Take a look at the list of some of the parties currently in the planning stages for MarsCon 2013.
Taylor, 2nd floor — Re(a)d Mars Filk-sing
Re(a)d Mars will host open filking after 10:00 p.m. Saturday evening. All are welcome to stop by and sing of strange planets and rockets in flight.
Baldwin Ballroom, 3rd floor — Dance Rave
Friday & Saturday Hours 5pm–LATE
Tricky to find—like any self-respecting rave—and well worth the effort. Get ready for Live DJs spinning hip hopping, dubstepping, jive talking, psychedelic, laser-lit musicbroom into the wee hours. Music Man Mark will honor requests as best he can especially if it means putting your techno playlist through his subwoofer!
1212 — Lunar Lounge
Hosted by Angela Gillett / MarsCon
1306 — Snarky’s Café & Volunteer Lounge
Join Snarky’s Café, and Lady Jan and her staff will keep the agents of hunger at bay. For a low price in addition to MarsCon registration fee, MarsCon attendees who volunteer 5+ hours and Dealers stuck at their posts may enjoy three meals a day from start of Con to the end. All food served in Snarky’s is purchased with money from Snarky’s Registrations – not Con Funds.
1307 — Rue Morgue Massage
Rue Morgue Massage, the crew with the magic touch, returns to MarsCon and joins the ranks of the Hospitality Guild. See Reiki Master Joe and team for their famous back and full body massage. Or Drop into the Black Hole and vibrate your way through space and time. Escape may be impossible loosing track of time probable.
1308 — Karaoke and Desserts!
Hosted by John and Denise Garner
Friday and Saturday 7pm–2am
The name says it all.
1309 — NoBrandCon Party
Take a step back to the 1920s with No Brand Con, Wisconsin's premiere anime convention! Complete with with drinks straight out of a speakeasy (with another amazing homebrew by T. Marohl Brewing) and some crackerjack electroswing from the Midwest’s hottest DJ, DJ Liquid86. Join us as we party like its 1923!
1311 — Dementia Radio Party
Hosted by Dementia Radio
Friday and Saturday 6pm–2am
Dementia music and livecasting on the station
1313 — Anime Lounge
Hosted by Anime Twin Cities
Friday and Saturday 5pm–2am
1314 — THIS IS GEEK presents:
The Arkham Asylum and Rl'Yeh Refuge ~ Oh for the Love of Lovecraft!!
Hosted by CON - DROID Operations @ This is Geek.net
Friday and Saturday night
1315 — Narnia Party
Hosted by Brit Con MN
Friday and Saturday 9pm–1am
Step through the wardrobe and into Narnia, a land where it is always winter but never Christmas.
1318 — Karaoke Krypt
Experience the future of Karaoke. The Krypt returns with more blinky lights than ever. We guarantee you will feel like you are back in the 80s. It’s fun, it’s timeless, it’s 9 PM to 3 AM Friday and Saturday Nights. Let’s do the Time Warp again!! Also, anime music video Saturday 1-5 PM. Hosted by Gene Stoneman and Carla Simonson
Open Mike Karaoke 9pm–3am
Anime Music Videos 1pm–5pm
Open Mike Karaoke 9pm–3am
1321 — Elysium Sanctum (Con Suite)
They say an army marches on its stomach, so visit Elysium Sanctum room 1321 to get your rations. Open from 7am–LATE for your snacking pleasure. Breakfast, Vegetarian Options, Sandwiches, Soup… all that AND a bag of chips! Remember to stop by room 1322 during the convention to keep yourself hydrated, a selection of beverages await you.
*Volunteer for KP duty and get dibs on chow
1324 — Doctor Who
Hosted by TARDIS Tea Society
Friday and Saturday 8pm–1am, and Sunday afternoon
1325 — The Big Lebowski (The Dude Abides)
Hosted by The Dude’s Abode
Friday and Saturday 8pm–1am
1328 — Reboot Hill
Hosted by the IKV RakeHell
Friday’s subtheme: A FistFull of Quatloos, 9pm–1am
Saturday’s subtheme: For a Few Quatloos More, after Masquerade–2am
1329 — World Defense Force
W.D.F.: Are you looking for a safe haven? A community to live in, and a way to survive? Then join the World Defense Force – It’s the end of the world as we know it (x3)… and we feel fine!!!`
Friday and Saturday 7pm–1am or later
1330 — Babylon 5 Party
Hosted by D.O.O.M. Squad
Friday and Saturday 9pm–1am
1331 — Honor Harrington Fan Club
Hosted by The Royal Manticoran Navy: 2nd Fleet
Friday and Saturday 7pm–1am
1332 (Concierge Lounge) — Krushenko’s
Krushenko’s and its sometime partner, Krushenko’s Annex (Room 1331), are spaces that encourage conversation about science fiction and fantasy at SF conventions. Krushenko’s, named after a Manhattan bistro in Larry Niven’s novel Ringworld, started at the 1983 Minicon, and now also travels to CONvergence, Diversicon, and Arcana in the Twin Cities and WisCon in Madison. A regular feature of MarsCon since 1999, Krushenko’s (with help from the Annex) this year serves up panels and discussions about SF in literature and other media in the daytimes, and conversational SF-related parties in the evenings. “Krushenko’s is accustomed to serving alien guests!”
Tales of the Unanticipated Party
Friday 9pm–2am
Bandana Square Cons Party
Co-sponsored by Diversicon , Con-Sarnit, and Arcana.
Saturday 9pm–2am
A Party for Readers and Viewers
Sponsored by Second Foundation, a Twin Cities speculative fiction book-discussion group that has met regularly since 1983, whose members are also film buffs. Krushenko’s Annex (room 1331): Space for conversation & viewers’ choice film viewing; Krushenko’s (if available): space for conversation & gaming.
Sunday 7:15pm
1334 — Space Oddity Music Club & Brew Pub
Friday and Saturday 7pm to late
Music, board and card games, and beer
1336 — MNStf
Minicon! A Puzzlingly Good Time!
Friday and Saturday 8pm–2am
Want to find out what's happening at Minicon 48? “The Minicon: A Puzzlingly Good Time!” Word Find contains just a few of the exciting things you can experience at Minicon 48. Turn in a completed Word Find at our MarsCon party for our special treat: a Peeps S’More!
(Word Finds available at the party.)
1340 — A/V Room
We will bring you the great cult classics, great geeky films and a few surprises along the way. The A/V Room needs your help—if you love films, please help out the A/V room by volunteering! Sponsored by Geek Partnership Society. See program schedule for the final movie list.
1341 — Captain Kirk’s House of Ill-Repute!
ValleyCon returns to Marscon with Captain Kirk’s House of Ill-Repute! Shake it with the Captain and check out the major surprises heading to ValleyCon this fall!
Friday and Saturday 9pm–1am
1342 — Cosmic Tulip Lounge
Hosted by Bette Dawn Morrow
Friday and Saturday 10pm–1am
Tiny Tim , Karaoke, Pizza. (and of course, Nuclear Cherries.)
1343 — It's 1985!
Hosted by Tommy
Friday 9pm–2am
There's still time to sign up! Fill in below.
MarsCon 2013
March 1-3, 2013
Crowne Plaza Hotel and Suites
3 Appletree Square
Bloomington, MN 55425
Questions about MarsCon: info
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If you are searching for the Marscon in Williamsburg, VA click here.
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