No one likes lots of rules and regulations. But everyone needs to know what those are and what is expected, right? We like to consider ourselves fair and you, responsible.
There is no smoking inside the Hotel. Also, no open flames (i.e., candles, lanterns, etc.).
The legal drinking age in Minnesota is 21. Alcohol is not permitted in any of the function spaces. Individuals and groups hosting parties are responsible for ensuring no alcohol is served to minors or served by minors. Party hosts are responsible for checking identification. Parties caught serving alcohol to minors will be shut down. Any MarsCon attendee caught serving alcohol to minors will be ejected from the convention, and any minor caught with alcohol will also be ejected. Anyone hosting a party needs to understand that it is MINNESOTA STATE LAW to check a person’s legal I.D. every single time you serve them a drink. We expect this law to be obeyed at our parties. Our MarsCon Safety Team will be checking for this, specifically.
No pets are allowed in the convention areas. Pets are identified as animals that are not service or therapy animals. Proper registry and identification must be provided for service and/or therapy animals. If you want to keep a pet in your sleeping room, you must make arrangements with the hotel. For the comfort and safety of all MarsCon attendees, please leave your pet in your room. Working animals are not included in this policy.
We don’t want to censor your creativity, but please, no public nudity. There will be other groups in the hotel during MarsCon and we would like to maintain a good relationship with the Hilton Minneapolis/St Paul Aiport Mall of America. We are a family-friendly convention, so please plan your costumes with that in mind. Costume does not equal consent.
We’ll have a Lost and Found box in OPs (Exec conference Room, 2nd floor), but we are not responsible for lost items. OPs will only hang on to found stuff briefly (half hour, give or take) then hand it over to the hotel front desk.
Costume does not equal consent. No one should have to put up with stalkers, unwanted sexual attention, public displays of drunkenness, or other abusive behavior. We have Safety Team Volunteers roaming the halls (they can be identified by their brightly colored vests) to keep an eye on things and assist MarsCon attendees with security problems. Anyone subjected to unwanted attention should either contact OPs, the Hotel Staff, or a Security Volunteer.
Regular check in/out times will apply. Check-in is after 4 pm, checkout is by 11 am. Guests staying at the hotel have full access to the pool, sauna, exercise room, etc. The hotel is smoke-free.
Hilton Minneapolis/St Paul Airport Mall of America is allowing signage on designated sign boards and inside sleeping rooms, party rooms and function rooms. If you post anything in the hotel, the only tape you may use is Scotch Safe Release Painter’s Masking Tape 2080. If you need tape, please see OPs (Exec Conference Room, 2nd Floor). Don’t break the Hotel, please.
Replacement badges are $5 plus the single day rate, but you get all but $5 refunded if you return the lost badge. If you want to change something on your badge, the cost is $5.
If it’s illegal outside the hotel, it’s illegal inside the hotel. So say we all.
MarsCon is dedicated to providing a welcoming environment for all attendees, regardless of ability or special needs. To achieve this, we need your help. If at any time you notice a condition which may be unsafe or limit someone’s ability to participate and enjoy the convention, please let a staff member know or come to Ops. If you need help with accessing part of MarsCon, we will help. The MarsCon Safety Team are all volunteers who are here to help with accommodations whenever possible, to make everyone’s experience fun and entertaining.
We define weapons to include real weapons (they do what they look like), facsimile weapons (they look real), anything actually used as a weapon, and anything an otherwise ignorant being would surmise is a weapon. Please adhere to the following policy, or risk being ‘uninvited’ from the convention, without refund from the convention or the hotel.
March 3-5, 2017
Hilton Minneapolis/St Paul Airport/Mall of America
3800 American Blvd. E.
Bloomington, MN 55425
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