Since MarsCon 2021 will be virtual we will be able to connect performers and audiences anywhere within the reach of the World Wide Web. For all those who have previously been unable to come to Minnesota (in the winter...), welcome!
Our 2021 Comedy Music Track (formerly the Dementia Music Track) will feature new voices and faces, as well as some of your long-time favorites.
The Comedy Track, like all of MarsCon this year, is $free, (but donations to MarsCon in general and/or donations to the Comedy Music track in specific are gratefully accepted. Why does it still feel like 2020?)
by Jon Sloan, used by permission
Stream the Mainstage channel to view the entire comedy music track or find links to the individual performances in the program schedule.
Our 2021 Music Guest Of Honor is Robbie Ellis (learn more about Robbie or buy his music at &
...making her MarsCon debut, comedy musical artist Amy Engelhardt (learn more about Amy at her website:
...and joining us for a virtual Q&A: Jon “Bermuda” Schwartz—Drummer of “Weird Al” Yankovic’s band for over 40 years and the author of the new book Black & White & Weird All Over: The Lost Photographs of “Weird Al” Yankovic ’83-’86.
The Lineup!
Friday, March 12
9:00pm - Concert: Beth Kinderman
9:45pm - Concert: Amy Engelhardt
10:30pm - Concert: Devo Spice
11:15pm - Concert: Worm Quartet
Saturday, March 13
2:00pm - Q & A: Jon “Bermuda” Schwartz
3:00pm - Concert: the great Luke Ski
3:45pm - Concert: Il Neige
4:15pm - Concert: TV’s Kyle & Lindzilla
5:00pm - Concert: Robbie Ellis
8:00pm - Space Oddity Music Club & Brew Pub
hosted by Beth Kinderman in the Discord
Sunday, March 14
CDT, GMT-5 - doublecheck your clocks
1:00pm - Concert: Insane Ian
1:30pm - Ask Me Anything interview: Ookla The Mok
2:00pm - Concert: Throwing Toasters
2:45pm - Concert: Tom Smith
3:30pm - Concert: Comedy Music Smackdown
featuring some of the 2021 Comedy Music acts
Much more about our Comedy Music Track can be found at
MarsCon is a fan-run science fiction convention for all ages held every March in the Twin Cities area. At MarsCon you’ll find panel discussions, parties, guest of honor presentations, music of many kinds, our art show, film/anime room, science room, dealers room, charity auction, and masquerade. Our comedy music track is virtually a con in itself, and attracts a nation-wide audience.
“Forces of Darkness”
March 12 - 14, 2021
Virtual only
MarsCon 2022
“The Future Ain’t What It Used To Be”
will return to
Hilton Minneapolis/St. Paul Airport Mall of America
3800 American Blvd E
Bloomington, Minnesota
March 11 - 13, 2022
More about MarsCon may be found at...
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• Dementia:
If you are searching for the Marscon in Williamsburg, VA click here.
© 2020 and/or 2021, FenSF