Martian fighting machine


Register for MarsCon

Single-day pass rates announced
Day passes to MarsCon will be available at the Registration desk at MarsCon (or in Ops at hours when Registration is closed). Day passes are good from the time purchased until 6:00 am the following day. Prices are:

Friday - $20.00
Saturday - $30.00
Sunday -  $20.00

“At the door” registration rates are now in effect. In addition we’ve shut down our PayPal system for the year so we have time to prepare all our pre-printed badges (with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one). This is the time of year when we recommend against mailing in your registration info — instead bring your checkbook or cash (sorry, we can't process credit cards on site) to MarsCon and sign up at the registration desk. And remember, if you sign up for MarsCon 2010 any time before Closing Ceremonies 2009 you’ll get the best rate of the year.

Registration Rates
At 2008 Con Through 10/31/08 Through 1/31/09 At the Door  
Adult $25.00 $35.00 $45.00 $55.00
Child (6-12) $15.00 $15.00 $20.00 $25.00
Supporting $15.00 $20.00 $25.00
† We offer a discount to those who buy blocks of 10 or more memberships at a time. Email us at registerfor more information about group discounts.
‡ Supporting members pay a reduced rate through 1/31/09 to hold tickets and then complete the purchase by paying an additional $25 at any time up to and including at the door.

Four ways to register for MarsCon 2009:

photo of patch If you buy via PayPal, you may add a MarsCon patch to your order for just $4.00 extra. Sorry, at this price we're not mailing patches out; if you order a patch it will be held for you at the registration table at MarsCon 2009.

March 6-8
Holiday Inn Select
Bloomington, MN

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If you're looking for the Marscon in Hampton Roads, VA click here.
Questions about MarsCon: info

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This page updated 10:23 am April 10, 2015, © 2008 & 2009 Fans Educational Network for Science Fiction.