MarsCon 2007

MarsCon 2006 Gaming

Hello folks! This is going to be an exciting year in gaming. Not only will we have scheduled and free play events, computer and X-Box LAN gaming, along with other special evnets, but this is the first year we are catering to what gamers want --- gamer wristbands!

Although I personally think that MarsCon is worth coming out for the whole weekend, we recognize that gamers are a special breed. Some people only play ceratin gaming evnets, while others roam about. For those of you who only want to come out and game, with perhaps no interests in some of our other non-gaming events, we present the gamer wristband.

Ten dollars/day will get you a special color-coded wristband that gives you access to the gaming rooms only. (For those who are hardcore gamers, you probably aren't going to look at the other rooms anyway.) However, we know how much fun one can have with other events, such as Masquerade, Party Rooms, the Con Suite (Food!), Science Room, and well -- the list just goes on. What do you do if you want to check out the rest of the convention because you just lost your best mini to some 10 year old kid in a pink-slips army game? Check us out with only a simple upgrade, minus the cost of your wristband! All we ask is that you see how cool the rest of the convention is. I am a hard-core gamer myself, and I have found that these people put a lot of effort, care and fun into other areas of Fantasy/Sci-Fi conventioning! The great part is you get to choose! So those of you who want to keep costs low and just want to game, we are here for you. If you want to upgrade -- that's great! Either way you are going to have fun!

On behalf of our Gaming Crew this year (myself, Jamie, and Brad) we want to thank you in advance for coming out to have a good time. See you at the con!

--Matt "Cyber Urza" McMillan

Look for a detailed gaming insert in the program book at MarsCon 2007. Here's just a preview of the events we'll have.

Offer your gaming ideas here.

MarsCon 2007
March 2-4, 2007
Holiday Inn Select
Bloomington, MN
If you're looking for the Marscon held in Williamsburg, Virginia click here.

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