MarsCon 2007

Registration rates for MarsCon 2007

Announcing: single day registration rates for MarsCon 2007!

Friday  $20.00
Saturday  $30.00
Sunday  $20.00

At the door rates are now in effect, and our PayPal registration system has been shut down for the year. We are not able to process credit cards at the door, so bring cash or your checkbook.

At 2006 Con Through 10/31/06 Through 1/31/07 At the Door
Adult $25.00 $35.00 $45.00 $55.00
Child (6-12) $15.00 $15.00 $20.00 $25.00
Supporting $15.00 $20.00 $25.00 *
Gaming Wristband ** $10.00/day $10.00/day $10.00/day $10.00/day
* Supporting members pay a reduced rate through 1/31/07 to hold tickets and then complete the purchase by paying an additional $25 at any time up to and including at the door.
** Gaming Wristbands are good from the time picked up until 8:00 am the next day (or the end of the Con). There's no need to specify which day you're buying a gaming wristband for - just show up at Registration to claim your wristband-du-jour.

Four ways to register for MarsCon 2007:

MarsCon 2007
March 2-4, 2007
Holiday Inn Select
Bloomington, MN
If you're looking for the Marscon held in Williamsburg, Virginia click here.

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© 2007, Fans Educational Network for Science Fiction. This page was last revised April 09, 2015 pm30 22:54.