audiences laugh since 2017. We've performed at MarsCon in the past. ... Scenes From A Hat

12:00pm Sunday

Actor Guest of Honor: Jason Carter Q&A
(Executive Boardroom)
Please come with some good questions for our wonderful Guest of Honor. ... Jason Carter , GoH

12:00pm Sunday

Thrift Store Cosplay
Masquerade Lounge
(Blue Heron Colony)
... Michelle Clark

12:00pm Sunday

Speed Friending!
Free Mars
(Cardinal Perch)
Speed Friending is one of MNeurodivergent's signature events. Similar in idea to speed dating, but for friendship! Two rows of people sit across from each other. They then talk to that person across from them for 5 minutes. In order to help the conversation going, we have sheets of Ice-Breaker questions available. Important note about speed friending: It is not separated by gender, age, race, sexual identity, etc. Everyone will have an opportunity to talk to everyone, time permitting! ... Mitchell P Schaps

12:00pm Sunday

Weirding the West
Re(a)d Mars
(Eagle’s Nest)
From movies like Cowboys & Aliens to local author Michael Merriam’s own work and beyond, creators have come with some great and wild spins on Westerns with supernatural elements. Let’s discuss some favs and why this subgenre has enduring charm. ... Catherine Lundoff, Michael Merriam, David Lenander

12:00pm Sunday

Buttons and Bookmarks - AA
Creative Planet
(Mallard Point)
You've done it once, maybe twice. Either way, you know the drill. Come and make your trinket for your memories. ... Cindy, Brittany

12:00pm Sunday

Anime by request
(Owl Overlook)
... Anime/YA

01:00pm Sunday

Insane Ian
(Ballroom III/IV)
Insane Ian is a comedian/writer who has been in several bands and loves video games. He plays them, he reviews them, he collects them, he even writes comedy songs about video games. He’s gone so far as to combine reviews and comedy songs into his video game “Reviewsicals” on YouTube. Just one look at Ian’s Bandcamp page makes it obvious that Insane Ian is a comedy music juggernaut that cannot be stopped. Ian hit a milestone in his career a long time in coming, as he had the #1 most requested song of 2015 on “The Dr. Demento Show”, the name-mangling Brit-tribute, “Benedict Cumberbatch”, sitting firmly atop the Doctor’s year-end Funny 25. With a sharp wit, sarcastic smirk, and a bit of self-deprecation, he’s here to bring his unique sound to anyone who won’t tell him to shut up… and even a few that will. FFI: https://www.insaneian.com/ ... Insane Ian

01:00pm Sunday

Getting to Know Our Artist Guest of Honor Brandie Hanson
(Executive Boardroom)
Brandie Hanson grew up in central Minnesota in an area known as Leaf Hill Mountains. She’s a self-taught artist and illustrator whose work is influenced by comics, cartoons and animated movies. Brandie combines digital and traditional techniques with strong use of color in her work. Brandie received her Certificate of Animation from Animation Mentor in 2020. One of her favorite mentors was Greg Whittaker (How to Train Your Dragon 1 & 2, Kung Fu Panda 3, Puss in Boots the Last Wish). Since 2018, Brandie has been a pumpkin illustrator/carver for the Minnesota Zoo’s “Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular” that takes place late fall.

In addition to being a 2D and 3D artist, Brandie loves doing leather work. She has recently been working to convert her garage space into a leather crafting studio. Brandie has done everything from sewing, sculpting and even some carving. Her ultimate goal is to be a children’s book illustrator and a leather crafter. Brandie recently illustrated her first children’s book entitled “Imagine a Zoo” written by Linda S. Mai and published by Young Dragons.

Join Brandie, and get to know our Artist Guest of Honor a little better.
... Brandie Hanson

01:00pm Sunday

Ask the Experts
Masquerade Lounge
(Blue Heron Colony)
... Costuming experts

01:00pm Sunday

Rogue Planets in Science and Science Fiction
Free Mars
(Cardinal Perch)
Rogue planets--planets without stars--have been caught bending light when passing in front of stars, and glowing red hot in empty space soon after their formation. From the "comet" in Jules Verne's Hector Servadac to the twin planets in Balmer and Wylie's When Worlds Collide and Martin's The Dying of the Light, the sunless have had a role in science fiction as well. Under certain conditions, a rogue planet or its moon system might even host life or a scientific research station as in Lowe and Nordley's Black Hole Project. ... G. David Nordley, Ben Huset

01:00pm Sunday

Dragons in SF/Fantasy
Re(a)d Mars
(Eagle’s Nest)
Discuss everything dragons. From the unnamed dragon in Beowulf, and Sir Gawain’s “worms”, to The Hobbit’s Smaug, Anne McCaffrey’s Dragonriders of Pern, Eragon, and the many dragons featured in other works of fiction such as George R. R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire. ... C. M. Alongi, GOH Ozgur K. Sahin, Kathryn Sullivan

01:00pm Sunday

Bead Lizards and Hair Ties - AA
Creative Planet
(Mallard Point)
If you missed it yesterday, now's your chance. Make a friend to take home and then make an elastic tie, decorated with strips of cloth that you can use in your hair or on your bag. How you use it is up to you. ... Brittany, Jen

01:00pm Sunday

Art Show Closes
Art Show
All artwork must be picked up no later than 1:00 pm on Sunday. If you bid on something, please check with Art Show before you leave. You may have the winning bid! ... Artists & Fans of Art

01:45pm Sunday

(Ballroom III/IV)
Stephen Tunney, also known as Dogbowl, is an American artist, musician and novelist. He is a founding member of the avant-garde band King Missile (Dog Fly Religion), and has recorded many albums as a solo act. He is also the author of two novels, the surreal, post-apocalyptic Flan, published in 1992 by Four Walls Eight Windows, and One Hundred Percent Lunar Boy, published in 2010 by MacAdam/Cage. One Hundred Percent Lunar Boy takes place on a terraformed Moon two thousand years in the future and chronicles the misadventures of sixteen-year-old Hieronymus Rexaphin, a boy who can see the fourth primary color, and the trouble he gets into after showing his unusual eyes to a teenage tourist girl from Earth. ... Stephen Tunney/Dogbowl

02:00pm Sunday

Going Rouge
Masquerade Lounge
(Blue Heron Colony)
Come ready to share your cosplay makeup stories, discoveries and questions. ... Bill Hedrick

02:00pm Sunday

Get Smart Again
Free Mars
(Cardinal Perch)
We'd like to continue MarsCon 2024's discussion of this innovative sly comedy show (1965-1970). Created by Mel Brooks and Buck Henry and starring Don Adams as Maxwell Smart, Agent 86, and Barbara Feldon as Agent 99, Get Smart used satire, parody, slapstick, wordplay, and imagination to create a show that has stood the test of time. ... Eric M Heideman

02:00pm Sunday

Planner vs Pantser: Writer Fight
Re(a)d Mars
(Eagle’s Nest)
All writers fall somewhere on the spectrum of Planner vs Pantser. Planners plan the entire story, world, characters, before they even star Chapter One. Pantsers quite literally make it up as they go (flying by the seat of their pants). Let's talk about the pros and cons of each approach. And if we can't talk it out, we'll have a gladiatorial death match to decide once and for all which is the superior--wait, we can't? Legal liability? Fiiiine. ... C. M. Alongi, Patrick W. Marsh, Michael Merriam, Kathryn Sullivan

02:00pm Sunday

Paracord Keychain Lanyard - 14+
Creative Planet
(Mallard Point)
Did you miss this yesterday? Were you set on getting a personal lanyard for your own nefarious reasons? Well, no judgement here, just get yourself down to the Creative Planet and make sure to get it now, because this is it. Due to the knots in this craft, it's still 14+ ... Jen, Morgan

02:30pm Sunday

Dumb Parody Ideas
(Ballroom III/IV)
“Dumb Parody Ideas” is a fast-paced, loosely organized contest to see who has come up with the dumbest parody idea. We present them in a rapid fire rotation as guests and audience members get up and perform a verse and chorus of their dumbest song. Keep it short and move on to the next one. The winner is chosen by audience vote and will win the coveted GOLDEN SPATULA! You are limited to 3 songs, with a maximum of 90 seconds each, and because MarsCon is a family friendly event you must keep the content of your entries between rated G to PG-13. We’ll be taking entries from the audience at the event, so be there and be ready to go! ... Comedy Music Track

02:30pm Sunday

Violence Solves Everything
(Executive Boardroom)
A discussion of fighting in films including stunt work, fight choreography, armory and what the path is to becoming a fight professional in film. This panel features members of The Fight Monkeys, an award winning Minneapolis based fight performance team. ... Lee Fillingsness, The Fight Monkeys

03:00pm Sunday

(Ballroom III/IV)
Concert featuring many of the 2025 Comedy Music Track acts in our grand* finale! ... Comedy Music Track Artists

03:00pm Sunday

Super Edgy Superheroes
Free Mars
(Cardinal Perch)
When super powers corrupt absolutely, is anyone safe? Think The Boys, Watchmen, Invincible, Wanted, Heroes, I Am Not OK with This ... T. Aaron Cisco, Ashley Jirak, Scott Wenker

03:00pm Sunday

The Psychology of the Rogue
Re(a)d Mars
(Eagle’s Nest)
Examining their motivations, their impact on society, and the ethical gray areas they inhabit. ... Sherry Merriam, Catherine Lundoff, Michael Merriam

03:00pm Sunday

Project Pick Up - Everyone
Creative Planet
(Mallard Point)
Did you leave a project with us to dry? Now is the time to pick it up. Everything left behind after 4pm will go on the free table. We take no responsibility for any Fae left unclaimed. ...

03:00pm Sunday

Minnesota MUFON
(Owl Overlook)
What has been happening in Minnesota sightings and field investigators reports. ... Joe Swenson

03:00pm Sunday

Prop-A-Torium Closes
(White Pelican Bay)
Thank you for visiting! See you again soon! ... All

03:00pm Sunday

Science Room Closes
Science Room
So long, and thanks for all the fish! ... Everyone

03:00pm Sunday

Dealers Room & Makers Market Close
Visit before closing time for your last minute purchases! Supporting Dealers supports the convention. ... Everyone

04:00pm Sunday

Closing Ceremonies
(Ballroom III/IV)
Say “farewell” to the guests & “thanks” to volunteers. Hear news about next year’s convention plans, pre-register for next year, and wonder why the weekend went so quickly. ... Chairs, ConCom and Guests of Honor Jason Carter, Brandie Hanson, Ozgur K. Sahin, John S. Hall, Stephen Tunney/Dogbowl, Susan Hwang

04:00pm Sunday

Room Closed
Creative Planet
(Mallard Point)
Thank you for crafting with us! See you next year!

Also, if you have an idea for a craft for next year or want to volunteer or present something to our crowd, let us know! Email us at creativeplanetmc@gmail.com
... You can ask either Brittany or Jen

05:00pm Sunday

Thank you, volunteers!
We couldn't do this without you! Please help clean up, then Dead Cow party @ Con Suite, Snarky's & Krushenko's. Thank you!!! ... Everyone

Suggest another idea


Hilton Mpls-St Paul Airport Hotel
3800 American Blvd E
Bloomington MN 55420

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MarsCon 2025:
Gone Rogue
March 7-9

MarsCon is a fan run family friendly all-inclusive convention, held annually.
A universe of Nerddom!

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 21213
Eagan, MN 55121




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