by Jon Sloan - used by permission
Twitter: @JonDSloan
Instagram: @sabomjon
Jon Sloan is this year's Artist Guest of Honor. He's the creator of "Sa-Bom Jim" and "The Do-jahng" webcomics, who also does other cartoons/comics as well as other freelance illustration in the Twin Cities area. He's a member of The International Cartoonist Conspiracy, and has appeared at many conventions and shows in the Minneapolis area.
Despite the influence of art in my life and my passion for it, despite being told by everyone who knew me that I was an artist, or having attained a bachelor's degree in fine art and having heard the call in my heart to become an illustrator, I pursued other goals, probably out of a lack of self confidence in myself as an artist. I became a horse trainer who could draw ridiculously well. I became a teacher who played with fingerpaints with my children in the classroom, then came home to practice my skills in realism with oil paint in my spare time. I showed my realism work in fine art galleries across several states in the Midwest USA and found some success, but realism didn’t satisfy me. Near the end of 2018 I attended a fantasy convention with my husband, Tim Waggoner, and the art show there reignited my love of fantasy art. It was then that I decided then to begin bending my skill with realism to suit my imagination, which is where I have found true joy in my artwork. Though new to the fantasy art genre, I have found a home and a family here among the other amazing artists I am honored to be able to call my friends.
I mostly sew accessories to go along with my cosplays, which has led to creating of what I call "Pocket Bags" and "Custom Ice Pack Covers". I can make a lot of different things, and am willing to discuss custom orders on things such as bags, ice pack covers, knitting needle pouches, chair cushions, and more.
To see what I have to offer, visit my channel in MarsCon's Discord server. I'm not posting hours, but I'll reply as often and quickly as I can.
Sci-fi, fantasy and horror illustrator.
I found my happy place producing horror-themed digital art with a humorous twist.
Laramie Sasseville is an artist and F/SF fan who has been living and working in the Twin Cities area for many years. She does illustration on fantasy themes using pencils and photo manipulation, creates 3-D wearable-art bookmarks for those who love traditional books - and has published a couple coloring books: "A Discordian Coloring Book" and "Mudras Coloring Art."
Raden Studios is dedicated to telling and discovering stories. I make a mix of fun, fantasy and science fiction original art in charcoal and pointillism-style acrylic paintings, as well as handcrafted, geeky, travel-themed accessories, each inviting you to step into a new story or to help you tell your own.
Rachel likes working with clay and enjoys creating interesting shapes. She is inspired by math, pop culture, octopuses, and things that are fun to look at.
Theresa is an artist who chooses to work outside of gaming and publication, exhibiting and selling her work at science fiction convention art shows across the country. She enjoys the freedom this gives her to paint whatever she desires, allowing her paintings to be truly her creations. She was active in the field of antique carousel restoration from 1989 through 1999, painting suites of large scale paintings for the crestings of 5 antique carousels and decorative paintwork for a sixth.
Theresa exhibits at over 70 shows each year and is the recipient of numerous awards, including Popular Choice Best of Show at ConJose, the 2002 Worldcon.
Whimsical Whiskers creates unique snuggly, cuddly, friendly, adorable plush stuffed animals. Each animal is a certified Dream Guardian — defender from nightmares, keeper of secrets, soother of anxiety, and reminder of self worth. The dragons, dragon foxes and dragon bunnies are here to remind you how special and wonderful you are.
These cuddle companions are always ready to play and dress up. Some are just the right size to travel in your pocket on a keychain, and some are bigger, for hugs, cuddles and love.
MarsCon is a fan-run science fiction convention for all ages held every March in the Twin Cities area. At MarsCon you’ll find panel discussions, parties, guest of honor presentations, music of many kinds, our art show, film/anime room, science room, dealers room, charity auction, and masquerade. Our comedy music track is virtually a con in itself, and attracts a nation-wide audience.
“Forces of Darkness”
March 12 - 14, 2021
Virtual only
MarsCon 2022
“The Future Ain’t What It Used To Be”
will return to
Hilton Minneapolis/St. Paul Airport Mall of America
3800 American Blvd E
Bloomington, Minnesota
March 11 - 13, 2022
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