MarsCon 2019 - 'Legends in our Own Minds'

Program Ideas Page

MarsCon programming is driven by our attendees. Please share in the fun by posting your ideas for programming here—talks you’d like to hear or give, presenters/performers you would recommend, subjects or activities of interest to you and other fans…

If you’ve submitted ideas in years past you already know the plan: read the ideas list… if you see a program event you want to help with drop us an email. If you have an idea for an event that isn’t yet listed jump to the form and tell us about it.

Starting around January our programming staff starts getting in touch with those who have offered suggestions to see if they are still game for the event and to work out details. As always, MarsCon depends on our attendees for much of our programming.

Text vs Talk
Which works best for you - words in your ears or text on a screen (or paper!)? What only really works for you as a spoken book? As text?

Suggested by Rich on Sunday, April 21, 2019 at 23:02:07

Text vs Talk
Which works best for you - words in your ears or text on a screen (or paper!)? What only really works for you as a spoken book? As text?

Suggested by Rich on Sunday, April 21, 2019 at 22:51:53

The Q3ube open source hardware hackathon
The Q3ube is a recursive computer, that comes with all the design tools, software, and information necessary to make another computer. It currently doesn't quite yet exist, other than a legend in our minds, because until just recently, the information on how to make a modern CPU was a tightly guarded secret and arcane knowledge held only by those in employ of Big Tech. Now we have the new RiscV architecture that came from a research group at Berkeley, and the company (SiFive) that came from this research released the source code to a processor we can download from and change it, and recompile the processor. Note: Sifive is paying me to work on open source hardware

Suggested by Technomagik on Saturday, February 16, 2019 at 23:18:19

Poetry Circle
Writers with poems to read do so. Audience participation welcome.

Suggested by G. David Nordley on Friday, February 01, 2019 at 01:09:05

Dyson Spheres Reimagined
Panel or Presentation (if nobody else wants to join) How new materials like graphine and new engineering achievements like timing photons change our notions of the possibility of continuous Dyson spheres. For instance? What if the surface of a Dyson Sphere hosted a phased array?

Suggested by G. David Nordley on Friday, February 01, 2019 at 00:39:24

Reading by G. David Nordley
G. David Nordley will read from his recent Analog cover story, Empress of Starlight. Discussion afterward.

Suggested by G. David Nordley on Friday, February 01, 2019 at 00:32:39

A Real ETO Flies By.
We didn't make this up. A giant cigar-shaped Extra Terrestrial Object buzzed through the solar system last year on a hyperbolic orbit, gently tumbling, looking (to the extent we could see) very much what one might expect a big derelict spacecraft to look like. It even appears to fire jets! While natural explanations are preferred, it seems eerily like something out of science fiction. Whatever its origin, it is one more piece of evidence that no planetary system is an island; whether dust, rocks, comets, rogue planets or alien visitors the exchange of stuff between stars may happens more often than some might think. Could that include life?

Suggested by G. David Nordley on Friday, February 01, 2019 at 00:16:15

Planets of the Red Dwarf Suns.
Presentation & discussion: Proxima Centauri, Trappist-1, Gliese-876 and some other red dwarfs close enough for interstellar visits have planetary systems with habitable zone { planets, but circumstances vary. Author and amateur astronomer G. David Nordley will provide a quick tour of what the late Hal Clement called the "red empire."

Suggested by G. David Nordley on Friday, February 01, 2019 at 00:14:36

Big Falcon Rocket Economics
Panel: At ten million dollars a launch, it would get a hundred people in orbit for $10,000 each, or a hundred fifty metric tons of payload at about $67 a kilogram. A Proton M or a Falcon 9 will cost about $3,000 per kilogram and a Delta IV about $10,000 per kilogram. Assuming the BFR flies, how will this change the future? Our panelists will consider the timing and cost asteroid mining, space manufacturing, space tourism, and space colonization.

Suggested by G. David Nordley on Friday, February 01, 2019 at 00:10:54

Brave New Economic Worlds
Will self-replicating machines and space resources trash economics as we know it? What will replace it? In a few years we'll be needing a better approach than saying "they can't do it," because "they" probably can.

Suggested by G. David Nordley on Friday, February 01, 2019 at 00:08:25

O'Neill colonies in the Kuiper Belt and the Oort Cloud
The left over building blocks of the solar system have everything needed to support space colonies. All we need is energy, and, with vast collectors of aluminized graphine, one can harvest even that. There are estimated to be tens of thousands of "Ultima Thule" like objects and a scattering of much larger objects and even dwarf planets. How many people might this support? What might be the future of very deep space settlement?

Suggested by G. David Nordley on Friday, February 01, 2019 at 00:06:17

Asteroid mining update.
Panel: Who's still in the fiel d? What are they doing now and plan to do in the future? What is the legal environment? Is there a business case today? Fifty years from now?

Suggested by G. David Nordley on Thursday, January 31, 2019 at 23:54:22

Looking in the mirror for answers to the Fermi Question?
Where are they? What do trends in our own recent history such as planetary protection, breakthrough starshot, ethical logic, genetic engineering and the coming singularity in cybernetics and robotics suggest about how a really advanced civilization might deal with interstellar distances and much less advanced beings. Aliens would not be humans, of course, but at a truly advanced level, would it matter?

Suggested by G. David Nordley on Thursday, January 31, 2019 at 23:51:19

Cooling the Planet
Panel: With seas already rising and jet streams running wild, we may need something quicker than carbon reduction. Our panel will review and discuss "albedo modification," cooling the planet by letting less sunlight in. Depending on how it is done, there may be collateral damage to be dealt with, but a 2-3 % reduction should work to put more ice on the poles and lower sea levels -- and, from experience with large volcanic eruptions, fairly quickly.

Suggested by G. David Nordley on Thursday, January 31, 2019 at 23:48:05

Next Century, the Stars,
Panel: Robots, space resources, additive manufacturing, beam-pushed starships, and rethinking the problem are making interstellar travel look more and more feasible. We look at the concepts and nascent technologies that could underlie flights to the stars in the 2100s. What might the early years of interstellar exploration be like?

Suggested by G. David Nordley on Thursday, January 31, 2019 at 23:43:22

Pulse Rifles, Smartguns, Moritas, and Flamethrowers
Erik Pakieser, a superfan of the "Alien" film franchise, gives a guided tour of his prop collection from Aliens, Starship Troopers, and other films.

Suggested by Erik Pakieser on Thursday, January 31, 2019 at 09:42:44

Breakthrough Starshot: Is this for real
Presentation: Breakthrough Starshot intends to push tiny light sails to Alpha Centauri with laser beams. It's privately fundeded and though many technicial problems remaint to be solved, work is in progress. Writer and Astronautical Engineer Gerald "G. David" Nordley will give a progress report and explain how Starshot is related to similar interstellar transportation concepts.

Suggested by G. David Nordley on Monday, January 28, 2019 at 09:40:19

Star Trek Discovery and what's coming next
CBS is doing a bunch of Star Trek shows, now that Discovery is a success. Discovery is onto the 2nd season. We have a new Picard show, an animated lower decks, a section 31.

Suggested by Diana Tonn on Wednesday, January 23, 2019 at 20:17:08

What are we Reading
What a great time to be alive for readers. Traditional print, ebooks, self publishing, fan fiction.. what are we reading? Recommendations, ideas, and suggestions. What we are reading now, and what got us into science fiction, fantasy, comics, or manga in the first place?

Suggested by Rebecca on Sunday, January 20, 2019 at 19:58:56

Preparing for Readings
A great way for writers to share or showcase their work is through readings (live at conventions, bookstores, or other events, or recorded as pod-casts). Writing is a solitary activity, whereas reading is closer to acting, and not all of us feel comfortable with this change of venue. What can we do to best prepare ourselves for this? How should you go about choosing a story or excerpt? What are good options for practicing? How can this form of publicity go very wrong? What can you do at the reading to make things go smoothly?

Suggested by S.N.Arly on Thursday, January 17, 2019 at 15:35:20

Writers and Technology
There's a lot of technology out there that can be useful to writers. From grammar and spell checking. to cloud-based sharing for critiquing, to outlining programs, to adaptive tech to accommodate a disability, injury, or lifestyle complication. Writers share what's been useful to them, what hasn't been useful to them, and how to incorporate technology into your writing process without making it cumbersome or letting it interfere with your creative flow.

Suggested by S.N.Arly on Thursday, January 17, 2019 at 15:34:51

Writing Diversity Right
Done right, art and fiction can give readers a connection with an unfamiliar place, push away stereotypes and further understanding. Done wrong, it perpetuates stereotypes, offends readers familiar with the source material or culture, is tainted by colonialism, and comes off as a cheap and poorly constructed attempt to include diversity.

Suggested by S.N.Arly on Thursday, January 17, 2019 at 15:34:20

What's Left to Exploit?
What scientific/technological ideas haven't been overdone in spec fic? What societal taboos or issues are left to play with? What cultural norms haven't been tested? What political scenarios haven't launched an apocalyptic/postapocalyptic or alternate history tale? In other words, what haven't we yet turned into art (or mass produced commercial entertainment)?

Suggested by S.N.Arly on Thursday, January 17, 2019 at 15:33:41

Heroism defined (aka: what is a hero anyway)
What makes someone a hero? Saving the village? The country? The civilization? The world? Sacrificing your dream for the sake of others? Is raising a family heroic? How big an action needs to be undertaken to be considered a hero? Is hero status something that needs to be maintained through the commitment of routine heroic acts or are you always a hero once you've received the title? Does gender matter (does a female hero do the same things as a male hero and vice versa; and can a male be heroic while doing feminized things)? Has the concept of the hero been overused and trivialized in the real world? Can everyone really be a hero?

Suggested by S.N.Arly on Thursday, January 17, 2019 at 15:33:08

Good Blog/Bad Blog - modern technology and artists
What modern technology is available for artists (for self promotion, research, networking, other reasons)? Online research, boon or bane? What purpose can a blog serve? What things can go wrong? Discussion boards - good, bad, or dependent on how they're used? Facebook? Tumblr? Twitter? How can these be useful? When do they become a hinderance? How can platforms like Patreon and Curious Fictions help or harm writers and artists?

Suggested by S.N.Arly on Thursday, January 17, 2019 at 15:32:29

Editors and Authors
We don't have to have an adversarial relationship, but we often do, or seem to. Is this all a bunch of posturing, or is there something more to this? Editors need authors, and authors need editors. What do we have to offer each other if we can get past this?

Suggested by S.N.Arly on Thursday, January 17, 2019 at 15:31:49

Critique Groups - How to give and take a critique
Just because you know how to write doesn't mean you know how to give useful feedback to other writers. Being a writer also doesn't necessarily mean you already have tough skin and can handle abuse (nor should you). What are the keys to giving useful critiques? How can you cope with the emotionally tender bits of receiving criticism?

Suggested by S.N.Arly on Thursday, January 17, 2019 at 15:30:33

Critique Groups - Forming a productive writing group
The essentials of a strong critique group: What is necessary for a group to work/function successfully? What may be beneficial to some groups but not required for all? What is counter-productive in a group? Knowing when it's time to call it quits or find another group. Recruitment strategies: How do you find new members for existing groups or to start a new group?

Suggested by S.N.Arly on Thursday, January 17, 2019 at 15:29:45

Writers will often talk about "cost" in their stories and others. What exactly is cost? Why do stories need to have it? What kind of stories need to have cost assigned? What purpose does it serve? How much is enough? How should the assignment of cost be handled (ie: how to decide who pays the cost)? What authors handle this particularly well? What stories have handled it particularly poorly?

Suggested by S.N.Arly on Thursday, January 17, 2019 at 15:29:09

Artistic Inspiration
Authors and artists discuss what inspires them to write or create. What sorts of things spontaneously inspire you? What things do you seek out when you need inspiration? What doesn't work to jog or instigate inspiration? We've all heard of writers' retreats, is it possible to force inspiration? What squelches your enthusiasm (big picture - general things not specific tiny events or things)?

Suggested by S.N.Arly on Thursday, January 17, 2019 at 14:51:25

The Affairs of Wizards
Wizards, and magic users of various names, are prevalent in fairy tales, folk tales, and fantasy. What purpose do they serve? How do we make them and their magic believable to a modern audience? How much of the process of magic needs to be explained and how much is best left to the reader or viewer's imagination? How do you make your wizards stand out as something new and interesting, and not just another Gandalf or Dumbledore knockoff? Who does this well? What tropes have been overused and need to be buried under a really large rock?

Suggested by S.N.Arly on Thursday, January 17, 2019 at 14:50:25

'Right'ing the Writing: Considerations for a Female Doctor
A discussion on the strategic decisions that the "Doctor Who" writers made and have to make when writing for a female doctor. What do the writers of the current doctor have to consider that they didn't with a male doctor? What stereotypes do the writers need to be careful to avoid as they move forward?

Suggested by Karina Lozano on Thursday, January 17, 2019 at 13:15:51

High Tech Costuming Enhancements
Adding electronics to your prop, costume and droid. Making things blink, move, and make noise.

Suggested by Brainstorming on Tuesday, January 15, 2019 at 21:02:10

Toys in Space
See how toys made on Earth react in zero gravity.

Suggested by Brainstorming on Tuesday, January 15, 2019 at 21:00:48

Root Beer Tasting
$5 to taste 3 different types of root beer including blonde rootbeer.

Suggested by Brainstorming on Tuesday, January 15, 2019 at 20:59:37

Would "Real Science" Work in Movies? Budgeting? Audience Acceptance?

Suggested by Brainstorming on Tuesday, January 15, 2019 at 20:58:34

Esperanto: It's Time Has Come
A second language for everyone. Simple rules.

Suggested by Artie on Tuesday, January 15, 2019 at 20:55:52

Costumers for a Cause
Costumers for a Cause is a Minnesota-based nonprofit group that unites local costuming groups to assist the charitable community by facilitating entertainment and excitement at events. This panel (led by members of Costumers for a Cause) will discuss who we are, what we do, and how costumers can get involved with our group.

Suggested by Kris on Monday, January 14, 2019 at 11:39:17

How to Make a Short Film panel
After 10 years, 30 short films, a pile of nominations and 6 awards, Nathan Block and his Distant Calling Pictures production team are seasoned veterans of indie short film creation. Whether you are seeking to make your own film, aspiring to act or are just film-curious, we'd love to talk to you! Drop by our panel. Everyone gets a free gift just for showing up!

Suggested by Nathan Block on Wednesday, January 09, 2019 at 03:05:13

UFO case studies 2
Case studies of UFO sightings and may include MN sightings

Suggested by Mike Harris on Monday, January 07, 2019 at 22:49:43

UFO Case histories 1
This presentation is on some UFO case histories. This may include MN sightings.

Suggested by Mike Harris on Monday, January 07, 2019 at 22:44:21

MN MUFON and how to file a report
Thia program is basic information on who, MN Mufon is, when they meet, what you may find out at a meeting and how to file a UFO report with our Contact management system.

Suggested by Mike Haris on Monday, January 07, 2019 at 22:37:22

T. Aaron Cisco Author Reading
Locally based author/tv producer, T. Aaron Cisco reads excerpts from his works, and discusses his process, shares stories from his experiences as an author, and the current landscape of indie, speculative fiction from small press and DIY publishers.

Suggested by T. Aaron Cisco on Monday, January 07, 2019 at 13:30:12

Reflections on Black Mirror
Discussion on the critically acclaimed sci-fi/horror anthology that is the heir apparent to the Twilight Zone, and leading the resurgence of televised science fiction anthology

Suggested by T. Aaron Cisco on Monday, January 07, 2019 at 13:28:10

Appeal to the Court of Geek
Less a panel than a mock trial/congressional fandom hearing in which the audience are the tribunal. Is it possible to not only cast doubt on their seemingly universal hate, but actually provide evidence that these are likeable or even - dare we say it- good films? The defendants include the DCEU, Star Trek-Into Darkness, Prometheus,XMen Apocalypse, and other widely abhorred genre movies.

Suggested by T. Aaron Cisco on Monday, January 07, 2019 at 13:26:29

Star Trek Dystopia
Star Trek is widely praised for its seemingly progressive depiction of equality and acceptance. But is that praise deserved? If you truly love something, you accept the lumps with the good, so let's explore some of the ugly truths about life in the 22nd-24th centuries, and what can be done to fix it.

Suggested by T. Aaron Cisco on Monday, January 07, 2019 at 13:24:07

Colorizing Fandom
Cosplayers of color discuss playing characters traditionally/originally depicted as non-POCI (or presenting as different gender), adaptation vs. interpretation, and how the current casting choices in Hollywood/TV impact the local geek scene

Suggested by T. Aaron Cisco on Monday, January 07, 2019 at 13:23:00

99 Problems But A Pitch Ain't One
So you've got an idea for a movie, tv show, graphic novel? Now what? Learn how to prep and package your idea, where to take it, and how to get others (in the decision making seats) excited and interested.

Suggested by T. Aaron Cisco on Monday, January 07, 2019 at 13:20:46

What is Afrofuturism?
Going beyond Black Panther, what is this 'afrofuturism' that getting so much more mainstream attention now? Learn about the history, the contemporary applications, and what makes this subgenre of speculative fiction distinctive.

Suggested by T. Aaron Cisco on Monday, January 07, 2019 at 13:19:07

Zombify your plush
Take a plush, make some cuts, use red paint, add yarn guts and Vola, ZOMBIE! Oh yeah, we add leaking brains, too....

Suggested by julie Bowman on Wednesday, January 02, 2019 at 18:12:36

Pipecleaner Dragons and other Wee Beasties
Basic dragon making then samples of other creatures. Have a great simple spider pattern made with a pompom, goggly eyes and pipecleaners...

Suggested by Julie Bowman on Wednesday, January 02, 2019 at 18:08:54

Reading of Two Authors
Trudy has been reading ever since she learned how. And she's been writing almost as long! Now she wants to entertain others by reading passages from some of her own published works, as well as those of her husband, John Lars Shoberg.

Suggested by Trudy V Myers on Sunday, December 30, 2018 at 10:11:26

Future Archeologists Look at Today's Earth
Panelist will bring several small items commonly found on Earth today, and try to imagine what they are/were for. Audience participation encouraged. Try to imagine you have no idea what this thingamabob actually is.

Suggested by Trudy V Myers on Sunday, December 30, 2018 at 10:06:11

The Perfect Place to Retire
Panelist will give some details about known planets outside our solar system and let the audience decide if it sounds like the place where they would want to retire. Or at least visit.

Suggested by Trudy V Myers on Sunday, December 30, 2018 at 09:56:33

Dissecting a Dragon
Some have suggested that dragons were based on dinosaurs. Panelist will present some suggestions on how a dinosaur might have acquired the powers of a dragon for the audience to discuss.

Suggested by Trudy V Myers on Sunday, December 30, 2018 at 09:51:44

High level creativity.
Creativity is common to all fields and peoples, yet it is rarely understood. What there were simple rules and tools you could use to be more creative in your work, art and life? Well, friend, there are. You could invent, share, create and discover with the best of them.

Suggested by David Otto Walbridge on Friday, December 28, 2018 at 21:51:15

Comedy writing.
Want to write the funny? Come and learn the techniques and tools for writing jokes, scripts and books. Hear from the pros how its done - we might even be funny. It's as simple as one, two, badger.

Suggested by David Otto Walbridge on Friday, December 28, 2018 at 21:50:02

So you want to wear the kilt...
How does on wear it? Is a great one necessary? Do I have to be Irish/Scottish/Latvian? What is worn underneath? Can anyone wear one? What kinds are there? How do you make one? You have questions; we have answers. (And kilts.)

Suggested by David Otto Walbridge on Friday, December 28, 2018 at 21:45:35

Branding for writers and artists: The character you play off-stage.
The character you play off-stage. Is this uber-connected digital age, we are all brands. Luckily, you get to choose how you present yourself, your art and your business to the world; you get to pick who you are. Letâ s talk about Branding for writers and artists

Suggested by Dave Walbridge on Friday, December 28, 2018 at 21:27:53

Tools for writers - what we use and why
What tools make writing easier? What are the pros using to get faster, stay organized and ergonomically healthy. A panel of professional writers discusses useful tools; software, hardware and wetware that works

Suggested by Dave Walbridge on Friday, December 28, 2018 at 21:25:28

Managing your own career -- For artists, writers, actor and other creatives
How do you decide important career and life decisions? Especially if youâ re in a non-traditional career? How do you grow? Market? Transition? Work & retire? Where do you go for advice? We will talk to creative type on how to manage your own career and where to get useful help

Suggested by Mr. Dave on Friday, December 28, 2018 at 21:19:10

Steven Universe and Its Slow Building Arc
Have you been watching Steven Universe? Here's a chance to discuss the new episodes as well as the slow reveal of its back story.

Suggested by Kathryn Sullivan on Tuesday, December 25, 2018 at 00:45:45

Body Positivity in Cosplay
When actual humans come in all sizes, shapes, and colors and fictional characters don't, it can be difficult to find confidence to put on a costume and show it off to the world. This panel covers the challenges and rewards of accepting your body and becoming the characters you love.

Suggested by Kris on Thursday, December 20, 2018 at 10:36:20

Chocolate Ceremony
suggested at planning meeting...oh, and, yum!

Suggested by CLB on Saturday, October 13, 2018 at 14:44:26

Conversational Klingon Insults
suggested at planning meeting

Suggested by CLB on Saturday, October 13, 2018 at 14:43:37

Klingons on Parade
suggested at planning meeting

Suggested by CLB on Saturday, October 13, 2018 at 14:42:47

Coloring contest
Time to add some color and fun to black and white programs and illustrations!

Suggested by CLB on Saturday, October 13, 2018 at 14:41:48

Greggo's Game Shows
Since 1999, Greg Wicker has produced professional quality fan interaction panels that replicate classic game shows while integrating trivia and tropes of beloved fandoms. Japanese pop culture, especially anime and video games, are his primary fandom of focus, but he's also covered comic books, tabletop gaming, Pokemon, Doctor Who, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and other SF/fantasy fandoms. Game shows that Greggo has recreated include Press Your Luck, Password, Hollywood Squares, Card Sharks, Sale of the Century, Celebrity Family Feud and many others.

Suggested by Mr. Arthur on Monday, October 08, 2018 at 02:28:37

For the Love of Miniatures
(TBA - still working on that part)

Suggested by Laura Thurston on Monday, September 24, 2018 at 21:24:26

History and Future of Sci Fi with MORE-on Productions
MORE-on productions is known for pulling ideas from the past into its modern films. in this panel, Director Michael Butt will discuss science fiction films of the past and where the genre is headed in the future.

Suggested by Michael Butt on Friday, September 21, 2018 at 10:10:06

Captain Marvel: Hoping for a Hero
Captain Marvel will be out in theaters next week. What are you hoping for? Time to share squees and what caught your attention in the trailers.

Suggested by Kathryn Sullivan on Tuesday, September 18, 2018 at 15:49:05

What FANISH podcasts Do you Follow?
So what podcasts do you regularly listen to? Why? Big Picture Science ? Lets discuss.

Suggested by Ben on Tuesday, September 18, 2018 at 14:37:09

Svengoolie panel
How to entice this potentially awesome GOH to our corner of fandom.

Suggested by CLB on Sunday, September 16, 2018 at 13:19:01

Streaming Series's: What's great, what's not not so great, and what's so awesomely bad it shouldn't be missed?
Lost in Space, The First, Altered Carbon, Iron Fist, Handmaid's Tail, Star Trek: Discovery, anyone? How about The Expanse?

Suggested by CLB on Sunday, September 16, 2018 at 13:17:27

Babylon 5: A 25th Anniversary Celebration Panel
We are gray. We stand between the darkness and the stars. In the days of the great Centauri Republic, there was a show. The last, best hope for televised sci fi. Discuss.

Suggested by CLB on Sunday, September 16, 2018 at 12:02:31

50th Anniversary: Apollo 11
Reminiscing & discussing what we have accomplished since.

Suggested by CLB on Sunday, September 16, 2018 at 11:57:18

Who's Your Favorite Doctor & Why?
Mainly Doctor Who faves, but this can be open to other great doctors in science and science fiction. Note, this is not a rant against your least favorite Doctor panel.

Suggested by CLaBee on Sunday, September 16, 2018 at 11:53:06

Who Really Will Survive the Apocalypse?
Discussion & debate. Bring your favorite character archetype and examples from fiction and real life to support your arguments.

Suggested by CLaBee on Sunday, September 16, 2018 at 11:47:24

George Lucas's Greatest Mistake: The Holiday Special

Suggested by CLaBee on Sunday, September 16, 2018 at 11:43:28

Boba Fett vs Jango Fett
Debate with supporting evidence

Suggested by CLaBee on Sunday, September 16, 2018 at 11:42:03

Transforming Superheroes
Panel discussion with audience participation

Suggested by CLaBee on Sunday, September 16, 2018 at 11:39:40

Qigong/Breathwork for Relaxation
Learn simple Qigong/breathwork exercises to relax the body, center the mind, and stimulate the Qi (inner life force). Can be done standing or seated.

Suggested by Twin Cities T'ai Chi Studio on Tuesday, April 24, 2018 at 07:17:50

Qigong/Breathwork for Relaxation
Learn simple Qigong/breathwork exercises to relax the body, center the mind, and stimulate the Qi (inner life force). Can be done standing or seated.

Suggested by Twin Cities T'ai Chi Studio on Tuesday, April 24, 2018 at 07:17:10

T'ai Chi: Gentle Movement for Health
Learn a simple five-posture T'ai Chi practice you can do anytime, anywhere. Boosts balance, immune system, and well-being; lowers blood pressure and anxiety. Can be done standing or seated.

Suggested by Twin Cities T'ai Chi Studio on Tuesday, April 24, 2018 at 07:14:47

T'ai Chi: Gentle Movement for Health
Learn a simple five-posture T'ai Chi practice you can do anytime, anywhere. Boosts balance, immune system, and well-being; lowers blood pressure and anxiety. Can be done standing or seated.

Suggested by Twin Cities T'ai Chi Studio on Tuesday, April 24, 2018 at 07:13:45

T'ai Chi Fan
Learn how to use a handheld fan as an ornament and a weapon guided by T'ai Chi Ch'uan movements.

Suggested by Twin Cities T'ai Chi Studio on Tuesday, April 24, 2018 at 07:11:30

Bitcoin vs. the world
The Bitcoin network consumes as much electricity as countries the size of Ireland or Denmark. A single Bitcoin transaction uses enough power to run a typical home for 9 days. Why is Bitcoin so needy? Is a green cryptocurrency possible?

Suggested by Rich on Thursday, March 15, 2018 at 22:49:05

In retrospect, I'm not sure this 'fire' thing was such a good idea.
A Luddite looks back to a simpler time when you could become a respected elder in your community simply by surviving to age 25.

Suggested by Rich on Friday, March 09, 2018 at 12:12:49

Please offer your program idea.

(Real or Fanish) name:

Event title:


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Your contact information:
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Best way or time to reach you:

Are you willing to Make This Happen?
If you are, what is the maximum number of events at MarsCon you could help run?
In an ideal world, what time or day during MarsCon would this event happen?
What time(s) or day(s) during MarsCon would not work for you running this event?

Set up information goes here. If you are bringing tech for your event, what kind? Please be very specific, i.e., if you are planning to use your laptop and a MarsCon projector... what video output will your machine have? If you want amplified sound... what kind of a connector will the sound be on? If you are unsure tell us brand and model name; we will probably be able to figure it out. We’ll also want to know:
Will you need a screen?
Will you need a projector?
Will you bring a laptop or other device to hook up to the projector?
Will you need amplified sound?


If nobody suggests it, it won’t happen. Thanks for your suggestions.

MarsCon 2019

“Legends In Our Own Mind”

March 1-3, 2019
Hilton Minneapolis/St Paul Airport/Mall of America
3800 American Blvd. E.
Bloomington, MN 55425

Send questions about MarsCon to info [redacted; use the online forms], we’ll do our best to send answers!

More about MarsCon may be found at...
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If you are searching for the Marscon in Williamsburg, VA click here.

© 2018 and/or 2019, FenSF

Luke Ski's brain revealed!