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Ad Rates for MarsCon 2000 Program Book

The attendance at our first MarsCon, February 26-28, 1999, was around 500. We expect an attendance between 600-750 of Science Fiction/Fantasy fans for MarsCon 2000. We are able to offer advertising space in our program book to various local businesses, merchants and organizations who wish to reach this unique target audience.

Our advertising rates and specs are as follows:

Inside covers/outside back cover (8” x 5”)
Pro rate: $100
Fan rate: $50

Full page (8” x 5”)
Pro rate: $50
Fan rate: $25

Half page (4” x 5”)
Pro rate: $30
Fan rate: $15

(The pro rate is for for-profit merchants and organizations. The fan rate is for clubs and other nonprofit organizations.)

The finished size of the program book is 8˝” x 5˝”, portrait orientation. It will be printed by offset press in black and white ink on white paper with a heavy colored paper cover—it will not be xeroxed.

These rates do not include artwork or typesetting. We request camera-ready or digital layouts only. Digital layouts should be .tif files at 300 dpi., or better yet, Encapsulated Postscript Files (.eps)—be sure to include all fonts. The digital files can be emailed to me at or mailed to me on disk (IBM). Camera ready layouts, laser copies of digital layouts, and all checks (made out to MarsCon) can be mailed to me at:

5325 34th Ave. South
Minneapolis, MN 55417

All ad layouts must be received no later than April 24, 2000.

Please enclose a phone number and contact name in case we have any questions. Please call me at 612-829-3535 (daytime) or 612-724-0687 (evening—preferred) or email me if you have any questions.

Thank you for your attention!

Mary Loving
MarsCon 2000

