So you're going to throw a party at Marscon, well here are the
- You are responsible to keep your room staffed during your
- If you are serving alcohol at your party you must
a. Be 21 or older to serve the alcolol.
b. ID the person you are serving. We would prefer that you use
drivers' license or something that validates the age of the
person, not the Marscon Badge.
- If you are found not carding or if you are serving a person that
is underage, you will be shut down, and the Hotel will be
notified. It is their policy to call the police and have anyone
involved arrested. You will also be required to pay the regular
hotel prices for your room/rooms for the rest of the weekend.
- If it's illegal at the Con, it's illegal in your room: i.e. if
it's illegal on the streets, it's illegal here.
- Until 10pm we are a family orientated convention, so please keep
this in mind: there may be minors in your room -- keep it
appropriate for them.
- Please don't post anything that can damage the walls or the room
in any way. You are responsible for the condition of your room.
- If you need any assistance in your room, please don't hesitate to
call Ops; we will do what we can.
- POST these rules in your room, so that anyone coming into your
room will see them!!
And as ever the Mistress of Mischief wishes you a wonderful, fun
Malasondra Mistress of Mischef