MarsCon 2006
fishies got lights, too one fish, one light
things that go bump in the night

MarsCon 2006 Art Show

Another new display room

This year our annual hotel relocation has brought us back to the Holiday Inn Select in Bloomington, Minnesota, where we were in 2003. Display space is given on a first-come, first-served basis. We are very grateful this year to be located right next to the main stage!

There's still time to participate!

If you didn't participate in MarsCon 2005 but plan to in 2006, you can still get an art show packet. You can do that the old fangled way by sending a request with your mailing address to art--2006 mail addresses disabled , or by downloading the spiffy new .pdf files listed right here!

Art Show Letter (revised Jan 06)

Art Show Guidelines

Art Show Bid Sheet

Art Show Control Sheet (revised Jan 06)

MarsCon Art Show Schedule

6:30 - 10:30 pm Art Show Set up
11:00 am - 3:00 pm Art Show Set up
3:00 pm - 7:00 pm Open For Public Viewing
11:00 am - 7:00 pm Walk-In Artist Check In
9:00 pm - 10:30 pm Artist’s Reception
10:00 am - 5:00 pm Open For Public Viewing - Print Shop Open
10:00 am - 12:00 pm Walk-In Artist Check In Space Permitting
5:00 pm Bidding Closes
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm Art Pick up - Art Auction prep
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Art Auction
9:00 am - 1:00 pm Art Pick up and Checkout
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm Misc. Pack and Take Down
6:00 pm Art Show Room Abandoned to Hotel

Display Information

Hanging Fees: Walk-In Art: $0.50 per piece
Mail-In: $1.00 per piece - please see guidelines listed below
Print Shop: NONE - please see guidelines listed above

All artwork must be checked in with the proper paperwork (control sheets and bid sheets) completed by the Artist or designated Agent as indicated. Any artwork submitted without paperwork will not be displayed in the art show.

Walk-in art is accepted from artists or agents, space permitting, until 12:00 p.m. Saturday (March 4).

Mail-In Art

Please send all mail-in art to:
Kristy Effinger, Art Show Co-Director
1969 Banyan Street
Arden Hills, MN 55112

Mail-in art is accepted at the expense of the artist.

Hanging Fees for Mail-in art are $1.00 per piece. This includes safe storage at the Art Show Co-Coordinator's home, transportation to the convention, hanging and removal of display artwork.

Mail-In Art Deadline: All art should be received no later than February 24.

Artists sending artwork by mail are required to send hanging fees and sufficient funds to cover return shipment and insurance. All outstanding hanging fees or outstanding postage not supplied by the artist will be deducted from post-commission artist sales.

All artwork must be received and/or checked in with the proper paperwork (control sheets and bid sheets) completed by the Artist or designated Agent as indicated. Any artwork received without a control sheet will not be hung, but returned to the artist(s) with the hanging fees.

Mail-in art should be sent in sturdy reusable containers. Artists should indicate whether the empty container is to be returned.

All Mail-in art must be received mounted, matted and ready to display. Any artwork received without the proper display materials will be returned to the artist.

All unsold artwork will be returned to the artist within three weeks after the convention by U.S. Mail unless otherwise requested by the artist.

Postage not used in the return of artwork by mail will be included in the artist checks, or used to return empty shipping containers to the artist.


MarsCon is a three-bid art show.

Silent bidding will take place until the Art Show closes at 5:00 p.m. Saturday evening.

There will be a voice auction for any pieces that receive up to three bids. The Auction takes place on Saturday evening at 6:00 p.m., prior to the Masquerade.

Any pieces not actively sold at the voice auction will be made available for sale at the Art Show on Sunday morning unless arrangements are made for pick up with the Art Show Coordinator.

Any pieces not actively sold at the voice auction or sold on Sunday will be returned to the Artist.

Artists' Reception

In an effort to bring more people into the Art Show, we are continuing our new tradition of an Artists’ Reception, that is based on an elegant tradition in art galleries and other convention art shows around the country. We are inviting all artists and fans of the Art Show to join us for some wine, cheese and crackers, and spend a lovely, relaxed evening with all the resident local artists who contribute to our Art Show and also attend MarsCon. Our Artist Guest of Honor, Beth Hansen, will also be attending this event.

The reception effectively takes the place of the Art Show Tour. Artists and art lovers alike will have a time to look over the artwork in the art show and just talk about it and do some casual critiquing. It will be a wonderful opportunity for fans of science-fiction/fantasy art to meet some of the artists, and possibly for the artists to meet their most loyal patrons. Did we mention there will be wine?

For those of you who mail in your artwork, Kristy would still like to have biographical information on hand so she can answer any questions about a particular artist as they come up. So we are still requesting that you send information about yourself, your artwork, your technique and inspiration, etc., when you send us your artwork. Also, please rest assured that we will be very careful to contain the wine, cheese and crackers in a certain area so there will be no unfortunate accidents with anyone’s artwork being spilled on.

- Nora Leverson, Director
- Kristy Effinger, Co-Director

MarsCon Contact Information (or email info--2006 mail addresses disabled )
© 2005, 2006 FenSF, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This page last revised April 09 2015 22:22:43.

MarsCon 2006
March 3-5, 2006
Holiday Inn Select, Bloomington, MN

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