MarsCon 2024 Registration

MarsCon 2024 Registration Rates
Through 10/31/2023
a.k.a. "Tier 1"
Through 1/31/2024
a.k.a. "Tier 2"
At the Door (2/1/2024 through con)
a.k.a. "Tier 3"
Teen/Adult $45.00 $55.00 $70.00
Child (6-12) $25.00 $30.00 $35.00
There is no registration charge for children under six years of age. We are happy to provide badges for this age group upon request, however they don’t need to wear badges.
Supporting $30.00 $35.00
† Supporting members pay a reduced rate through 2/2/2024 to hold memberships and then complete the purchase by paying an additional $25.00 at any time up to and including at the door.
Sponsor ‡ $80.00 $80.00 $80.00
Sponsors don’t get any perk in particular — at least nothing that’s going to cost us money. They do get the smug satisfaction that comes with knowing that some extra yummy snack in the Consuite… or perhaps another mic for Mainstage… was made possible by their contribution. Our assumption is if you’re donating extra money to MarsCon you want us to spend it on making the con better.

Single Day Pass rates are announced
Friday Only Saturday Only Sunday Only
Child 6-12$15.00$25.00$15.00
Single Day Passes will be available at the registration desk (or the Bridge if registration is closed).
Friday and Saturday Single Day passes are good through 6:00 am the following day. Sunday Single Day passes are good through the end of post-convention parties.

To buy with cash...

We accept cash at MarsCon parties at various cons throughout the year. Tell the people running the party room you want to register for MarsCon. They’ll get you all set up. Of course we also gladly accept cash at the door.

To buy with a check...

We also accept checks at MarsCon parties. For those who love paper and stamps, our 2024 registration form allows you to type in your information before you print it out (much more legible that way) and send it along with a check. (Note that the USPS is now discouraging mailing checks unless you drop your envelope into a secure USPS mailbox or the slot at a post office.) Our mailing address is:
P.O. Box 21213
Eagan, MN 55121

To buy online...

MarsCon memberships may be purchased online through our online store at Eventbrite. Select your membership type(s), answer the questions - real name(s), email address(es), badge name(s), etc. - and be sure to untick the box asking for email notifications about non-MarsCon events in the Twin Cities area. Then pay with a card, PayPal or Google Pay. You'll get a confirmation email right away, and your badge(s) will be waiting at the registration desk at MarsCon.

To buy at the door...

Bring your credit card, checkbook, or fistful of cash to the registration desk at MarsCon 2024. You can save a couple minutes in line by filling in a copy of the registration form in advance. People arriving late at night will be able to register or pick up badges in the Bridge. The Bridge, however, will not be set up to accept credit cards, so if you want to go that route to register try to arrive during daytime or early evening hours.

Send questions about MarsCon to info [redacted; use the online forms], we’ll do our best to send answers!

More about MarsCon may be found at...
  • Comedy Music:
  • Discord:
  • FaceBook:
  • Twitter/X/TwiX:

MarsCon is brought to you by the Fans Educational Network for Science Fiction (FenSF, Inc), a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Tax deductible donations always accepted.

(If you are searching for the Marscon in Virginia Beach, VA click here.)

MarsCon 2024

That’s Classified!
March 8-9-10, 2024
Hilton Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport
3800 American Blvd. E. / Bloomington, MN 55425

© 2023, FenSF