Whee! It's 8 am, MarsCon 2009 starts today, and there is another batch of changes in our schedule. Who could have predicted that?
MarsCon thanks the National Institute of Standards and Technology for their part in making our early Sunday events possible.
Room #306
On one of the founders of science fiction fandom, and the editor of Famous Monsters of Filmland, who did much to spread love of science fiction and classic horror in fiction and film.
With: Eric M. Heideman, mod.
When was the first time you watched Doctor Who. What did you hate? What did you like?
With: Ben Ellis, Mike Lee, Rob Callahan
Costume Emergency 1st Aid Station available.
The modern names of planets and constellations have a deeper root in the rich mythology of classical Greece. Join Paul Edmon, an astronomy graduate student from the University of Minnesota, as he talks about various Greek myths and deities related to these astronomical objects.
With: Paul Edmon, University of MN Dept. of Astronomy
Stories about people who time travel into the past to change it, time travelers, in or out of the time police, who time travel into the past to prevent it from being changed, Fritz Leiber's Change War, and other rascally time travelers.
With: Rick Gellman, mod.; Walter H. Hunt, Mark Tersteeg
Let's get in the mood for mehndi. Let's dance.
With: Instructor: Laurie Olson Williams
Sara Cura applying Henna Tattoos, Cost $5 and up, based on how intricate the tattoo is paid to Sara.
With: Sara Cura
Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction... or more science fictional than science fiction, or more magical than fantasy. A non-novel-oriented book recommendations and reading list brainstorming panel (with a focus on the entertaining more than the purely informative).
With: Naomi Kritzer, mod.; Emily Stewart, David E Romm, P M F Johnson
Experienced GMs with a variety of approaches and preferences talk about their strategies for running roleplaying campaigns. Gamers and GMs of all experience levels will benefit from this chance to share tips and tricks for a successful dungeon crawl.
With: Beth Kinderman, Eric Zawadzki
...and so it begins...
Join the curators of the Marscon AV Club, Ben and Earl, as they take time to show you trailers and other fun items for all of 2009 Science Fiction, Fantasy and comic book movies that are coming out this year. The perfect way to start of your Marscon weekend and get you up to speed with upcoming events. Don't look like a fool at your panel! Get smart at BEN & EARL'S TRAILER PARK!
after Opening Ceremonies - Karaoke Joe's Cafe - 13th floor
Learn about this "Convention of the Dark Fantastic," the 39th edition of which will be held October 16-18 in the Best Western, Bandana Square, St Paul, with Guest of Honor Kim Harrison.
Dazzling performance by local belly dancing troupe.
Voltron, Defender of the universe the cartoon show that was the Power Rangers for kids of the 80's. But what do we REALLY know about Voltron? Was it a real show or did a production company buy it up and re-edit a Japanese show called "GoLion" and call it Voltron? Well here is a rare chance to see what happens when a show comes to America from another country and gets re-worked for the kids of America. We will be showing an episode of Golion, the original show and then follow it up with the same episode, but re-cut and re-labeled "Voltron". A must see for Voltron fans, anime fans and film students!
Music GoH Wally Pleasant wrote "Song for Bob Dylan" about expectations for up-and-coming musicians. How does a singer/songwriter establish his own voice in a world of instant downloads and huge audio archives?
With: Wally Pleasant, David E Romm
With: Musetta Vander
Technologies now being developed and how SF authors might incorporate these technologies more realistically into future works.
With: Jeanne Cavelos
Whether you've never had a drink or are deciding not to, join us for a discussion of the challenges, strategies and benefits of staying sober in a Con environment. This would also be a great opportunity to meet other sober people before the parties begin.
With: Stephanie Wild
Get ready for a night of Japanamation galore! Starting with Ghost Stories, and cruising through the wee hours of the morning you can get your blast of multi-culture!
Join us for the 5th year of this great tradition! All artists and fans of the Art Show are invited to join us for a lovely, relaxed evening with the Rosema's and all the resident local artists who contribute to our Art Show. There will be no formal tour, just a chance to preview the art, drink, and eat crackers with cheese. Find out what inspires and drives our artists while surrounded by their own art in our gallery-like setting.
So you keep hearing about all these great fan created shows, audio novels, and audio dramas that are being "podcast"; but you have no idea how to find them or listen? Come learn the basics of what a "podcast" is, how to listen one, and were to find them.
With: David E Romm
Sponsored by this convention celebrating the American West, the 2nd edition of which will occur Saturday, June 6, in the Best Western, Bandana Square, St Paul. Tonight's party will probably include the viewing of a classic Western.
Rob Balder is a self-described "renaissance geek," who spreads his creative energies across the fields of comics, game design, small press publishing, writing, poetry, and filk.
With: Rob Balder
Tips on entering a costume contest, especially for newbies.
With: Rae Lundquist
Writers discuss research techniques, synopses, timelines, and other tools that the reader normally doesn't see.
With: Jeanne Cavelos, Kelly McCullough, mod.; Roy C. Booth, Walter H. Hunt, Naomi Kritzer
A small group of people, who have made it be a hobby to think about what to do when zombies infest the world, share their knowledge with those who are willing to accept it. Instructions on locations, weapons, and specific situations will be explained, with questioning throughout the whole thing.
With: Brian LaBounty, Jr., Kevin Berg, Erik Pakieser, Lyda Morehouse
starts at 9pm
With: Musetta Vander
Possible Oscar is a Minneapolis-based comedy rock band that caters to a geek audience with songs dealing with video games, vintage movie sound effects, and geek love. The band recently swelled in size with the addition of two members and a case of Funyons.
With: Jared Ringold, John Mapes, Nathan Gerber, Jeff Pearson
12th & 13th floor parties.
With: Scott Rosema, Suzanne Hiza-Rosema, Nicole Penwarden, Judges
We've all heard about UFO sightings, but what's happening in our own neighborhood? This talk is a look at some interesting UFO and close encounter cases in Minnesota and Wisconsin, and some of the prevailing themes observed in the investigation of local UFO abduction cases.
With: Craig R. Lang, MUFON
C minus and EMC came to Con on the Cob in the fall of 2007 and blew the roof off the place with their first ever live performance together. Since then they've opened for Green Jello, submitted several songs to the FuMP dot com, and occasionally make plans to rehearse. They're a welcome addition to the nerdcore ranks of MarsCon Dementia.
With: Christopher Link, Eric Eagle, Jessica Eagle
Behind the scenes and into the brains of experienced costume contest judges. What they look for.
With: Rae Lundquist, Gerald Dagle
Filking is a fannish tradition, active since the 1950s, when the earliest fans gathered in hotel rooms for late-night singing sessions at the occasional science fiction convention. While filk music commonly has a science, SF or fantasy theme, filkers have been known to write filk songs about a variety of tangentially-related topics. Bring your voice. Bring your instrument if you have one. Bring your own lyrics, or grab a songbook and join in the singing.
With: Rich Brown
The role of the Scholar in fighting the forces of Evil.
With: Tom Erickson, mod., Whitestar Phoenix
Starting a new event Luke and Earl are bringing to MarsCon, it's "the great Luke Ski Presents:" What this is a showcase for new dementia artist who does not know about the dementia movement or the convention scene. Luke and Earl scour clubs, the Internet and street corners to find you what may be the next new hot act. This year it's Minnesota local comedian and prop musician "Hot Snack Time"! Hot Snack Time uses a brilliant mix of music, costumes and regular house hold items to make a unique sounds and an interesting look at life. A former aerobics instructor turned funny-man, he will bring the energy to the table and give your funny bones a work-out. So please join us in welcoming the newest talent to the world of dementia as THE GREAT LUKE SKI PRESENTS: HOT SNACK TIME!
With: Luke Sienkowski
Devo Spice is a nerdcore/comedy/hip hop artist from New Jersey who has become one of the most popular artists on the nationally syndicated Dr. Demento Show. He was the founding member of Sudden Death, the comedy rap group that had the #1, #2, and #4 most requested songs of 2007 on the Dr. Demento Show. ("Cellular Degeneration", "Getting Old Sucks" and "Pillagers", respectively.) http://devospice.com/
With: Tom Rockwell
15 minute sessions; Sign up in advance.
Neither bad weather nor stupid airlines are going to keep the mighty ShoEboX from tearing the Twin Cities a new wormhole with his synth punk comedy rock that has devastated central New York. http://www.wormquartet.com/
With: Tim "Shoebox" Crist
With: Earl Luckes
Yes, it's true! We've got a bunch of Star Wars toy commercials from late 70's and earl 80's! See the Boba Fett mail-away offer! See Lando kidnap Leia in the Twin Pod car! Check out the new fashions for the 12" figures! Check out the brand new remote control R2-D2! A trip back in time for any and all Star Wars fans!
Join The Great Luke Ski and his crew as they do a send up of a famous movie and serve Tang for breakfast!
With: Luke Sienkowski
It's been 25 years since Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom hit the big screen (as well as 20 years for Last Crusade). Is Temple of Doom still the "evil" redheaded stepchild of the Indy Quadrilogy? Was the violence in the movie really that violent compared to movies today? Dust off your fedoras (again) and grab your machete and whip for a walk on the "dark side" of Indiana Jones.
With: "Minnesota Jones" Michael Helde, Romeo Azar, Earl Luckes, Russ Krook
Ghost stories are becoming popular once again but they never really go out of style. What makes for a good ghost story? Have they changed over time? What will they look like in the future?
With: Catherine Lundoff, mod.; Ruth Berman, Eric M. Heideman, Rebecca Marjesdatter, Jason D. Wittman
Let's learn some Irish dance steps and have a Ceili. Taught by Joe Richter, an Irish Dance Instructor for 19 years.
With: Joe Richter
With: Amada Marquez
SF/F for kids (and for adults who don't disdain the Juvenile section)
With: Naomi Kritzer, mod.; S. N. Arly, Tony Artym, Walter H. Hunt
Live members of the Amphibians presented by Beth Girard and Friends
With: Beth Girard, Kathy Claugherty
What does it take to run the Art Show? How can we support our artists and get their contributions to auction?
With: Michael Byrne
We'll trace the history of unfriendly incursions from outer space in fiction, radio, films, comics, and television.
With: Eric M. Heideman, mod.; Walter H. Hunt, Mark Tersteeg
With: Musetta Vander
An introduction to the wonderful world of kitsuke - the art of kimono dressing. Demonstrations on how to dress in traditional Japanese yukata and kimono, and examples of different types of kimono and obi (belts) as well as shoes and accessory items.
With: Virginia Jensen
With: P M F Johnson, host; Ruth Berman, Rebecca Marjesdatter
The Mad Science Fire and Ice show is an exciting collection of scientific demonstrations that will really stretch your brain. We explain and demonstrate the scientific method with a simple but amazing set of experiments called the flame test. We introduce one of Bernoulli’s principles along with our pal Eggbert. Learn how cool dry ice can be (109.5 degrees below zero to be exact!). The mad scientist uses dry ice to shower volunteers with clouds, bubbles and spooky fog. (http://www. madsciencemn.org)
With: Jaimie Zaugg, Mad Science
USS Nokomis is sponsoring the fourth annual USS Nokomis MarsCon Blood Drive in conjunction with the Red Cross. Sign up in the hotel lobby on March 7th, 2009 from 11:45am to 4pm, or in the WDF party on Friday.
In Ballroom Foyer after Musetta Vander's Mainstage presentation.
With: Musetta Vander
Evolving ideas of how to shelter Moon bases from radiation and from extreme daytime heat and extreme daytime cold.
Presented by Peter Kokh, President of the Moon Society since 2004
Editor of Moon Miners' Manifesto since 1986
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
With: Peter Kokh
An exploration of the roles that Mary Shelley, Jules Verne, and H. G. Wells played in the formation of SF, how they defined the emotional range of SF, the spectrum of approaches SF might take, and the possibilities inherent in scientific, social, and metaphysical speculation.
With: Jeanne Cavelos
Makeup and costume demo with Bill Hedrick.
With: Bill Hedrick, Amada Marquez
A group reading by writers who belong to Broad Universe (an organization that promotes the work of women sf/f/h writers).
With: Catherine Lundoff, Lyda Morehouse, Kimberly Long-Ewing, Catherine Schaff-Stump
So you have an idea for a great podcast but you don't know how to get started? Well come on down to Podcasting 102 and learn the basics of starting your own podcast.
With: David E Romm, Jared Ringold, Shane Palmersheim
In Ballroom Foyer after Jeanne Cavelos' Mainstage presentation.
With: Jeanne Cavelos
Erik D. Pakieser applies his 22 years of military, police, and emergency management experience to discuss how government agencies would respond to a monster attack on a large city (as depicted in "Cloverfield").
With: Erik Pakieser, Romeo Azar
Let's talk about the unique flavor of Jack Vance (1916-), author of The Dying Earth, The Last Castle, The Dragon Masters, and To Live Forever. Eric M. Heideman, David Lenander, co-mods.; Edward E. Rom. Co-sponsored by Second Foundation, a speculative fiction book discussion group that has met regularly since 1983, and The Rivendell Group, a fantasy book-discussion group that has met regularly since late 1973 or early 1974.
With: Eric M. Heideman, David Lenander, co-mods.; Edward E. Rom
With: Scott Rosema
Small and medium press publishing for sf/f/h writers and readers - what's out there? What are the differences between presses that do POD, ebooks and small print runs? What's in it for writers? for readers?
With: Catherine Lundoff, mod.; Roy C. Booth, Lyda Morehouse, Bryan Thao Worra, Rob Callahan
Sympathetic villains, insane heroes, and mad science. Enter our "name the mad scientist" scavenger hunt, win a prize for the most mad scientists identified.
With: Tom Erickson, Mickie Erickson, Jessie Berg, Christine LaBounty, Nina Boenish, Jennifer Steadman, Kevin Borchers, Ben Huset, Whitestar Phoenix
What Hollywood CAN'T do with millions of dollar, fans like you and me can for a fraction of the cost. How many times have you seen a preview for a movie about your favorite super-hero that looks amazing and then you find out that a regular fan made it? And the real one stars Nicholas Cage and is directed by Michael Bay? Well here we will be showing the best of the fan made videos and you can see some old favorites. See what could have been if cool people got into Hollywood.
In Ballroom Foyer after Scott Rosema's Mainstage presentation.
With: Scott Rosema, Suzanne Hiza-Rosema
An examination of the various technologies now current in Science Fiction and actually usable as solutions to various problems such as Energy and Solar Power Satellites.
With: Rev. David Buth
Alien Invasion as a Guilt-Metaphor for Colonial Expansion. The sun never set on the British Empire, as Europeans and Americans steadily stole the Americas from their original 'savage' inhabitants. Let's look at the ways SF and Western fiction and films have portrayed both sides of the 'blessings of civilization.' Sponsored by Con-Sarnit Two, a one-day Western convention to be held Saturday, June 6 at the Best Western, Bandana Square, St Paul.
With: David Christenson, Eric M. Heideman, co-mods.; P M F Johnson, Paul F. Richards
A dementia veteran of the ages, Chris Mezzolesta returns to record another live album, like the one he did last year. http://www.powersalad.com/
With: Chris Mezzolesta
Why do some authors continue to move us long after their decease? Is it for reasons idiosyncratic to Mary Shelley, Poe, Wells, Tolkien, etc., or do our favorite deceased authors have something in common that makes their work endure?
With: Rick Gellman, mod.; Kelly McCullough, S. N. Arly, Rebecca Marjesdatter
Come, chat, share!
With: Katie Nelson, Nathan Lalum, Larry Andrle, Matt Brogmus, Todd Coss
The Uber Geek, the Emissary Of Rap Dementia, Dr. Demento's Most Requested Artist of the 21st Century, pawning the universe, receiving your worship, dating your Mom. http://www.thegreatlukeski.com/
With: Luke Sienkowski
The 70's were an amazing time for toys. Commercials did not need to adhere to any crazy watch groups. Political correctness had not taken over. And toys were coolers than any kid deserved. Join Ben and Earl as they try to pack in as many commercials as possible for your favorite toys and some you may not know have existed! G.I. Joe, Bionic people, crash cars, crying dolls, and board games with the unfortunate name of "Ball Bustrers". You'll laugh, you'll cry, you go to Ebay and start hunting these things down!
in Con Suite 3-6pm
How to take over the world with a robot army.
With: Richard Caylor, William Crolley, William McTeer, Robert Odegard; Sponsored by the Twin Cities Robotics Club.
Vampires in games, television, radio, literature & the movies.
With: Jeanne Cavelos, Cynthia Booth, mod.; Jessie Berg, Roy C. Booth, Lyda Morehouse, Jason D. Wittman
One of the hottest acts in the nerdcore genre, you can pick up his albums and merch at Hot Topic, you can get his videos on your TiVo, and you can see him doing commercials for Channel G4. His anthem "Download This Song" tells old media where they can stick it. His forthcoming CD has appearances by "Weird Al" and Jonathan Coulton.
With: Andrew Nielsen
Step by step discussion/demo on how to build dragon costumes.
With: Gerald Dagle
Small press, feminist, Carl Brandon Society winners, LGBT spec fic, and the list goes on. What's worth checking out? Are awards a good criterion? Bring your recommendations!
With: Catherine Lundoff, mod.; Rob Callahan, Bryan Thao Worra
A panel discussing what we are all looking forward to and what we are all fearful of with JJ's reboot of the Trek franchise.
With: Romeo Azar, Mike Lee, Emily Stewart, Tony Artym
Just what was the original ending to "I Am Legend"? Did Creepshow have any missing scenes? And just how much did Frank Oz spend on special effects and monsters for the original ending to "Little Shop Of Horrors" that test audiences? And can we see it in it's monster plant glory? Join us for "One Of Our Scenes Is Missing" where we will have missing scenes and alternate endings that you may have missed and may not be able to see!
Ky Michaelson's inventions are legendary. Ky has contributed to over 200 films, television programs and commercials. He also built the rockets for the movie, October Sky. In 2004, Michaelson's Civilian Space eXploration Team became the first amateur group to design, build and launch a rocket into space. Ky's creations are the subject of a book currently in the publication process Motorbooks International. He is also developing a screenplay focused on his life and accomplishments.
With: Ky Michaelson
What movies scared the living hell out of you as a kid? And which ones still do?
With: Romeo Azar, mod.; Cynthia Booth
The Midwest meets the Far East with the local Twin Cities folk act, "The Feng Shui Ninjas". Sometimes moonlighting as the Player Characters for Beth Kinderman, they're bringing their old-timey sounds to the sci-fi scene for some good times to be had by all!
With: Justin Hartley, John Kentner, Tamara Murck, Dave Stagner
Hands on creation for kids/adults.
With: Rae Lundquist, Mary Mac
Our Author/Science Guest of Honor reads from her work.
With: Jeanne Cavelos
With: Suzanne Hiza-Rosema
Wally began writing, recording and performing his acoustic comedy folk songs in the early 90's. Originally from Michigan, he's toured all over the country and has had a lot of airplay on "The Dr. Demento Show" and on many college radio stations. As his website says, "Wally is the quintessential every man who uses humor to pull the listener in and irony and sincerity to provoke thought and warm the heart." http://www.wallypleasant.com
With: Wally Pleasant
A workshop for the creative imagination: A moment of progressive relaxation takes you into your deepest and most creative inner mind. Take some time to enjoy some imaginal scenery. Ask a question. Invent an idea. ...or simply travel into the amazing universe of the imagination.
With: Craig R. Lang, MUFON
Fifty years and going strong. This original television series was created and hosted by Rod Serling (1924-1975). It ran from 1959-1964, and remains available in syndication and in DVD format. Why does this
50-year old show continue to resonate?
With: Eric M. Heideman, mod.; Paul F. Richards
Kids Programming
With: Rae Lundquist
We're talking about books so good you can't put them down. You need to devour them. Found a new book? Re-discovered an old series? Come, share, and plan your next book binge.
With: Walter H. Hunt, mod.; Kelly McCullough, S. N. Arly
An analysis on the not too distant future of Doctor Who. This panel will go back in time to the year 2005 in which we will relive the Christopher Eccleston months, get all nostalgic on all of The Christmas Specials and all of The Series episodes featuring David Tennant's Doctor and then we can give our opinions on The Tenth Doctor's curtain call, who will be filling his shoes and what we like to see Steven Moffat do with the show in 2010.
With: Charlie Paulsen, Mike Lee, Emily Stewart, Rob Callahan
In Ballroom Foyer after Wally Pleasant's Mainstage concert.
With: Wally Pleasant
With: Michael Byrne
With: Todd Coss
Open for Masquerade contestants.
Come and share your hidden gems. Convert your neighbors.
With: Mickie Erickson, Jennifer Steadman, Whitestar Phoenix, Rob Balder
Learn some basic rhythms to accent your dancing or jazz up a drum jam. Please bring your finger cymbals and any extras to share--there will be a limited number of pairs available for use during class. No experience required.
Ballroom Foyer during lineup for Masquerade
With: Laurie Olson Williams, Instructor
"You will believe a console can talk" After the disastrous collapse of the video game market in North America (with real "winners" like Atari's take on Sci Fi classic "ET"), learn how one company rejuvenated the industry with their spunky little game unit: ...the Famicom? If you found that surprising, come and see what else you didn't know about Nintendo's little video gaming savior.
With: Sean 'The Orange' Corse
War and the Weird in the Work of H.P. Lovecraft (1890-1937)
With: Bryan Thao Worra
Seldom do we reflect on the origins of the matter that
provides the structure for the Universe, the setting of our lives and our imaginations. In the beginning, our Universe was very different. It was an altogether alien place devoid of the material with which we are familiar. In this talk, I will give a brief overview of the history of the Universe, the origins and evolution of matter, and perhaps most interestingly, the Universe's eventual fate.
With: L. Andrew Helton, University of MN Dept. of Astronomy
Sponsored by this multicultural, multimedia speculative fiction convention, the 17th edition of which will be held July 31-August 2, in the Best Western, Bandana Square, with Guest of Honor Kay Kenyon and Special Guests Michael Levy and Sandra Lindow.
With: Co-emcee: Scott Rosema; Performance Judge: Suzanne Hiza-Rosema, Todd Coss
Writers discuss overlaying a fantasy world on top of the real historical one and take questions.
With: Kelly McCullough, mod.; Walter H. Hunt
Come meet the Minnesota franchise branch of the Ghostbuster! Join us as The Ghostbusters play thier first episide and then make the world premiere of their top secret second episode! They'll be questions and answers after wards as well as some ghostbusting tips! A Marscon exclusive!
Parties on 12th & 13th floor
With: Scott Rosema, Suzanne Hiza-Rosema, Nicky Penwarden, Judges
Karaoke Joe's Cafe - Room 1318
Rockin' Roll tunes by tasty legumes! The Human Bean are an ex rock group playing music in the classic rock style. The best of classic rock laced with mind mending originals. Anyone looking for a sock hop or just to dance till you drop would do well to make thier way to the second floor mainstage after midnight.
With: Peter Steensgaard - Guitar, vocals Steve Sheppe - Guitar, vocals Vincent "The Doctor" Butler - Percussion, Vocals Kevin "Kaveman" Hoffman - Bass - Vocals
Lounge reopens after Masquerade contest for photos and up close look at contestants' costumes.
With: Rich Brown
Come discuss with your fellow panelists the day the star wars saga died for you.
With: Ben Ellis, Romeo Azar, Lyda Morehouse, Roy C. Booth, Cynthia Booth
Karaoke Joe's Cafe - Room 1318
Firearms are mysterious and scary to a lot of people, and there is a lot of "firearms lore" out there which, while commonly accepted, just isn't true. To compound things, the way guns are depictied in movies and other media often defies reality. Learn everything you ever wanted to know about guns, the gun culture, design, safety, and tactics. (Note: Replica, non-firing guns will be used for demonstration purposes. No real guns will be present.)
With: Erik Pakieser
Join Dean Learner of "DARKPLACE" fame as he interviews Glynn Nimon, who played "Bot" on the British Sci-Fi classic "Galacticops" in both television and movies. A rare interview with that will give you a behind the scenes look at one of Sci-Fi's most famous actors. It's also a beautiful send up of "Star Trek"! If you love "Garth Marheghi's Darkplace" and "Look Around You" you will LOVE "Man to Man with Dean Learner"!
With: The entire original casts of Babylon 5, Star Trek, and Star Wars; Special thanks to Rick Biggs, Andreas Katsulas, DeForest Kelley, James Doohan, Majel Barett Roddenberry, Sir Alec Guinness, and Peter Cushing for finding a way to join in the fun.
Spring forward...Fall back.... Daylight Saving Time begins today. Please set your clocks forward at 2:00 a.m. so that you won't miss all the wonderful events scheduled for Sunday!
MarsCon thanks the National Institute of Standards and Technology for their part in making our early Sunday events possible.
As you get ready to go home and go back to the real world, grab some cereal and spend a few at Ben and Earl's Marscon A.V. Club as we look at what we were too busy to to show on Saturday morning. Memories and laughs guaranteed! You've earned it, baby!
9am - 1pm
Room #306
With: Instructor: Laurie Olson Williams
Guided discussion with examples of how to make either a "screen accurate" Stargate costume or a "close enough" version. Focusing mainly on the SGC "offworld" uniforms with some information about Atlantis as well.
With: Russ Krook, Doc Jackson
With: Walter H. Hunt
The one and only DJ Particle will host this event that puts YOU in the spotlight! Sunday morning at 11:00 AM in the Karaoke Room, it'll be your chance to get up in front of the crowd and show your demented stuff! Are you an up and coming dementia artist with some songs to sing? Are you a Karaoke fanatic who loves to sing your favorite funny tunes? Do you and your friends want to do a lip-sync to the latest demented hit? Then this is the show for you! If you'd like to sign up, just go to this link and send us a message letting us know who you are and what you intend to do in the show: http://marscondementia.com/contact-us/ So come on and join in the fun, because it's your turn to be a dementia star!
With: DJ Particle
We will cover some of the basics of energy healing, do some demonstrations and a sample meditation. Our discussion will include the Spiral of Life. If time permits, we may implant the spiral into the hands of those that want it. We will briefly discuss the Reiki attunement process and levels.
With: Joe Swenson, Reiki Master
MarsCon made Poe (1809-1849) a Posthumous Guest of Honor a few years back, but we forgot to commemorate the occasion with a panel. Let's look at Poe's remarkably diverse contributions: founder of the detective story, codifier of the short story, founder of American literary criticism, unforgettable poet, early science fiction writer, science buff, philosopher, supreme master of the horror tale, and, after Ben Franklin, the second naughty US literary celebrity.
With: Eric M. Heideman, mod.; Ruth Berman, Cynthia Booth, Walter H. Hunt
MarsCon 2009 charity auction proceeds will benefit the Gordy Dickson Memorial Scholarship Fund and the Twin Cities' Second Harvest Heartland. Come, bid on donated items, and raise money for two worthwhile causes!
With: Scott Rosema, Auctioneer
A grand Star Trek fan made film. It's got Chekov and it's got Uruha. It's got some Next generation dudes and it's got Klingon and the mean people from the mirror universe. Worried about how Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci are going to mangle the new Star Trek Movie with their script? Then sit back and watch a movie made by people who care about Star Trek! (Orci and Kurtzman wrote the script to Michael Bay's "Transformers" and we know what a literary masterpiece that was!) So beam on in to Ben & Earl's A.V. Club for the Final Frontier!
The Masquerade Lounge is open, and all are invited to bring in their creations for closer examination by interested parties.
Looking at how we live today with cell phones, Blackberries, texting, etc. and how that differs from authors' visions of 2009. Includes ten technologies from SF that may soon be available.
With: Jeanne Cavelos, Gail Celio, mod.
With: Musetta Vander
What mystery, horror, romance, Westerns, and/or other fiction genres might science fiction/fantasy readers and writers enjoy?
With: Rick Gellman, mod.; Roy C. Booth, Rebecca Marjesdatter
Did Quantum of Solace take much Bond out of itself, or was it the perfect conclusion to Casino Royale? A talk about Quantum of Solace, James Bond's past and what is coming up for him, as well as everything else about James Bond.
With: Tony Artym, Erik Pakieser, Romeo Azar, Ben Ellis
In Ballroom Foyer after Musetta Vander's presentation.
With: Musetta Vander
Darkness is coming. (http://marscon.org/2010/)
With: Christopher Riversbey, Michael Byrne
Authors talk about creating stories and take questions on same.
With: Jeanne Cavelos, Roy C. Booth, mod.; Walter H. Hunt, Rob Balder
The Carol Cleveland of the FuMP, Carrie returns with some beautiful arias about sleep deprivation and the continued existence of people who act like bungholes in our society.
With: Carrie Dahlby
With: Gerald Dagle
From wanting to be built like a superhero to wanting to save the world? What comic book characters inspire you to be your best?
With: Scott Rosema, Amada Marquez, mod.; Cynthia Booth
Let's talk about the upcoming summer films. Which ones are we excited for, which ones do we think are gonna suck. Also, let's make predictions for the top grossing summer flick and the biggest summer bomb.
With: Romeo Azar, Scott Smith, Ben Ellis
Marc is one half of the legendary, popular, and kilt-clad duo "The Brobdingnagian Bards", and he has posted many songs at the FuMP dot com. If you ask him nicely, he might be convinced get out his autoharp and sing you a Celtic song about his cat. Maybe.
With: Marc Gunn
What would E.T. contact be like, and what would it mean to you? This talk will cover speculation about E.T. contact, and ask whether such contact might have occurred in our past--or might even be occurring today. What is the evidence for contact today? Why might such contact be occurring? How does contact affect the individual, and the world overall?
With: Craig R. Lang, MUFON
Let's talk about our beloved show, through its whole run; especially the final season. Will the ending live up to what has gone before?
With: Romeo Azar, mod.; Beth Kinderman, Naomi Kritzer, Scott Smith
With: Wally Pleasant, Marc Gunn, Possible Oscar, Positive Attitude, Devo Spice, Worm Quartet, Power Salad, the Great Luke Ski, MC Lars, the Fung Shui Ninjas, Carrie Dahlby, Rob Balder, DJ Particle, Soggy Potato Chips, Insane Ian, Beth Kinderman, Toyboat
Interested in attending?
With: Rae Lundquist
During the alien invasion, when all other lines of communication are down, it's nice to know a Ham. Amateur radio is a wonderful hobby and a public service. Bounce your signal off the moon, spot tornadoes, chat with people all over the world and contact astronauts in space. Join us.
With: Art Johnson, George Madline, Debbie Madline, Christine LaBounty, Ben Huset
Say "farewell" to the guests & "thanks" to volunteers. Hear news about next year's convention plans, pre-register for next year, and wonder why the weekend went so quickly.
Party 'til the cows come home.
Come learn about plans (and maybe volunteer?) for Diversicon 17, July 31-August 2, 2009, and Diversicon 18, 2010.
With: Scott Lohman, Diversicon 17 & Diversicon 18 Chair, mod.
To close out the weekend, the Funny Music Project website (a.k.a. 'The FuMP', http://www.thefump.com) presents a round-robin concert featuring performers from the FuMP Sideshow! We'll have tunes from DJ Particle, Soggy Potato Chips, Insane Ian, and more to be announced. http://www.thefump.com/sideshow.php
With: Beth Kinderman, DJ Particle, Soggy Potato Chips, Insane Ian
Sponsored by Tales of the Unanticipated, a Twin Cities speculative fiction antholo-zine (since 1986), and Second Foundation, a Twin Cities speculative fiction book discussion group (since 1983). (Krushenko's Annex)
March 6-8
Holiday Inn Select
Bloomington, MN
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