We hope you had a good time at MarsCon 2016. Now’s the time to do two things:
1) Send your comments/suggestions about how we did, and
2) Start thinking about MarsCon 2017.
We’ll see you there!
MarsCon will be accepting food donations for the Food Group, a network of food shelves, during the convention. If you are registering at the door for MarsCon 2016, you can get $5 off your registration by donating 5 cans of food, limited to one discount per person.
If you are a party host and would like to help out, we encourage you to collect donations and bring them to one of the barrels at Registration or Operations on Sunday. If you are attending and would like to donate, please drop off your donation at Registration, Ops, or a participating party room. Please note the $5 discount cannot be applied to Day Passes.
Shopping at the Charity Auction supports the Disabled Veterans of Minnesota and the Gordy Dickson Memorial Scholarship Fund. Do it!
MarsCon is a fan-run science fiction convention for all ages held every March in the Twin Cities area. At MarsCon you’ll find panel discussions, parties, guest of honor presentations, music of many kinds, our art show, film/anime room, science room, dealers room, charity auction, and masquerade. The Dementia track is virtually a con in itself. Mix and mingle with a few hundred of your favorite fanish friends at MarsCon!
Actor William Morgan Sheppard
Artist Christine Mitzuk
Author Ruth Berman
Filmmaker Christopher R. Mihm
Musician / Dementia Artist The great Luke Ski
Prop Masters Dave Brown, Dave Duca, Michael Glielmi, and Ann Neubauer
Our theme for 2016 is Parallel Dimensions. In our ordinary 3-D world, things have height, width, and depth; these dimensions are rarely parallel. In Plotworlds, things can get a bit… different, what with dimensions getting mirrored, duplicated, suplimented, duplicated, distorted, duplicated, and twisted back on themselves. We’re giving you room to play—we’re sure you’ll come up with novel interpretations of parallel.
MarsCon 2016
“Parallel Dimensions”
March 4-6, 2016
Hilton Minneapolis/St Paul Airport/Mall of America
3800 American Blvd. E.
Bloomington, MN 55425
There’s more about MarsCon on Facebook and Twitter.
If you are searching for the Marscon in Williamsburg, VA click here.
© 2015 & 2016, FenSF