Masquerade Contest
Welcome to the MarsCon Masquerade Contest, and thank you for entering.
Please fill out the form(s)—include any presentation music/voice over, etc.—and return to the contest registration desk, located in the Masquerade Lounge
before NOON on Saturday.
Contest signup, and Masquerade Orientation will be held at 1 pm Sat, in the Masquerade Lounge. If you are entering, this is mandatory attendance.
Here we will go over “tips and tricks” for stage presentation, and finish up your registration forms, if you haven‘t already done so. (Note: your last chance to submit your contest registration)

“Linzilla as Masquerade Contest”
Luke Ski
Rules and Guidelines
- The MarsCon Masquerade contest follows, for the most part, the guidelines of the ICG (International Costumers Guild), following their categories of competition:
Beginner / Novice: Never have entered a costume competition, or have never won in that category.
Advanced / Journeyman: Have entered several competitions, or have won in Novice category elsewhere.
Expert / Master / Professional: Have won in Advanced/Journeyman categories elsewhere, or have done costuming for a long period of time, or are a professional costumer/prop/make-up artist.
Even if you haven‘t competed before, it is at the discretion of the judges as to what category you will be place in. If they place you in a higher category, consider that as a compliment to your skills!
- EVERY contestant MUST be registered, BY NOON on Saturday of the con.
The registration form included here, will ask for your name, your badge name and number, contact info (phone,e-mail and address). It will also ask for your character‘s name/source (i.e comic book, movie, book, anime, etc.)
It REALLY helps to include pictures /documentation, as not all judges are acquainted with ALL characters out there.
- There will be a Masquerade orientation meeting on Saturday at 1 pm. There the Masquerade Director will go over the rules and regs, answer questions, etc. and collect registrations. This won‘t take too long, and afterwards there will be a bit of instruction for newbies (those who haven‘t entered a costume contest before), tips and tricks about being on stage, etc. (“old pros” need not stay, unless you want to stay and help encourage the “newbies”.)
- You don‘t have to have a skit, or act, etc. but it does add points to your judging score. You also can opt not to be judged and enter just as an “Exhibit” – this gives you a chance to show off that fabulous costume, without the tension of competition.
BUT, if you do, Masquerade contest skits will run NO MORE than 30 seconds per single person, 2 minutes per group (up to 4 – see Masquerade Director if you want to add more).
30 seconds doesn’t sound like a long time, but it is when you‘re on stage.
- If your presentation includes voice and/or music, record it beforehand. Trust me, even if you have an “operatic” voice, most Main Stage areas are horrible for acoustics, and you’re usually not heard past the first row or two. Record your material TWICE, on flash drives (as an .mp3 or .wav) or CDs, and hand one copy in with your registration BY NOON ON SAT. This will be given to our sound tech who will set it up further. There will be no mikes, and no allowance for dialogue, songs spoken from the stage. (period).
- No liquids of any kind, no thrown props/objects will be allowed on stage. This is for safetys sake.
NO live weapons allowed (even peace bonded – make a prop version please), no pointing anything at the audience.
You can print out the Masquerade registration form, fill it out, include your sound/voice over recording, and bring it to the Masquerade Lounge anytime Friday afternoon, or Saturday morning before noon.
MarsCon 2019
“Legends In Our Own Mind”
March 1-3, 2019
Hilton Minneapolis/St Paul Airport/Mall of America
3800 American Blvd. E.
Bloomington, MN 55425
Send questions about MarsCon to info [redacted; use the online forms], we’ll do our best to send answers!
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