MarsCon 2006
fishies got lights, too one fish, one light
things that go bump in the night

MarsCon 2006 Registration

Rates for MarsCon 2006
Through... ...10/31/05 ...1/31/06 ...At the door  
Adult (13+) $32 $42  $55
Child (6-12) $15 $15  $25
Supporting* $15 $20 +$25
Supporting memberships are no longer available. Those with supporting memberships may complete the transaction by paying an additional $25 at any time up to and including at the door.

Announcing... MarsCon single day rates... available at the door only
Adult (13+)$20$30$20
Child (6-12)$10$15$10

Our on-line PayPal registration system is now shut down for the year. To all those who have pre-registered on line, thank you. Your spiffy badge and program book will be waiting for you at the registration table.

If you haven't registered yet bring your checkbook or cash to the registration table at the con.

Either way, we know you'll have a blast at MarsCon 2006.

If you're looking for the other Marscon (in Williamsburg, VA) click here.

Send questions about registration to: registration--2006 mail addresses disabled

MarsCon Contact Information (or email info--2006 mail addresses disabled )
© 2005 FenSF, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This page last revised April 09 2015 22:22:05.

MarsCon 2006
March 3-5, 2006
Holiday Inn Select, Bloomington, MN

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