MarsCon 2022

MarsCon is a fan-run science fiction convention for all ages held every March in the Twin Cities area. At MarsCon you’ll find panel discussions, parties, guest of honor presentations, music of many kinds, our art show, film/anime room, science room, dealers room, charity auction, and masquerade. Our comedy music track is virtually a con in itself, and attracts a nation-wide audience.

Welcome to the return of in-person conventions!

News from MarsCon

All interested parties are welcome to attend the
MarsCon 2022 Alien Autopsy
Sunday, April 3, 2022 - 1pm to 4pm
This will be a Zoom meeting. To fend off Zoombombers we are not publishing the link. Feel free to request an invitation from Your comments and suggestions are welcome.

The MarsCon 2023 website will be up and running as soon as this MarsCon ends.

Preview the MarsCon 2022 Program Book. How cool is this!

Our Program Schedule (as of December 31, 1969 18:00 CST) in nearly-final form. This schedule has a small number of changes made since the Program Book went to the printer.

...Or download your own copy of the Pocket Program Guide (as of March 06, 2022 12:44 CST).

MarsCon Tees, hoodies, bags, cloth masks, etc. are available as mail order thru our store. This updated link should work better for you. Order early and you can wear your merch at MarsCon.

The MarsCon 2022 COVID Policy is subject to change with the ever-changing pandemic situation in Minnesota.

If you missed any of MarsCon 2021’s virtual events, most can be found on YouTube: and

MarsCon 2022

“The future ain’t what it used to be”
March 11 - 13, 2022
In Person

Hilton Minneapolis/St. Paul Airport Mall of America
3800 American Blvd E
Bloomington, Minnesota
March 11 - 13, 2022

click to donate MarsCon has ongoing expenses but zero registration revenue for 2021 - if you were registered for MarsCon 2021 your membership has been rolled over to 2022. If you are able, please consider a Donation to MarsCon.

Send questions about MarsCon to, we’ll do our best to send answers!

More about MarsCon may be found at...
  • Discord:
  • Twitter:
  • FaceBook:
  • Comedy Music:

MarsCon is brought to you by the Fans Educational Network for Science Fiction (FenSF, Inc), a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Tax deductible donations always accepted.

If you are searching for the Marscon in Williamsburg, VA click here.

© 2022, FenSF

Image by ParallelVision, thank you!
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