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Incorporating appearances by actor Bill Blair.
4:00–5:00 pm, Blue Mars (Room 1306)
My Weekend with Lloyd, Featuring Director Q&A by Rock and Roll Ray
This is a short subject film directed by Rock and Roll Ray about Lloyd Kaufman’s visit to the Twin Cities 2005.
4:00–5:00 pm, Executive Conference Room (Second Floor)
MarsCon Retrospective & Intro to Newbies
Presenters: Nicky Luckes, ConCom
4:00–5:00 pm, Krushenko’s (Concierge, Room 1332)
Panel: Writing Children’s SF
What are the challenges and joys of writing fantasy and science fiction for younger readers?
Presenters: Eric M. Heideman, mod.; Naomi Kritzer
5:00–6:00 pm, Blue Mars (Room 1306)
Movie: It Came From Another World!, Followed by Director Q&A
It Came From Another World! chronicles the continuing adventures of everyone’s favorite ’a-rockin’ scientist, Professor Jackson. First introduced in 2006’s The Monster of Phantom Lake, Professor Jackson (Josh Craig) finds himself tasked yet again with saving the planet from certain doom. When Professor Jackson’s colleague and best friend Dr. Frasier (Mike Mason) doesn’t return from a scientific expedition in the deep woods, the Professor is sent to find and retrieve him. While searching, the Professor and Canoe Cops Sven (M. Scott Taulman) and Gustav (Mike Cook) stumble upon an enigmatic meteorite that may hold the answer to Dr. Frasier’s disappearance—and something far more cataclysmic than they could ever imagine! Can our intrepid heroes unlock the secrets of the mysterious “rock from outer space” before its otherworldly power threatens not only the fate of the entire universe, but Professor Jackson’s wedding plans?
5:00–6:00 pm, Executive Conference Room (Second Floor)
I Lost It over Lost
One day I realized my favorite soap opera (General Hospital) had…a VAMPIRE IN IT? Since then I have noticed an interesting tendency to sneak sci–fi and horror and other genres into what would otherwise be realistic fiction…best example—LOST. Love it? Hate it? Share.
Presenters: Brinn Hemmingson, mod.; Jessie Berg, Mike Lee
5:00–6:00 pm, Fuji (Second Floor)
The Carlson Pyramid, Molecular Origami
Learn how to represent molecular geometry using the unique origami fold, the Carlson Pyramid. Warning: will test your hand-eye coordination!
Presenter: Roger Carlson
5:00–6:00 pm, Krushenko’s (Concierge, Room 1332)
Discussion: Starship Troopers vs. The Forever War
We’ll talk about the differences and similarities of the novels Starship Troopers (1959) by Robert A. Heinlein and The Forever War (1974) by Joe Haldeman.
Presenter: Todd Hansen, mod.
6:00–7:00 pm, Exec Conference Room (Second Floor)
Beginner Bellydance
An introductory class on the basic movements involved in Middle Eastern Dance (bellydance). No experience necessary.
Presenter: Badria
6:00–7:00 pm, Re(a)d Mars (Room 1340)
Round Robin Poetry Reading
Presenters: PMF. Johnson, host; Ruth Berman, Sandra Rector
6:30–8:30 pm, Masquerade Dungeon
Henna/Mehndi Party
Join us in the Masquerade Dungeon to dress up with the ancient art of painting the body with henna: Mehndi. Choose between a $10 to $15 design, payable to the presenter. Have fun getting adorned!
Presenter: Sara Cura
7:00–8:00 pm, Main Stage (Second Floor)
Opening Ceremonies
A fine, old convention tradition. Meet the convention committee and the guests, and start the convention off with a bang.
7:30/8:00 pm-ish, Karaoke Joe’s Café (Thirteenth Floor)
Nightly Karaoke begins after Opening Ceremonies.
8:00–9:00 pm, Fuji (Second Floor)
How to Survive the Inevitable Zombie Apocalypse
Rather self-explanatory: it’s a seminar on how to survive a zombie apocalypse.
Presenters: Kevin Berg, Stephen & Brian
8:00–9:00 pm, Krushenko’s (Concierge, Room 1332)
Arcana Meeting
Hang out with the committee of this “Convention of the Dark Fantastic.”
8:00–9:00 pm, Main Stage (Second Floor)
Inside Star Trek and Other Worlds
Bill Blair has appeared in front of the camera on many Star Trek episodes, but you might not immediately recognize him. Bill has donned alien masks and costumes on more than 35 episodes of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, as well as many episodes of Star Trek: Voyager and Star Trek: Enterprise. He has played Cardassians, Klingons, Vulcans, Jem Hadar, and a number of other alien characterizations created by Michael Westmore and others. Not only does he posses extensive stage, screen, and television acting credits (both in and out of make-up), but he is an accomplished make-up artist in his own right.
Presenter: Bill Blair
8:00–9:00 pm, Re(a)d Mars
Panel: Fictionalizing Real-World Religions
Can real-world religions be fictionalized without offending lots of people horribly? Can you make Jesus (or Ganesh or Hecate or the Buddha) into a character in a novel while still being reasonably respectful? What have been some good—or interestingly infuriating—examples?
Presenters: Naomi Kritzer, mod.; Paula L. Fleming, Walter H. Hunt, David E Romm
8:00–Midnight, Blue Mars (Room 1306)
Anime: Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi
Arumi Asahina and Sasshi Imamiya seem to be normal, twelve-year-old kids living in Osaka. But in Abenobashi, we soon find out that nothing is what it seems! Suddenly, Arumi and Sasshi find themselves in a world like their own…only not. And, as they try to fight their way back to the real world, they'll face menacing mushrooms, big-breasted space pirates, killer kung-fu fighters, a tripped-out transvestite, a sorcerer who seems to be in some sort of mid-life crisis… And that's just the beginning!
9:00–10:00 pm, Ballroom Foyer (Second Floor)
Friday Autograph Session: Bill Blair
9:00–10:30 pm, Art Show (Empire Room)
The MarsCon Artists’ Reception
We are continuing this great tradition! All artists and fans of the Art Show are invited to join us for a lovely, relaxed evening with all the resident local artists who contribute to our Art Show. There will be no formal tour, just a chance to spend time perusing the show, enjoying the artwork and art-talk. This is a great opportunity for fans of science-fiction/fantasy art to meet some of the artists and for the artists to meet their most loyal patrons.
Art Show Director: Michael Byrne
9:00–10:00 pm, Exec Conference Room (Second Floor)
Press Star T(rek) to Continue…
Star Trek wasn’t the first science fiction show on television, but it was the first continuing series that inspired a franchise and began the trend toward good sci-fi on the tube. What has been the legacy of the original series, and what has it meant to you?
Presenters: David E Romm, mod.; Romeo Azar, Mike Lee
9:00–10:00 pm, Fuji (Second Floor)
International Space Station Update
The International Space Station, the largest cooperative program in history, combines the resources of 16 nations in scientific research. Get the latest information on the program.
Presenters: Ben Huset, Minnesota Space Frontier Society
9:00–10:00 pm, Re(a)d Mars (Room 1340)
Panel: So You Want to be a Blogger
What is blogging and how to get started. Discussion of tools available from Live Journal and Blogger to Movable Type and MediaWiki. This is a “How to” panel on getting started in blogging and the New Media.
Presenters: Todd Hansen, mod.; C. Robert Cargill, Rob Balder, Ben Ellis, Walter H. Hunt, Diana Rachel
9:00 pm–2:00 am, Krushenko’s (Concierge, Room 1332) & Krushenko’s Annex (Room 1331)
Arcana Party
Hosted by this “Convention of the Dark Fantastic,” the 38th edition of which will be held October 17–19 at the Best Western—Bandana Square, St. Paul, with GOH F. Paul Wilson
9:00–10:00 pm, Masquerade Dungeon (Pippins, 1st Floor)
Judging 101/ Sitting in Judgment
Just how do masquerade/cosplay judges reach their decisions? What are some of the factors in their choices, and what can you do (or not do) to score extra points. Quiz judges and masquerade directors about how judges go about deciding stuff.
Presenters: Rae Lundquist, mod., previous and current masquerade/cosplay experienced judges
10:00–11:00 pm, Exec. Conference Room (Second Floor)
UFOs and Close Encounters in Minnesota and Wisconsin
We’ve all heard about UFO sightings, but what’s happening in our own neighborhood? This talk is a look at some interesting UFO and close encounter cases in Minnesota and Wisconsin, and some of the prevailing themes observed in the investigation of local UFO abduction cases.
Presenter: Craig R. Lang, MUFON
10:00–11:00 pm, Fuji (Second Floor)
Welcome to Torchwood
Welcome to Cardiff, home of the time rift and the Torchwood team. In this panel we will discuss what is going on so far in Torchwood series 2 and what we all like didn’t like about series 1 or the series one DVDs.
Presenters: Ben Ellis, Revolutionary Jo, Mike Lee, Charlie Paulson, Matt Savelkoul, Diana Rachel
10:00 pm–Sat Midnight, Main Stage (Second Floor)
Friday Dementia Concert Series
10:00–10:30 pm—Beth Kinderman: Beth is doing it Blues Brothers style, and getting the band back together for her show this year!
10:30–11:00 pm—Eric Coleman: From the desolate wastelands of Iowa, Eric Coleman is here to folk you like a hurricane.
11:00–11:30 pm—Worm Quartet: Neither bad weather nor stupid airlines are going to keep the mighty ShoEboX from tearing the Twin Cities a new wormhole with his synth punk comedy rock that has devastated central New York.
11:30 pm –Midnight—The Gothsicles: darkNES and DY EYG have re-corporealized at MarsCon yet again to show you that Friday nights are made of Nintendustrial comedy goth rock at mind shearing volume.
10:00–11:00 pm, Masquerade Dungeon (Pippins, First Floor)
Masquerade 101
Pick up tips and hints on how to enter a costume contest.
Presenter: Rae Lundquist
10:00 pm, Parties Floors (12th & 13th Floors)
Friday Night Party Judging
Parties Liaison: Nicky Luckes
10:00 pm, Re(a)d Mars (Room 1340)
Friday Night Filking begins
Filking is a fannish tradition, active since the 1950s, when the earliest fans gathered in hotel rooms for late-night singing sessions at the occasional science fiction convention. While filk music commonly has a science, SF or fantasy theme, filkers have been known to write filk songs about a variety of tangentially-related topics. Bring your voice. Bring your instrument if you have one. Bring your own lyrics, or grab a songbook and join in the singing.
Host: Rich Brown
11:00–Sat Early Morning, Exec Conference Room (Second Floor)
Friday Night Drum Jam
11:00–Sat Midnight, Fuji (Second Floor)
Reviewing Films
Discussion of the theories behind it and such.
Presenter: C. Robert Cargill
Sat Midnight–1:00 am, Blue Mars (Room 1306)
To be announced at MarsCon
Sat Midnight–1:00 am, Fuji (Second Floor)
Video Games: Who writes this stuff anyway?
Come and discuss your favorite video games. Geek out among friends.
Host: Jessie Berg, Whitestar Phoenix
10:00–11:00 am, Elysium Sanctum (ConSuite)
Clouds & Cosmic Rays
Come to the Elysium Sanctum and be guided by Roger Carlson to see the Cosmic Rays!
Presenter: Roger Carlson
10:00 am–Noon, Second Floor Hallway
Fan Faire
Mingle with representatives from other fan clubs and organizations, and learn what’s out there in fandom. All fan organizations are welcome to table. Tables are first come, first served.
10:00 am–Noon, Blue Mars (Room 1306)
To be announced at MarsCon
10:00–11:00 am, Exec Conference Room (Second Floor)
If Adventure Has a Name…
Indy is back! 19 years after his “last” crusade, our favorite archaeologist is donning the fedora back on for another adventure. Dust off your bullwhip and let’s discuss the up and coming Crystal Skull movie, as well as any Indy topics that strike your fancy!
Presenters: Minnesota Jones (Mike Helde), Romeo Azar, Matt Brogmus
10:00–11:00 am, Fuji (Second Floor)
Thunderbirds/ Dick Spanner
Sylvia had a book out this year, there’s been a video release of Dick Spanner and a plan to make a new Thunderbirds, among other events. Hear the latest.
Presenter: Joan Marie Verba
10:00–11:00 am, Krushenko’s (Concierge, Room 1332)
Fiction Reading: Naomi Kritzer
Our Author GOH reads from her work.
10:00–11:00 am, Re(a)d Mars (Room 1340)
Panel: Dealing With Rejection
It’s part of the game. If you’re an artist of any kind and you actually want to get read, or perform, or have your art displayed, you have to learn how to handle the inevitable and innumerable rejections that follow the submission/audition process. What works? What doesn’t? Even if you have a good way of dealing with it, are there times you end up in a funk? How do you recover from that? Bring your best and your worst rejection stories.
Presenters: S.N. Arly, mod.; C. Robert Cargill, Sandra Rector
10:00–11:00 am, Main Stage (Second Floor)
Japanese Swordplay
Mr.Wolfe trains and teaches with the Minneapolis GOJU-KAI Karate School held at Pershing Park in South Minneapolis. Bob will demonstrate sword techniques from IAI-DO and empty hand techniques from GO-JU RYU.
Presenter: Bob Wolfe
10:00–11:00 am, Masquerade Dungeon (Pippins, 1st Floor)
Mask Making for Kids and Adults
A hands on workshop. Your own decorated half mask to make and take!
11:00 am–Noon, Exec Conference Room (Second Floor)
Prop Building 101
So you want to build a blaster? Or light saber? Phaser rifle? Pulse Rifle? Basic tools, techniques and materials (plastic, MDF, cardboard, junk, paper, PVC, etc.) for different props will be discussed. Put on by local members of the Replica Prop Forum, 501st, and others.
Presenters: Bob Poate, Erik D. Pakieser
11:00 am–Noon, Fuji (Second Floor)
Raising Fannish Kids
This could be possibly Co-led by me and my girl. Discuss how sci-fi and fantasy has impacted families. (My dad and mom on the farm watched Star Trek with us—my children in turn watched Buffy and other shows with ME.) Can sci-fi and fantasy make for better communication, better kids, optimism…fun?
Presenter: Brinn Hemmingson
11:00 am–Noon, Main Stage (Second Floor)
Q&A: Bill Blair
After returning to Los Angeles, Bill really began his life as an alien. It all started when he met make-up designer Richard Snell and his girlfriend on the feature film Demolition Man. This led Bill to his first work on the TV movies of Alien Nation. It was from there that he found himself working on the hit cult series Babylon 5 in their first season, and shortly thereafter Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Bill worked all five seasons of Babylon 5 plus two TV movies for TNT, and Seasons 4 through 7 on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Bill did his first episode of Sliders on the 1998 season premiere episode, “Genesis,” as a Kromag Guard and in 1999, he appeared in various human forms throughout the season. Bill also worked with his friend Peter Jurasik from Babylon 5, on three Sliders episodes in 1999.
Presenter: Bill Blair
11:00 am–Noon, Masquerade Dungeon (Pippins, First Floor)
Creation and Care of Wigs and Hair
Presenter: Elizabeth Sloan
11:00 am–noon, Krushenko’s (Concierge, Room 1332)
Panel: Learning to Write SF—What Works and What Doesn’t?
Can you learn to write professional SF/F by writing fan fic? By writing computer manuals? By majoring in English? By going to Clarion? Writers talk about the writing and educational experiences that were most helpful to them.
Presenters: Naomi Kritzer, mod.; Walter H. Hunt, Kelly McCullough
11:00 am–Noon, Re(a)d Mars (Room 1340)
Panel: Dashing Swordswomen and Brilliant Diplomats: The Resurgence of GLBT Characters in SF/F
The last few years have seen something of a resurgence of GLBT characters in SF novels and stories, including recent novels by Laurie Marks, Ellen Kushner, Elizabeth Bear, Hal Duncan, Christopher Barzak, etc. What titles shouldn’t we miss and why?
Presenters: Catherine Lundoff, mod.; Rebecca Marjesdatter
Noon–5:00 pm
USS Nokomis MarsCon Blood Drive
USS Nokomis is sponsoring the third annual USS Nokomis MarsCon Blood Drive in conjunction with the Red Cross. Sign up in the hotel lobby on March 1st, 2008 from noon to 5pm.
Noon–2:00 pm, Blue Mars (Room 1306)
Anime: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
I thought that when I entered high school, my days of believing in aliens, time travelers, and ESPers were going to be over. That is, until she introduced herself, claiming to be interested in only aliens, time travelers and ESPers. Haruhi Suzumiya was the strangest girl I've met in a long time… Before I know what's going on, I've been dragged into her weird club, and it looks like I'm not the only one who's been drafted into this "SOS Brigade" of hers, because there are three other students who don't seem to be so ordinary themselves. Either way, we've all found ourselves caught in Haruhi's quest to search for all things extraordinary. And what's this I hear about us making a movie?
Noon–1:00 pm, Exec Conference Room (Second Floor)
Return of the Time Lord
Come, discuss and speculate about series 4 and the future plans for our favorite time lord from Gallifrey.
Presenters: Ben Ellis, mod., Mike Lee, Charlie Paulson, Revolutionary Jo, Matt Savelkoul, Diana Rachel
Noon–1:00 pm, Fuji (Second Floor)
The Science Fiction Solution to Oil War and Global Warming
A Slide show/Power Point program on using Space Technology to get off fossil fuels, achieve energy independence and move into space.
Presenters: David Buth, Minnesota Space Frontier Society
Noon–1:00 pm, Krushenko’s (Concierge, Room 1332)
Panel: Horror Literature 101/102: The 18th, 19th, 20th, and 21st Centuries
Reprised/compressed from MarsCon 2006. 1764–1899: An organized but unstuffy look at early-and-middle-period classic ghost-and-horror-stories, from The Castle of Otranto to Frankenstein, “The Fall of the House of Usher,” “Carmilla,” The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Dracula, and The Turn of the Screw. 1900–: From Arthur Machen, M.R. James, and Algernon Blackwood to Lovecraft, Fritz Leiber, Shirley Jackson, Richard Matheson, Stephen King, Anne Rice, Ramsey Campbell, and beyond. Participants are encouraged to bring recommended reading lists to share.
Presenters: Eric M. Heideman, mod.; Roy C. Booth, Paula L. Fleming, Jason D. Wittman; hosted by Arcana
Noon–2:00 pm, Main Stage (Second Floor)
Science Fiction and the Sword
The Twin Cities Budokan is a school of traditional Japanese swordsmanship. The school focuses on training in the classical samurai arts and specializes in the art of Kenjutsu. There are no prerequisites to kenjutsu training; the only thing that is needed is a desire to learn. If you have a desire to learn the art of the sword, check out our website or give us a call. We are happy to answer any questions you might have. We hope you enjoy our presentation at this year’s MarsCon. Our website is:
Presenter: Al Kilgore, Twin Cities Budokan
Noon–1:00 pm, Masquerade Dungeon (Pippins, First Floor)
History and Traditions of the Kimono
Presenters: Rae Lundquist, Alexandra Howe
Noon–1:00 pm, Re(a)d Mars (Room 1340)
Panel: Cyborgs or Wizards?
In speculative fiction, how important is it to ground your reader in the world/time/place? What are ways to do this without neon signs, dancing girls, or an obvious “The writer wants to tell you about it and it won’t be clear for another 2,000 words if you aren’t told right now…” How quickly does it need to be done? When is grounding less of an issue? What happens if you don’t ground your readers sufficiently?
Presenters: S.N. Arly, mod.; Doug Hulick, Kelly McCullough
Noon–1:00 pm, Ballroom Foyer (Second Floor)
Saturday Autograph Session: Bill Blair
1:00–2:00 pm, Krushenko’s (Concierge, Room 1332)
Panel: Writers and Day Jobs
Let’s talk about the relatives, the juggling, and what works and what doesn’t.
Presenters: Catherine Lundoff, mod.; C. Robert Cargill, Bryan Thao Worra, Diana Rachel
1:00–2:00 pm, Re(a)d Mars (Room 1340)
Fiction Reading: Walter H. Hunt
Walter H. Hunt reads from his forthcoming book
1:00–2:00 pm, Fuji (Second Floor)
Panel about Nothing—3rd Annual!
Come, chat, share!
Presenters: Katie Nelson, Nathan Lalum, Larry Andrle, Matt Brogmus, Brian Timm, Todd Coss
1:00–3:00 pm, Masquerade Dungeon (Pippins, First Floor)
Creating the Geisha
A combined wig/make-up/costume demo with Bill Hedrick and Elizabeth Sloan (and Rae Lundquist) where we will join forces to create a geisha!
Presenters: Rae Lundquist, Elizabeth Sloan, Bill Hedrick
1:00–2:00 pm, Propatorium (Room 306)
Propatorium Tour
Ever come face to face with the Maltese Falcon? How about Darth Vader’s Lightsaber, or the Headpiece to the Staff of Ra? Seen any cursed Aztec Gold piece lying around? Well, now’s your chance. This year’s MarsCon will feature a Prop Room, with everything from Fan Made Props, “Officially Licensed” Props, a few actual (a.k.a real) items from a few movies, and maybe a surprise or two. We would be honored if you would join us for an eye feast of stellar prop-portions!
Hosts: Mike Helde, Bob Poate
1:30–2:30 pm, Exec Conference Room (Second Floor)
Meet the Weapons
A few years ago there was a combat panel that discussed various weapons that show up primarily in fantasy but also SF (we were short on actual data on the effects of phasers and the like). At the end of the panel, the audience members could come up and see just how heavy a sword was, ideally allowing them write more accurate/realistic fight scenes without having to train with a weapons master. There wasn’t room or time for demonstrations on how the various weapons are used, which might have been nice. It would be great to have brief demos on a number of weapons that show up in sci-fi (to see how they work, what they are designed to do, and what they aren’t), followed up with a chance for the audience to again see the weapons up close and personal. Weapons
Host: S.N.Arly, Erik D. Pakieser, Doug Hulick
2:00 pm, Masquerade Dungeon (Pippins, 1st Floor)
Masquerade Registration Closes!
2:00–4:00 pm, Blue Mars (Room 1306)
To be announced at MarsCon
2:00–5:00 pm, Second Floor Hallway
Autograph Sessions
Authors are invited to do signings en masse.
2:00–3:00 pm, Fuji (Second Floor)
Anime Smackdown
Presenter: Matt Brogmus
2:00–3:00 pm, Krushenko’s
Panel: Science Fiction Cinema: The First 75 Years, 1902–1977
Reprised from MarsCon 1999. Traces the evolution of the form from George Melies’ A Trip to the Moon (1902) through Metropolis (1926), The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951), Forbidden Planet (1956) and 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) to just before the big-budget era launched by Star Wars (1977).
Presenters: Eric M. Heideman, mod.; David C. Booth, David E Romm. Hosted by SF Minnesota, sponsors of Diversicon.
2:00–3:00 pm, Re(a)d Mars
Panel: Flopsy, Mopsy, Rocket-Trail: Science Fictional World of Mainstream Children’s Lit
In Beatrix Potter’s books, the animals are sentient, and the humans know this—but eat the animals anyway. In Norman Bridwell’s Clifford series, a six-year-old girl has a pet dog the size of her house. And in Doreen Cronin’s Click Clack Moo: Cows That Type, the cows and the hens form a union and go on strike. What would Beatrix Potter (1866–1943) be writing if she were an SF author in 2008? Why are children’s books so weird?
Presenters: Naomi Kritzer, mod.; Ruth Berman
2:00–6:00 pm, Main Stage (Second Floor)
Saturday Dementia Concert Series:
2:00–2:30 pm—Rob Balder: Rob Balder is a self-described “renaissance geek,” who spreads his creative energies across the fields of comics, game design, small press publishing, writing, poetry, and filk.
2:30–3:00 pm—Sudden Death: The undisputed king of rap dementia. Yeah, I said it. On last year's Dr. Demento Funny 25 Countdown of 2007, Sudden Death had songs at #4, #2, and #1, and he was featured on #5. Any questions?
3:00–4:00 pm—Paul & Storm: Regular contributors to the nationally syndicated morning radio comedy juggernaut, “The Bob & Tom Show”! Half of the legendary a capella group “Da Vinci’s Notebook”! Many hits over the years on “The Dr. Demento Show”! Tons of tour dates being the ’Opening Band’ for Jonathan Coulton! You don’t even realize what lucky bastards we are to have them!
4:30–5:00 pm—Possible Oscar: Possible Oscar: Local heroes Bud Sharpe and Marshall Stanton take comedy rock music further than it needs to go.
5:00–6:00 pm—Hot Waffles: Chris and Timm Waffle triumphantly return to MarsCon, ready to do two things, (1) blow you away with a comedy rock spectacle the likes of which has never been seen, and (2) consume mass quantities on the 13th floor afterwards. They’ve appeared on EXTRA and G4’s Attack of the Show, and have performed at the Improv, the Ice House, the Carpenter Performing Arts Center, and the Orange County Comedy Festival. They’ve also performed with Dr. Demento, and who can forget their performance of “The Yolk’s On You” at the MarsCon 2006 Dementia Smackdown? So get ready for a rockin’ musical breakfast of Hot Waffles at MarsCon 2008!
3:00–6:00 pm Elysium Sanctum (Con Suite/13th Floor)
Admiral’s Tea Party
The IKV Warhammer and the U.S.S. Behr’ak would like to invite you to an Admiral’s Tea Party in celebration of the merger of the two clubs. Hot tea and cookies will be served. Please come and meet our group, see what we are all about, and spend a cozy time discussing one of our favorite subjects—Star Trek.
Hosts: Theresa Miller, Karen Nelson, IKV Warhammer, U.S.S. Behr’ak
3:00–4:00 pm, Exec Conference Room (Second Floor)
The Real Deal
The Girard family, Beth, Becky and Jessie, present live animal programs for several organizations including the Wildlife Science Center (Forest Lake, MN) and Eco Education (St. Paul, MN). They will be on hand to answer those overwhelming questions you may have regarding the vertebrate classes. Invertebrates and animals from each of the five major vertebrate classes will be presented.
Presenters: Beth Girard, Jessie Girard
3:00–4:00 pm, Fuji (Second Floor)
Press Start for Robots
What is needed to move robots into the main stream, and how long will it take?
Presenters: Richard Caylor, William Crolley, Alan Kilian, William McTeer, and Robert Odegard. Sponsored by the Twin Cities Robotics Club
3:00–4:00 pm, Krushenko’s (Concierge, Room 1332)
Panel: J.K. Rowling: My Heart is in the Coffin There With Harry Potter
People like to bash J.K. Rowling’s works and their phenomenal success. In a previous year, one MarsCon panel sought to bury Harry Potter, not to praise him. For a change of pace, let’s talk about the novels and the many reasons why we love them.
Presenters: Jessie Berg, Nina Boenish, Mickie Erickson; hosted by the Whitestar Phoenix
3:00–4:00 pm, Re(a)d Mars (Room 1340)
Panel: Writing Craft: Scene
Let’s talk about scene. Descriptions of people and places are a vital tool for putting a reader into the story and setting the mood. All five senses should be engaged as often as possible. But description can also become tedious and disengage the reader. How do you do that? What constitutes enough description? What is too much?
Presenters: Cynthia Booth, mod.; Roy C. Booth, Walter H. Hunt, Sandra Rector
3:00–4:00 pm, Masquerade Dungeon (Pippins/ First Floor)
Space Settlement
Living on the final frontier.
Presenters: Peter Kokh, Larry Ahern, Ben Huset, Dave Buth
4:00–6:00 pm, Blue Mars (Room 1306)
We’ve replaced your fandom’s dialogue with pop music. Let’s see if you notice! Watch some fan created music videos from your favorite shows and learn a little something about viding.
Presenters: Revolutionary Jo, Dead Legato
4:00–5:00 pm, Exec Conference Room (Second Floor)
Creative Trance Workshop
A workshop for the creative imagination: A moment of progressive relaxation takes you into your deepest and most creative inner mind. Take some time to enjoy some imaginal scenery. Ask a question. Invent an idea. …or simply travel into the amazing universe of the imagination.
Presenter: Craig R. Lang, MUFON
4:00–5:00 pm, Fuji (Second Floor)
Space Based Solar Power to the Rescue
On October 10th, 2007, the National Space Security Office [NSSO] released a report that was the result of two years of work by a team of experts from many fields. The gist of the report is that the United States can only achieve true energy independence by erecting a network of solar power satellites in Geosynchronous orbit to beam full strength solar energy 24/7 to rectennas on Earth. The report suggested that the only affordable way to put up such a system would be to get the bulk of the materials needed from the Moon. This would go well beyond the present “Vision for Space Exploration” and involve civilian industrial settlements on the Moon. Details, Discussion and Implications.
Presenter: Peter Kokh
4:00–5:00 pm, Krushenko’s (Concierge, Room 1332)
Interview/Discussion: The Works of Naomi Kritzer
Share your thoughts and/or come learn about the writings of our Author GOH.
Presenters: David Lenander & Eric M. Heideman, co-mods.; Naomi Kritzer. Co-sponsored by The Rivendell Group, a fantasy-book discussion group that has met regularly since late 1973 or early 1974, and Second Foundation, a speculative fiction-book discussion group that has met regularly since 1983.
4:00–5:00 pm, Re(a)d Mars (Room 1340)
Panel: Writing Craft: Character
Let’s talk about characterization. How are convincing characters constructed? Is convincing the same thing as realistic? What makes people love or hate a character?
Presenters: Kelly McCullough, mod.; Cynthia Booth, Doug Hulik, PMF Johnson,Walter H. Hunt
5:00–6:00 pm, Fuji (Second Floor)
Meet the Rocketman
Ky Michaelson’s inventions are legendary. Ky has contributed to over 200 films, television programs and commercials. He also built the rockets for the movie, October Sky. In 2004, Michaelson’s Civilian Space eXploration Team became the first amateur group to design, build and launch a rocket into space. Ky’s creations are the subject of a book currently in the publication process Motorbooks International. He is also developing a screenplay focused on his life and accomplishments.
Presenter: Ky Michaelson (
5:00–6:00 pm, Krushenko’s (Concierge, Room 1332)
Autographing: Naomi Kritzer
Our Author GOH signs, and chats about, her work.
5:00–6:00 pm, Re(a)d Mars (Room 1340)
Panel: The Dark Side of the Fey
Traditionally capricious and dangerous, the fey are now often portrayed very differently. Why have we moved toward a purely cuddly and kindly fey? What authors draw on the more traditional characters and do it well? Why does this work? What purpose do tales of the dark fey serve? Why should we “stay on the path”?
Presenters: S.N. Arly, mod.; Doug Hulik, Catherine Lundoff, Jason D. Wittman
5:30–8:00 pm, Blue Mars (Room 1306)
Anime: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya continues…
6:00–8:00 pm, Main Stage Foyer, Masquerade Overflow Seating (Second Floor)
Nintendo DS Gaming Meet
There are various titles that let players connect to each other. Many of these games on the Nintendo DS only require one person to have a copy, and other people can join in. Bring your Nintendo DS, game with others, and people-watch as the crowd starts gathering for Masquerade.
6:00 pm, Fuji (Second Floor)
Art Auction
Bid on a masterpiece!
Art Show Director: Michael Byrne
6:00–7:00 pm, Re(a)d Mars (Room 1340)
Panel: Happy Writers and Fast Writers, an Optimists’ Panel
There are any number of writers who talk about the agony of writing, both in terms of how long it takes and how miserable it makes them. But that’s not the only side of the story. A lot of writers love what they do—that’s why they do it. There are also a lot of fast writers out there who turn out good books.
Presenters: Roy C. Booth, mod.; Bryan Thao Worra
6:30 pm or immediately following Art Auction, Fuji (Second Floor)
Jeff Easley Q&A
Jeff Easley has become somewhat of a legend among fantasy artists, with more credits than he can count in contributions to gaming systems (approx. 198), fantasy book covers & interior art (36), and fantasy magazine covers & interior art (16), most notably for Dungeons & Dragons, Forgotten Realms, and The Dragonlance Saga. Talk about some artful topics with our talented artist guest of honor.
Presenter: Jeff Easley
7:00–8:00 pm, Re(a)d Mars (Room 1340)
Panel: Writing Craft: Plot
Let’s talk about plot. What is plot? How important is it? How is it built? Is there a magic formula?
Presenters: Kelly McCullough, mod.; Roy C. Booth, Doug Hulik, Walter H. Hunt, PMF. Johnson.
8:00–10:00 pm, Main Stage (Second Floor)
Masquerade & Half-time Show
A grand costume contest with half-time entertainment and prizes!
9:00–10:00 pm, Re(a)d Mars (Room 1340)
Discussion: H. Beam Piper, 1904–1964
Looks at the life and work of our Posthumous Guest of Honor, creator of the Fuzzies and author of future history, alternate history, and libertarian SF. Rick Gellman, mod.
9:00 pm–2:00 am, Krushenko’s & Krushenko’s Annex (Rooms 1332 & 1331)
Diversicon Party
Hosted by this multicultural, multimedia convention to be held August 1–3 in the Holiday Inn Metrodome, Minneapolis West Bank, with GOH Anne Frasier and Special Guest Nnedi Okorofar-Mbachu.
10:00 pm–Sun Midnight, Blue Mars (Room 1306)
Stupid Teenagers Must Die
It’s the 1980’s and a group of teenagers are getting together to hold a séance in a haunted house. All the typical 80’s horror movie characters are there: the cool hero, the innocent girlfriend, the goth chick, the tough guy, the beautiful blonde girl, the shy guy in love with the beautiful blonde girl, a couple of lipstick lesbians and two big geeks.
10:00–11:00 pm, Fuji (Second Floor)
Web Comics
Come and share your hidden gems. Convert your neighbors.
Presenters: Mickie Erickson, Jennifer Steadman, Whitestar Phoenix, Rob Balder
10:00 pm-ish, Karaoke Joe’s Café (Thirteenth Floor)
Nightly Karaoke begins after Masquerade.
10:00 pm, Parties Floors (12th & 13th Floors)
Saturday Night Party Judging
Parties Liaison: Nicky Luckes
10:00 pm, Re(a)d Mars (Room 1340)
Saturday Night Filking
Filking is a fannish tradition, active since the 1950s, when the earliest fans gathered in hotel rooms for late-night singing sessions at the occasional science fiction convention. While filk music commonly has a science, SF or fantasy theme, filkers have been known to write filk songs about a variety of tangentially-related topics. Bring your voice. Bring your instrument if you have one. Bring your own lyrics, or grab a songbook and join in the singing.
Host: Rich Brown
10:30–11:00 pm, Main Stage
Middle Eastern Dance Performance
Dazzling performance by local belly dancing troupe Zaharat.
Presenters: Badria, Benazir, Vega
11:00 pm–Sun Midnight, Main Stage (Second Floor)
D20: It’s How We Roll
A comedic play covering 20 years in the lives of two gamer geeks. As seen at the 2007 Minnesota Fringe Festival.
Presenters: Matt Coe, Stu Atteberry
11:00 pm–Sun Early Morning, Exec Conference Room (Second Floor)
Saturday Night Drum Jam
11:00 pm–Sun Midnight, Fuji (2nd Floor)
Guns of Sci-Fi
Guns, blasters and other weapons of sci-fi & action…what’s new? What’s old? What do we want to see, and what are we tired of?
Presenters: Erik D. Pakieser, Nathan Lalum, Blair Keith, Bob Poate
Sun Midnight, Blue Mars (Room 1306)
Movie: Nerdz
From crazed customers to lesbians and lightsabers, they do it all. Oh, and they might even fix a computer here and there. Join Jeremiah, Izac and the rest of the crew of your favorite computer repair shop, Nerdz.
Presenters: Tom Draeger, Paul Moreau, Zac Petrich, Zach Smith, Brandon Springer
Sun Midnight, Main Stage (Second Floor)
Concerts: Possum Willy & Fist Missile
Back by popular demand, Possum Willy will reunite for a MarsCon-exclusive concert. Fist Missile will follow with humorous, techno-nerdcore music.
10:00 am–Noon, Blue Mars (Room 1306)
Anime: Pretéar
16 year old Himeno Awayuki wants a normal, happy life. But when her nutty father Kaoru marries the wealthy executive Natsue, Himeno finds herself living on an estate the size of a small country and saddled with two step sisters, Mayune and Mawata who won't give her the time of day! Little does Himeno know, her life will go from bad to worse when the Princess of Disaster escapes from the realm of Leafeonia. The dark princess is seeding the land with Demon Larvae and intends to suck the Leafe—the life force of all beings from the world! Led by the brooding Hayate, seven Knights of Leafe search for the only person who can stop the catastrophe—the Pretéar, a special girl who, merged with a Knight, transforms into an all-powerful defender of life. And the Pretéar just happens to be Himeno. But is she up to the challenge?
10:00–11:00 am, Exec Conference Room (Second Floor)
Surviving the Writers’ Strike
Come, contribute ideas of what to read and watch since TV is plagued with reality shows due to the writers’ strike.
Presenters: Ben Ellis, Whitestar Phoenix
10:00–11:00 am, Masquerade Dungeon, Pippins (First Floor)
Costume Show and Tell
All invited to bring in their costumes for others to examine and discuss.
11:00 am–Noon, Fuji (Second Floor)
The Best and Worst Movies of 07/08
Discuss and debate some of the best and worst movies of 07/08 with your fellow panelists.
Presenters: Ben Ellis, Romeo Azar, Earl Luckes, C. Robert Cargill
11:00 am–Noon, Krushenko’s (Concierge, Room 1332)
Panel: Brainiac Bimbos Redux: The Women of Robert A. Heinlein and His Free Love Concept
This event was held at the first MarsCon, nine years ago, where we were amazed at the high level of interest and attendance on a Sunday morning. Let’s do it again.
Presenters: David Walbridge, hosted by the Whitestar Phoenix
11:00 am–Noon, Re(a)d Mars (Room 1340)
Broad Universe Rapid Fire Readings
Short fiction readings by members of Broad Universe. A regular MarsCon feature.
Presenters: Catherine Lundoff, host; S.N. Arly, Ruth Berman, Rebecca Marjesdatter
11:00 am–Noon, Main Stage (Second Floor)
Meet the Exec: MarsCon 2009
Hear about our evil plans for MarsCon 2009… the planned Guests of Honor, the theme, the horror! Brain storm with us, register and then give in to your uncontrollable urge to sign up to volunteer!
Presenters: Gail Celio, Katie Nelson
11:00 am–1:00 pm, Karaoke Joe’s Café (Room 1318)
The one and only DJ Particle will host this event that puts YOU in the spotlight! Sunday morning at 11:00 AM in Karaoke Joe’s. It'll be your chance to get up in front of the crowd and show your demented stuff! Are you an up and coming dementia artist with some songs to sing? Are you a karaoke fanatic who loves to sing your favorite funny tunes? Do you and your friends want to do a lip-sync to the latest demented hit? Then this is the show for you! DJ Particle will be performing some new songs herself as a part of the show! Want to be in the show? Just find the great Luke Ski and tell him who you are and what you plan to do. So come on and join in the fun, because it's your turn to be a dementia star!
Noon–1:00 pm, Blue Mars (Room 1306)
Movie: Mondo Collecto
Mondo Collecto is a thrilling documentary that boldly reveals the world of the Modern Collector. Produced by filmmaker R.P. Whalen and featuring Ted V. Mikels, Mondo Collecto is the result of a four-year project that presents some of the most unusual collectors and their collections that Whalen could find using a very minute budget. The result is a fascinating, thrilling, and sometimes shocking documentary that will entertain you from beginning to end with all points in between! 4 more info:
Noon–1:00 pm, Exec Conference Room (Second Floor)
Dance Class: Beginning Finger Cymbals for Dancers and Musicians
Learn some basic rhythms to accent your dancing or jazz up a drum jam. Please bring your finger cymbals and any extras to share—there will be a limited number of pairs available for use during class. No experience required.
Presenter: Laurie Olson Williams
Noon–1:00 pm, Fuji (Second Floor)
Demented Music as a Subgenre
2007 saw the end of syndication for Dr. Demento and the broadcast hiatus of Shockwave Radio Theater. Yet MarsCon thrives on weird music, as do other cons. Fewer but more devoted fans change the dynamic for Demented Artists. How? What can you do?
Presenters: David E Romm, mod., with Earl Luckes, Luke Sienkowski, Chris & Timm Waffle, and Dementia track performers as panelists
Noon–1:00 pm, Krushenko’s (Concierge, Room 1332)
Panel: Great YA SF—Not Just for Kids Anymore
The young adult market has leaped into speculative fiction. Sure, there have always been some books and films that could be categorized as both YA and spec fic, but it’s only in the recent past that it’s earned both more significant real estate on bookstore shelves and credibility as a valuable genre. What books and films make for great YA speculative fiction (regardless of their “age level”)? Which ones are real stinkers? Which ones seemed great at one point, but just haven’t stood the test of time? More adults are branching out into the YA department, not just to check up on what their kids may be reading. What is the appeal of YA books among the not so targeted audience? What makes some YA books eminently suitable for adults? This is not intended to be a panel on all the new YA out there, per se, but a discussion of the YA that crosses over as great genre fiction and perhaps some great genre fiction that crosses over as YA (i.e.; what books did you read as a young adult before SF/F imprints existed?).
Presenters: S.N. Arly, mod.; Rebecca Marjesdatter
Noon–1:00 pm, Re(a)d Mars (Room 1340)
Panel: Meet the Wyrdsmiths
Members of this highly successful SF writing group talk/answer questions about how their group works. Will their methods get positive results for other aspiring SF writers, including you? Doug Hulick, mod.; Naomi Kritzer, Kelly McCullough
Noon–1:00 pm, Main Stage (Second Floor)
Star Trek and Beyond: Bill Blair
During the 1999/2000 TV season, Bill appeared in several episodes of Ally McBeal. Since then, Bill has bounced around from show to show, including such hits as Star Trek: Voyager, Enterprise, The X-Files, The Invisible Man, Drew Carey, Family Law, The District, Crossing Jordan, Providence, and more recently, King of Queens, Will and Grace, Yes, Dear!, Friends, and now as a regular on The Division, and the HBO Series Carnivale, which premiered in the fall of 2003. You can also ‘spot’ Bill in the theater in the films Alex and Emma, and on TV in the TV movie, Secret Santa.
Presenter: Bill Blair
Noon–1:00 pm, Masquerade Dungeon (Pippins, First Floor)
Costume: From Concept to Creation
C is for cosplay, that’s good enough for me… learn how a costume goes from the screen to real-life. We’ll pick a character, find or make a pattern, pick just the right fabric, everything you need to get down to sewing. Don’t know how to sew? We’ve got resources for learning!
Presenters: Dead Legato, Revolutionary Jo
1:00–2:00 pm, Ballroom Foyer (Second Floor)
Sunday Autograph Session: Bill Blair
1:00–4:00 pm, Blue Mars (Room 1306)
Anime: Pretéar continues…
1:00–4:00 pm, Exec Conference Room (Second Floor)
Charity Auction
Help us raise funds for two worthwhile causes by bidding for some incredible items, donated by fans like you. Proceeds will benefit the Gordy Dickson Memorial Scholarship Fund and the Red Cross Minnesota Disaster Relief Fund. Donations will be accepted at the door. Some items will be available for quick sales. Thank you for your generosity!
1:00–2:00 pm, Fuji (Second Floor)
Mars in Utah
The Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS) is one of four planned simulated Mars habitats maintained by the Mars Society. It is the second such research station to be built, after the completion of the Flashline Mars Arctic Research Station on Devon Island in the Arctic in 2000. The project’s goals are to develop field tactics based on environmental constraints (ie, being required to work in spacesuits), to test habitat design features and tools, and to assess crew selection protocols. The crews usually consist of a mix of astronomers, physicists, biologists, geologists, engineers and the occasional journalist.
Presenters: Ben Huset, Minnesota Space Frontier Society
1:00–2:00 pm, Masquerade Dungeon (Pippins, First Floor)
Adults Who Play with Dolls?
They’re not dolls, they’re ACTION FIGURES. Or are they…? From children’s toys with a strange appeal to adults to adult oriented collectibles to resin kits and life sized reproductions to Asian Ball Joint Dolls, talk about your favorite playthings.
Presenter: Dead Legato
1:00–2:00 pm, Krushenko’s (Concierge, Room 1332)
Panel: Movie Westerns
Reprised from MarsCon Nein, 2007. The first movie Western debuted in 1903, the year after the first SF film. We’ll look at oater cinema’s history, stars, directors, themes, and enduring appeal. Minnesota is where the West begins. Are we ready for our own Western convention?
Presenters: David Christenson & Eric M. Heideman, co-mods; Sybil Smith. David & Eric are also Co-Chairing Con-Sarnit, a one-day Western convention the first edition of which will be held Saturday, June 7 at the Best Western, Bandana Square, St. Paul, including a posthumous tribute to Western Icon John Wayne.
1:00–2:00 pm, Re(a)d Mars (Room 1340)
Panel: Writing Business/Craft: Q&A with the pros
Reprised from MarsCon Nein, 2007. Come and ask writing professionals questions about the business and craft of writing.
Presenters: Kelly McCullough, mod.; Naomi Kritzer, Roy C. Booth, Walter H. Hunt
1:00–3:00 pm, Main Stage (Second Floor)
Sunday Dementia Concert Series
1:00–1:30 pm—Art Paul Schlosser: Art has been a street musician and busker as well as an outsider artist on State Street in Madison, Wisconsin since 1986. He is best known for his song, “Have A Peanut Butter Sandwich” which made the Funny 5 of the Dr Demento radio show 4 times in the year 2001.
1:30–2:00 pm—Carrie Dahlby: The Carol Cleveland of the FuMP, Carrie returns with some beautiful arias about sleep deprivation and the continued existence of people who act like bungholes in our society.
2:00–2:30 pm—Power Salad Concert: A dementia veteran of the ages, Chris Mezzolesta returns to record another live album, like the one he did last year.
2:30–3:00 pm—The Great Luke Ski: The Uber Geek, the Emissary Of Rap Dementia, Dr. Demento's Most Requested Artist of the 21st Century, pawning the universe, receiving your worship, dating your Mom.
2:00–4:00 pm, Fuji (Second Floor)
The Cosmic Bridge, E.T. Contact and Human Destiny
What would E.T. contact be like, and what would it mean to you? This talk will cover speculation about E.T. contact, and ask whether such contact might have occurred in our past—or might even be occurring today. What is the evidence for contact today? Why might such contact be occurring? How does contact affect the individual, and the world overall?
Presenter: Craig R. Lang, MUFON
2:00–3:00 pm, Krushenko’s (Concierge, Room 1332)
Panel: Horror Cinema 101/102
Reprised/compressed from MarsCon 2006. 1896–1949: Within a chronological framework we’ll consider studios (Universal, RKO, etc.), producers (Carl Laemmle, Jr., Val Lewton) movements, directors (F.W. Murnau, Tod Browning, James Whale), actors (King Karloff, Scream Queen Fay Wray, Lugosi, Chaney Sr. & Jr.), films that are historically important and why, films we love most and why. 1950–: Keep Watching the Skies! I was a Teenage Whatever. Hammer. American International. Evil Kids. The Living Dead. Giant Monsters from Tokyo. Mad slashers. The Sixth Sense and the re-invention of subtlety. There’s so much to talk about the time will just fly by. Participants are encouraged to bring recommended viewing lists to share. Eric M. Heideman, mod.; Roy C. Booth
2:00-3:00 p.m., Re(a)d Mars (Room 1340)
Panel: Cost in Fiction
Writers will often talk about “cost” in their stories and others. What exactly is cost? Why do stories need to have it? What kind of stories need to have cost assigned? What purpose does it serve? How much is enough? How should the assignment of cost be handled (i.e.: how to decide who pays the cost)? What authors handle this particularly well or particularly poorly?
Presenters: S.N. Arly, mod.; Paula L. Fleming, Walter H. Hunt
2:00–3:00 pm, Masquerade Dungeon (Pippins, First Floor)
Costumers’ Guild Meeting
This is the second meeting of the newly organizing Costumers’ Guild. All con-goers are welcome, as is the public. (So if you know someone who might be interested, please invite him or her to the meeting.) No one will need a con badge to attend this meeting.
3:00–4:00 pm, Krushenko’s (Concierge, Room 1332)
Diversicon Meeting
Hear what’s up with this local convention from the Chair of D16, Rick Gellman; D17 Chair Emeritus Eric M. Heideman; and D17 Chairs-in-Training Paula L. Fleming and Scott Lohman
3:00–4:00 pm, Main Stage (Second Floor)
Dementia Smackdown!
We close out the weekend with our popular traditional pre-Closing-Ceremonies concert, the Dementia Smackdown! Bear witness to all 14 performers getting on stage and taking turns performing cover versions of comedy music hits of the past and present, possibly with some surprises thrown in! Don’t miss it!
4:30–5:30 pm, Main Stage (Second Floor)
Closing Ceremonies
Say “farewell” to the guests & “thanks” to volunteers. Hear news about next year’s convention plans, pre-register for next year, and do the big group sing.
7:30 pm–1:30 am, Krushenko’s Annex (Room 1331)
A Party for Readers and Viewers
Co-hosted by Tales of the Unanticipated, an SF antholo-zine, and Second Foundation, a speculative fiction book-discussion group (since 1983), celebrating its 25th anniversary, whose members are also film buffs
After Con, Con Suite (Elysium Sanctum/13th Floor)
Dead Cow Party
Party ’til the cows come home.
MarsCon 2008 / Feb 29th—Mar 2nd / Holiday Inn Select / Bloomington,MN
If you're looking for the Marscon in Hampton Roads, Virginia click here.
Questions about MarsCon:
© 2007—2008, Fans Educational Network for Science Fiction.
This page was last revised February 28, 2008 at 13:45