It’s time for another weekend of awesome comedy music concerts by some excellent new faces and some returning favorites. You can read more about the Dementia Track at A quick rundown of our newcomers to MarsCon follows:
Wally began writing, recording and performing his acoustic comedy folk songs in the early 90’s. Originally from Michigan, he’s toured all over the country and has had a lot of airplay on “The Dr. Demento Show” and on many college radio stations. As his website says, “Wally is the quintessential every man who uses humor to pull the listener in and irony and sincerity to provoke thought and warm the heart.”
One of the hottest acts in the nerdcore genre, you can pick up his albums and merch at Hot Topic, you can get his videos on your TiVo, and you can see him doing commercials for Channel G4. His anthem “Download This Song” tells old media where they can stick it. His forthcoming CD has appearances by “Weird Al” and Jonathan Coulton.
C minus and EMC came to Con on the Cob in the fall of 2007 and blew the roof off the place with their first ever live performance together. Since then they’ve opened for Green Jello, submitted several songs to the FuMP dot com, and occasionally make plans to rehearse. They’re a welcome addition to the nerdcore ranks of MarsCon Dementia.
Marc is one half of the legendary, popular, and kilt-clad duo “The Brobdingnagian Bards”, and he has posted many songs at the FuMP dot com. If you ask him nicely, he might be convinced get out his autoharp and sing you a Celtic song about his cat. Maybe.
The Midwest meets the Far East with the local Twin Cities folk act, “The Feng Shui Ninjas”. Sometimes moonlighting as the Player Characters for Beth Kinderman, they’re bringing their old-timey sounds to the sci-fi scene for some good times to be had by all!
Ian has been making funny songs for years, and is a regular contributor to the FuMP Sideshow. His song “Guitar Hero” was #11 on Dr. Demento’s Funny 25 of 2008. Not only does he look like Simon Pegg, but he’s met the guy too.
Alchav, another contributor to the FuMP Sideshow, has been attending MarsCon for years. He performed his cover of “Shaving Cream” at the Dementia Fan Showcase last year to much applause. He’s also performed at Con on the Cob in Akron, OH.
And returning once again to rock the house for us:
Beth Kinderman and her group the Player Characters do both serious and funny songs, making them a favorite of local folkers and filkers. Be sure to visit the Space Oddity Music Club & Brew Pub on the 13th floor on Friday and Saturday night for more fun with Beth!
Carrie has continued to provide lead vocals for the great Luke Ski and Devo Spice, and contribute her own original songs and parodies to the FuMP dot com. Her second album “Giant Kitten” is being released at MarsCon 2009, and her performance will once again feature her father Mike Hazelman on gitaur and/or fiddle. She’s also a blushing bride who will be getting married this May, so be sure to throw some rice at her.
In 2007, Sudden Death dominated the charts of the Dr. Demento Show. In 2008, front man “Devo Spice” decided to drop the group name “Sudden Death”, and continued under his singular stage name to make awesome and hilarious hip hop tracks such as “Life in the Fleet” (BSG), “PC Halloween”, “Lean Christmas”, “Brain Food” (zombie gangsta rap) , and his tribute to convention room parties “The Geeks Come Out At Night”.
DJ Particle, the RIAA-cidal lesbian parodist who hosts the “Mad Music Dementia Top 20″ Podcast as well as “Revenge of the Particle” on Dementia Radio has become a player in the comedy music scene. She returns to MarsCon to host the Dementia Fan Showcase, perform in the FuMP Sideshow Concert, and most likely belt out several tunes at Karaoke Joe’s.
Having the distinction of being the band who had to drive the shortest distance to get to the con, Possible Oscar has doubled in size from a duo to a 4-piece full rock band, who will be ready to blow the doors off the place come Friday night. Soon fangirls everywhere will be debating, “Who’s their favorite ‘Oscar’? Is it Jared, the cute one? John, the brooding one? Nathan, the quiet one? Or Jeff, the other one?”
Chris Mezzolesta of Power Salad has been creating comedy songs with his partner Craig Marks for 30 years and submitting them to “The Dr. Demento Show”. At the end of 2008, a longtime dream came true for him as the Power Salad cel phone song “Hold On, I’ve Got To Take This” became the #1 most requested song of the year on Dr. Demento’s Funny 25 Countdown. Come witness his talent and quirkiness for yourself.
Have you been mentioned in TIME Magazine for your popular break-thru webcomic? No, you haven’t. But Rob Balder has. Since his brain gave birth to the idea of the FuMP, he has been posting the best songs of his career, while also writing his webcomics, the acclaimed “Erfworld”, and the hilarious “Partially Clips”. This year he’s selling limited edition “I Partied With Party Rob” t-shirts. Fuzzy pink cat ears sold separately.
Co-Chair of the Dementia Track, lover, fighter, prominent bacon enthusiast, the great Luke Ski continues to be MarsCon’s favorite comedy music artist who writes blurbs about himself in the 3rd person. His latest CD, “Target: Audience” has tunes about Battlestar Galactica, Babylon 5, Heroes, 24, and recently a song about Lost. If you want everyone to think you’re cool, you’ll need to get one of his “Grease Wars” t-shirts. Please?
What words come to mind when one says the phrase “Worm Quartet”?… Mullet? Nipple? Menacing former West Virginian? Gleeful prancer? Synth-punk comedy god? Popeye hater? Carrot mentioner? Sex? Drugs? Satan? Dan Rather? All of these are close, but the correct answer is simply “ShoEboX”, the lone member of this group who continues to be a dementia force to be reckoned with in the new millennium.
MarsCon favorite Earl Luckes a.k.a. “Wyngarde the Conqueror” will be on hand to help MC the dementia concerts when he’s not off helping run the MarsCon AV Club movie room on the 13th floor. (Be sure to check out their schedule too, a lot of great stuff is happening there!)
Other Dementia Track (and other related) events include the following:
Earl “Wyngarde” Luckes and the great Luke Ski, intrepid co-chairs of the Dementia Track, will be performing in another opening ceremonies sketch that I’m sure will be hilarious once we actually write the thing. Hey, we got 50 days, no problem!
“Blasted Bill” Putt and the crew from the awesome 24-hour a day streaming audio internet station “Dementia Radio Dot Org” are returning to MarsCon again to throw another rocking party on Friday and Saturday night on the infamous 13th floor! There will be music! Snacks! Alcohol! Mayhem! Cheese Whiz! Cleavage! Rob Balder committing mayhem with cheese whiz on cleavage! So be sure to stop by and spend some time there when perusing all the parties on the 13th floor!
Here’s the scoop from Beth herself: “We believe that conventions are nothing without three crucial things - fun games, great music, and good beer - and we aim to provide you with all three of them in abundance. Join us on Friday night after opening ceremonies for open board and card gaming, and enjoy milk and cookies with Gamer Bedtime Stories at midnight as we invite you to tell us all about the exploits of your favorite roleplaying characters. But the real action comes on Saturday night after the Masquerade, when we’ll be hosting acoustic concerts by five great acts: Beth Kinderman & The Player Characters, Toyboat, Feng Shui Ninjas, Karl Brown, and Gifted Gear. Drop by to try a fun new game, meet friendly geeks, join an open music circle, or sample our beer on tap!” For more info (and to help them out with a donation), visit their website.
The one and only DJ Particle will host this event that puts YOU in the spotlight! Sunday morning at 11:00 AM in the Karaoke Room, it’ll be your chance to get up in front of the crowd and show your demented stuff! Are you an up and coming dementia artist with some songs to sing? Are you a Karaoke fanatic who loves to sing your favorite funny tunes? Do you and your friends want to do a lip-sync to the latest demented hit? Then this is the show for you! If you’d like to sign up, just CONTACT US and send us a message letting us know who you are and what you intend to do in the show. So come on and join in the fun, because it’s your turn to be a dementia star!
Sunday at 2:00 pm, we have our popular traditional pre-Closing-Ceremonies concert, the Dementia Smackdown! Bear witness to nearly all of our performers getting on stage and taking turns performing cover versions of comedy music hits of the past and present, possibly with some surprises thrown in! Don’t miss it!
Sunday at 3:30 pm, to close out the weekend, the Funny Music Project website (a.k.a. ‘The FuMP’, presents a round-robin concert featuring performers from the FuMP Sideshow! We’ll have tunes from DJ Particle, Soggy Potato Chips, Insane Ian, and more to be announced.
March 6-8
Holiday Inn Select
Bloomington, MN
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