MarsCon Guest home pages
- Richard Biggs
- Davina
- Dr. Demento
- John M. Ford
- Baron David E Romm
- the great Luke Ski
MarsCon programmer home pages
- Sylence Campbell
- Paula L. Fleming
- Mark Haeuser
- Walter H. Hunt
- Irish Tacos
- P.M.F. Johnson
- Peg Kerr (also see:
- Harry LeBlanc
- James Lileks
- Catherine Lundoff
- TW Miller
- Lyda Morehouse
- The Nick Atoms
- Possum Willy (alternate link)
- Kathryn Sullivan
- Karen A. Swanberg
- Tri-Destiny
- Joan Marie Verba
- Anna Walz
Minnesota fandom, Events calendars
- Cthulhu Coffee's Convention calendar
- Minn-StF's Einblatt calendar
- MN Fan Alliance Network's interactive calendar
Minnesota fandom, Cons
- Arcana (gothic / horror)
- Con of the North (gaming)
- CONvergence (sf)
- Diversicon (sf)
- Minicon (sf)
- Relaxicon (food)
- Supercon (sf) -- Austin
- ValleyCon (sf) -- Fargo
- And, of course, MarsCon (but you knew about us already, didn't you!)
Minnesota fandom, Groups
- Minn-Stf purveyors of MINICON
- SF Minnesota purveyors of DIVERSICON
- Convention-X new con in town
Babylon 5: - Whitestar Phoenix
Computer gaming: - Eregion
Dr. Who: - Celestial Affiliation of Time Lords
Farscape: - Delvian Seek
- Twin Cities Scapers
LARP: - NERO Alliance
Star Trek: - Imperial Klingon Forces [IKF]
- IKV RakeHell
- I.P.V. Ro'ped
- Kahless' Raiders
- Starfleet Region 6
- U.S.S. Czar'ak NCC-1798-A
- U.S.S. Fox River NCC-81002
- U.S.S. Imierium NCC-2125
- U.S.S. Nokomis NCC-1858
- U.S.S. Saint George NCC-63541
- U.S.S. Thunderchild NCC-3122
Star Wars: - Minnesota Force
Xena: - Minnesota Xena Viewing Society
- Xenaversity of Minnesota
Minnesota science and technology
- International Experimental Aerospace Society
- Minnesota Astronomical Society
- Minnesota Space Frontier Society
- Minnesota Planetarium Society
- Science Museum of Minnesota
- Twin Cities Robotics Club
Mars in fact and fancy
- Mars (part of "The Nine Planets")
- Mars Rover "Spirit" paper model
- Mars Rover Spirit's Blog
- Mars Rover Opportunity's Blog
- Edgar Rice Burroughs Barsoom books (via Project Gutenberg)
- Google-Eyed Aliens from Mars
- JPL/NASA's Mars exploration program
Mars craft:- Mars Global Surveyor
- Mars Odyssey
- Mars Exploration Rovers
- Beagle 2 (British)
- NOZOMI (Japanese)
- The Mars Society
MarsCon Contact Information (or email
[deactivated -- see current year for a working email address]
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January 12, 2006 at 01:51 PM